All People's Island: Awakening SSS-level talent at the beginning

Chapter 84 Extraordinary momentum, both in place

"It's a hype." Su Chen said with a smile.

Hearing such words, the female leader was a little dumbfounded.

What should be said or not, Su Chen's way of speaking is really quite speechless.

Because Su Chen's speech was really a bit too direct, without any concealment, so that it made people feel unacceptable for a while.

But it's okay, the female leader has always preferred this kind of very direct and frank person.

Oh no!Why did I suddenly have an inexplicable admiration for Su Chen!

No no no!Hurry up to dispel this idea!The female leader shook her head heavily.

When meeting Su Chen for the first time, the female leader just felt that this man was stronger and he did things cleanly.

But after long-term contact, I discovered that this man was full of charm.

So much so that when she faced herself, the female leader had a complicated feeling in her heart.

She doesn't know what she thinks about Su Chen now, is it worship or admiration?

"The Giant Insect Tribe is clearly here for our Water Spirit Orb. To say that we have a good relationship with the Hundred Fish Tribe is just an excuse."

"Besides, the Hundred Fish Tribe is gone, and it has no use value for the Giant Insect Tribe."

After she finished speaking, the female leader nodded, in fact, she thought so too.

Although it is said that the relationship between clansmen and clansmen is very good, this kind of good relationship is based on the premise that they are useful to each other.

If you help me, I will make friends with you. We will help each other and grow our clan together.

If you don't have the strength, you won't be able to provide me with any help.

So sorry, in this world where the fittest survive, everyone will not act as a well-intentioned person.

Therefore, there is absolutely no need for the Giant Insect Tribe to speak in a high-sounding manner.

It's better to make it clear, everyone is clean and neat, and the purpose is clear.

On the contrary, it is this way of finding reasons and excuses that will annoy Su Chen.

"However, this kind of statement did give the giant insect tribal masters a chance to become famous, so they came." The female leader said.

Facing such a topic, Su Chen showed disapproval, as if for Su Chen, the problems in front of him were not enough to be a problem for him.

From the moment Su Chen took the Shui Lingzhu into his hands, Su Chen had already made all the mental preparations.

Of course he knew that this Water Spirit Orb would bring disaster to him.

But even so, he still has to hold the water spirit pearl firmly in his hand!

"Don't be afraid, soldiers will come to block you, water will come to cover you, even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu comes, he won't be able to take away the Water Spirit Orb from our hands!"

At this moment, Su Chen's voice carried a very powerful feeling.

This sentence also fully expressed Su Chen's attitude towards this matter.

As Su Chen said, even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu came, it would not work!

Soon, the black mass was pressing towards him.

So that when such a scene was seen in the eyes, Su Chen immediately said to Thor and Xiao Jin.

"Is everyone full? Eat another meal if you are not full, and eat some more when you are full!"

Hearing Su Chen's treacherous voice, everyone relaxed their emotions.

Because Su Chen's words, also invisibly, brought great encouragement to everyone.

When Thor heard it, he was naturally excited.

As a battle pet, where there is battle, there must be Thor.

And now Xiaojin and Siyana also want to fight eagerly to upgrade their own levels.

The opportunity in front of him finally arrived, which also aroused everyone's great desire to fight.

"Okay, Island Master, leave it to us!"

After Thor finished speaking, he happily walked towards the darkness in front of him.

Xiaojin also followed closely behind. Although Xiaojin's strength is not as strong as Thor's, it is enough to deal with the little scum of these giant worm tribes.

So right now, Xiao Jin doesn't feel any pressure or fear at all.

Finally, after a while, the crowd of giant insect tribes in this black area had already arrived in front of him.

And when facing Su Chen, the giant worm leader also showed a very strong posture.

"Hahaha! Just these two people managed to destroy the Hundred Fish Tribe. This Hundred Fish Tribe is really a waste."

The words of the leader of the giant worm seemed to look down on the leader of the Hundred Fish Tribe.

Because Su Chen and the others didn't have any sense of deterrence at all.

It even makes people feel that there is no way to compare when they face each other.

Because in the eyes of the leader of the giant worm, Su Chen and others could not be his opponents at all.

So now, the leader of the giant worm has understood that the Hundred Fish Tribe is just a bunch of waste.

Next, I saw how I took down Su Chen and the others!

Today, this water spirit bead must fall into my own hands!

However, just when the leader of the giant worm was about to rush forward.

Suddenly, a force appeared, and the leader of the Asuka tribe also arrived.

Their aura is also full. In order to win this water spirit orb, everyone has already prepared for the worst.

As long as he can get the Water Spirit Orb, he will not hesitate to pay a heavy price.

With the thoughts in my heart so far, in the following time, I saw that everyone's eyes and attention began to become a little serious.

"Look at the leader, the Giant Insect Tribe!"

The leader of the bird smiled faintly: "Let them fight first, and we will reap the benefits of the fisherman after the fight!"

"But leader, what if they join forces to deal with us?"

Hearing this, the leader of Asuka obviously hesitated a little.

Then, he slapped the clansman beside him in the face.

"Let you talk more, these are the words you should ask!?"

The clansman who was beaten was also very wronged. He obviously just said something that was very likely to happen, but he didn't expect that he would be treated like this.

At this moment, he just wanted to say one thing, that is, the baby was wronged, but the baby didn't dare to say it.

At the same time that the bird tribe saw the giant insect tribe, the leader of the giant insect tribe had also noticed the bird tribe.

"The leader of the bird really dared to come." The leader of the giant insect tribe said in disbelief.

It seems that he never thought that the leader of the Asuka Tribe would actually have the guts to come and compete with him for the Water Spirit Orb!

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