Since the leader of Asuka really dared to come, then let them see how powerful we are again!

Previously, there had also been conflicts between the giant insect tribe and the bird tribe, and the final result was nothing.

It can be said that the leader of the giant insect tribe looked down on the flying bird tribe, and the leader of the flying bird tribe also looked down on the giant insect tribe.

But the strength gap between the two sides is not very disparity, so they all get along.

After all, if the conflict really develops to the point of getting out of hand, it will be bad for everyone.

Later, the Giant Insect Tribe became friends with the Hundred Fish Tribe, and with the supply of fresh water resources from the leader of the Hundred Fish, it could be considered that they began to show a very arrogant posture in front of the Bird Tribe.

But now, when the goals of the two are very unified, at this moment, the leader of the giant worm tribe can already clearly know.

Now that the leader of the Asuka tribe has come and made such a big noise, it seems that today's battle is inevitable.

However, the leader of the Giant Worm Tribe is really not afraid. His overall strength has already surpassed that of the Bird Tribe.

If it was a head-on confrontation, the Asuka Tribe might not necessarily be their opponent.

In short, the leader of the giant worm tribe is now full of confidence. Today, this water spirit bead must be renamed and surnamed, and it will be played by him!

"Little bird tribe, dare to make trouble in front of me! Hehe! Let us know what despair is today!"

Just as the leader of the Giant Insect Tribe spoke, suddenly, another unknown force appeared in the south.

A dense mass of darkness pressed forward mightily towards this place.

Seeing this scene, the leader of the giant worm tribe was also directly deceived.

Fuck, what's going on with Nima?Besides the Asuka tribe, are there other tribes?

At this moment, the giant worm leader couldn't quite believe his eyes.

Originally, he thought that he was the leader who got the news of the water spirit pearl's trace first.

But it never occurred to them that the news about the water spirit pearl had already spread all over the country.

And everyone is not a fool, whoever masters the water spirit orb will have the capital to allow the tribe to survive for a long time.

Such a good deed, presumably for any person, it would be impossible to refuse.

In addition, in this era of scarce resources, it has a very complicated and very serious impact on people's hearts.

"What the hell, what kind of cow and horse is this!" the leader of the giant worm tribe said in a very unhappy voice.

Everyone turned their attention to this unknown force.

But helplessly, this aura is a bit too strong. When people pay attention, they can't see clearly the situation and situation inside.

Therefore, under such circumstances, everyone is also speculating on what is going on.

On the other hand, after seeing such a situation, the leader of the Asuka tribe immediately felt very confused.

"Isn't it just the giant worm tribe? What's the situation?" The leader of the bird had questions written all over his face.

He was really a little confused, and he didn't know why, so he didn't know what happened.

Logically speaking, he has the confidence to face the giant worm tribe head-on, and he is not afraid of the giant worm tribe's strength at all.

But the problem now is that besides the giant worm tribe, a third force has emerged.

This broke all the original plans of the Bird Tribe.

"Hurry up and investigate what kind of power this is." The bird leader said in a serious tone.

After hearing this, a clansman beside him waved his wings and flew out into the sky.

Now that special circumstances have arisen, the leader of the Asuka tribe also needs to change his plan.

Whether to get the water spirit orb is a matter of luck, if the little life is gone, then everything that he owns now will disappear in smoke and ashes.

Unlike the leader of the giant worm, the leader of the Asuka tribe is a smart person, he can clearly know how the follow-up things will develop.

In his eyes, life is more important than anything else, as long as life is still alive, as long as people are still alive, then everything is possible.

Unlike other tribes, in order to achieve the desired benefits, they will not hesitate to pay a very heavy price, even death.

Therefore, fundamentally, their ideas have diverged.

It can be said that the reason why the Asuka Tribe can develop steadily to the present has a lot to do with the attitude of the leader of the Asuka Tribe.

So today, the reason why the leader of the Asuka Tribe came here was for the Water Spirit Orb.

However, he didn't intend to pay too much to obtain the Water Spirit Orb.

For him, it is better to have something like this, which can sublimate the strength of his own people.

If not, it is expected, after all, there are too many tribes who want to obtain the water spirit orb.

There are those who are stronger than themselves, and those who are weaker than themselves.

All in all, this time the water spirit orb battle must be a very chaotic situation, and the leader of the Asuka tribe has already made all preparations.

"The situation is not quite right this time, we have to be more careful." The leader of the Bird Tribe said in a very serious voice.

I don't know why, but at this moment, there is always a very complicated feeling in the heart of the Bird Tribe.

This feeling is not very clear, but it makes him feel something is wrong.

Facing the situation in front of him, Su Chen saw it in his eyes and felt a little funny in his heart.

Sure enough, this Water Spirit Orb is really attractive to everyone.

I thought it would be enough to have a tribe of giant insects.

But now, too many tribes have joined in, which made Su Chen feel an inexplicable sense of courage.

To say that everyone's strength is almost the same.

But they are all willing to fight for this water spirit bead.

Presumably this time the battle for the water spirit bead will definitely cause a great sensation.

The thoughts in my heart came to this point, and then I couldn't help laughing when I saw Su Chen.

Then he said in a very serious voice: "We don't need to take action this time, and someone will naturally clean up the giant insect tribe for us."

After hearing this, the female leader nodded aside and continued to add.

"It seems that there are not only three forces coming this time, maybe more will come in the future."

"If everyone wants the Water Spirit Orb, let them let it go, and then we will do what we can." Su Chen said with a smile.

Su Chen already had an idea in his mind.

There is no need to do anything by yourself at all, just send the water spirit beads out when the time comes, and they will naturally scramble to be the first to conflict.

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