"Hello, my lord!"

"Water-type elf Siyana reports to you!"

"May the goddess of elves bless you!"

Just took out this water elf from the system space.

Su Chen was directly shocked by her appearance.

Elves are indeed the darlings of nature.

A face as fair as a baby's skin.

A head of sky-colored long hair hangs on the back.

On the forehead, there are two pointed ears.

Those big sky blue eyes were looking at Su Chen with watery eyes.

"Hi Siyana!"

Looking at Siyana in front of her, Su Chen was stunned.

Because Su Chen suddenly thought of something.

That is your own strengthening ability, as long as you are strengthened by yourself.

You can get a random skill by yourself.

This Siyana is now a natural elf of the water system.

Then strengthen her words.

[-]% will get the ability related to the water system.

The key is that my aunt will definitely get a steady stream of natural elves.

This is totally doable!

"Auntie, Auntie, give me your newborn elf."

"I'll help you strengthen it and send it back to you."

"Because every time I strengthen it, I can randomly obtain a skill."

Su Chen quickly expressed her thoughts to her aunt.

"No problem, but this sprite with elements rarely appears."

"There is only this one these two days, and I only have a [-]/[-] chance of getting an elemental spirit."

"But in the future, my Ancient Life Tree will be at a higher level."

"There will be more elemental spirits summoned."

Su Yun immediately agreed.

After all, it's not a big deal.

It can not only benefit Su Chen, but also benefit himself.

why not?

"Little ones, follow me!"

After getting my aunt's island owner number card.

Su Chen took a look and found that the two islands are more than 30 kilometers away.

We won't be able to reunite for a while.

But the good thing is that I know my aunt is safe now.

So, Su Chen waved his hand!

With Siyana, Xiaojin and Xuanwu.

Go straight into the forest.

Now I only have more than 100 energy spars.

Even after hunting today, at most five hundred energy crystals can be obtained.

If you want to continue to strengthen, it may take the day after tomorrow.

As long as he strengthens Siyana, he can be regarded as a person with superpowers.

Maybe I can pretend to be a water-type supernatural being.

"Little ones, rush for me!"

Standing on Xuanwu's back, Su Chen took Siyana with him.

Excitedly shouted.



Xiaojin and Xuanwu felt the mood of the master.

He also shouted excitedly.

He quickly ran towards the front.

Wherever it passed, it directly turned into flat ground.


After a busy day, Su Chen and the others finally returned to their castle.

Su Chen's delivery today was huge.

Now there are more than 800 energy crystals.

Xuanwu, Xiaojin and Siyana are also about to upgrade.

But Su Chen found out that he would not be rewarded for killing monsters.

Only your own pets will receive rewards.

Well, now it seems that those summoners will have a huge mid-term advantage.

I don't know how those people with other abilities leveled up.

Presumably it should be absorbing energy crystals!

In the evening, after dinner.

Su Chen sorted out today's receipts.

Directly spread things to the market for sale.

Su Chen can't use this thing now.

It's better to harvest other people's resources.

"Auntie, here are some food for you!"

"Wait until tomorrow if you have a new elf."

"You can strengthen me first."

"Then I'm taking it back for you."

After dinner.

Su Chen lay on the bed and distributed some food to her aunt.

I left a message to my aunt again.

As long as the elemental sprite appears.

Then you will be able to acquire the skills of the elemental elves.

Just like Siyana.

There are only two skills.

One is the innate affinity for water elements.

The other one is water magic!

I only need to strengthen Siyana twice.

Just take all the skills that can be given to her!

From this, we can see the dominance of sss's only skill.

Others are at most a skill.

You can have unlimited skills on your own side.

When the time comes to fight, one's own advantage will be great.

"Okay Xiaochen, I hunted some monsters here today."

"There's a lot of food, and a water source!"

"In addition, I can get two brand new elves tomorrow."

Over there, my aunt also had dinner and sent Su Chen a message.

Auntie's side is safer.

Because she has the ancient tree of life!

Her ancient tree of life is in the center of the castle.

She only needs to use energy crystals to upgrade the Ancient Tree of Life.

The key is that the elves will return to the ancient tree of life to rest every night.

It is very safe during the seven-day novice protection period.

It's not like Su Chen's Xuanwu.

And hide in the sea.

If there are very powerful monsters in the sea.

That Xuanwu is still very dangerous.

"Okay, auntie, go to sleep now!"

"Continue to work hard tomorrow, let's try to meet as soon as possible!"

"I took a look at our distance, it's about 30 kilometers."

"When we can move, sooner or later we will meet again!"

After chatting with my aunt for a while.

Su Chen then fell into a deep sleep.






In a daze.

Su Chen seemed to hear the sound of a fight.

Open your eyes and see!

Sure enough, a large group of monsters were besieging his castle at this time.

Su Chen looked around carefully.

There must be at least three or four hundred blue wolves.

At this time, these blue wolves all had blood red eyes.

There is still a foul-smelling liquid flowing from the mouth!

After the liquid dripped on the ground.

The ground is corroded and emits green smoke.

Xiaojin, Xuanwu, and Siyana.

It is resisting the invasion of these green wolves.

[Race: C-level blue wolf! 】

[Level: Level [-] (furious)! 】

[Talent: Speed! 】

[Skills: Brutal Charge, Bite! 】

[Affiliation: Chaos camp! 】

[Potential: Level [-] peak! 】

"Siyana, Xiao Jin, come back!"

Looking at the attributes of these blue wolves, Su Chen hurriedly shouted to Xiao Jin and Siyana who were fighting with these blue wolves outside the castle.

The lowest level of these blue wolves is level three.

In addition to the berserk state illuminated by the blood moon.

It can be said that their combat effectiveness has reached its peak at this time.

Your own castle is now invincible.

They can't attack at all.

It is safer to make up the knife in the castle.

Once out of the castle.

It will be very dangerous.

After all, two fists are no match for four hands!

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