Great Power Technology.

Chapter 590 Toby West's Story

Chapter 590 Toby West's Story
"Toby West? What's the situation with them?"

Liu Sen looked at the subordinate who was talking aside, the latter was taken aback for a moment, and didn't know how to answer for a while.

He did not expect that Liu Sen would show such a strange reaction to this name, because he was actually the one who planned the strategy against Tobyxi Pharmaceuticals.

At that time, Tobysi was the only domestic supplier of batroxobin injection, which was also the only first-aid medicine for acute cerebral infarction. Simcere Pharmaceuticals, controlled by Liu's consortium, wanted to enter the market, but they were unwilling to pay for it. With zero R&D costs, he made an acquisition request to Tobysi.

Even if domestic companies' vigilance against the Liu family is ignored, in terms of commercial interests alone, Tobysi, who has a monopoly technology in his hands, cannot agree to the Liu family's acquisition request, and Simcere's negotiations have failed.

But of course they will not give up easily. With their huge funds, Simcere directly monopolized the upstream key raw materials of batroxobin injection and cut off Tobyxi’s supply chain. The answers given are all "self-research and self-use".

But in fact, they used less than one liter of raw materials.

In the end, Tobyxi was forced to reach an equity transfer agreement with Simcere Pharmaceuticals, and after Simcere Pharmaceuticals took control of Tobysi, the price of Aspergillus flavus injection rose by more than 30% in a short period of time-this is only It's testing the waters.

Not long after that, Liu's consortium encountered a chip crisis. All the chips they hoarded in cooperation with Ugly Country turned into waste products, and the occupation of funds was second. The main reason was the resolute attitude shown by Huaxia officials, which forced them to restrain themselves.

It is precisely in this way that the price of Aspergillus flavus injection has not risen to the so-called "benefit maximization" price, and more than 3 million patients have escaped the fate of being harvested by capital.

The subordinate was silent for a moment, and briefly explained Tobysi's case. Liu Sen nodded belatedly, as if recalling the connection between this matter and himself.

"Toby West, with our current conditions, is it impossible to replicate that case again?"

"The first is the pressure on funds. I remember that time, we consumed nearly 40 billion of stock funds. Now the group can't produce so much cash flow to support such a big move. Ugly country can give us a lot of help. limited."

"Secondly, for Tobysi, we are targeted. We know which raw material to buy can completely block the production of medicines, but now?"

"We don't even know the basic principles of the so-called immune reconstruction technology, and the official technical information is also very general. If we want to make decisions based on this information, the deviation rate is too high."

Hearing Liu Sen's words, the subordinate nodded and replied:
"I have considered the issues you mentioned. Indeed, the main problem facing our group now is that there are a lot of things to do, but the resources in hand are small."

"However, the small scale of resources is only relative to our company and a certain field. What if we look at the problem in a divergent way?"

"What do you mean?"

There was a bit of curiosity in Liu Sen's expression. He was not familiar with this subordinate, and it was the first time he had even seen the three words "Zhang Yifeng" on the nameplate.

However, the confident expression shown by the other party gave him a sense of intimacy, as if...bringing him back to the golden age of the Liu family 10 years ago.

Zhang Yifeng coughed and said:
"I mean, if we're just trying to win a certain company, or a certain seat in this technology, then the price we pay is really too high compared to the benefits."

"However, we all know very well that the plan this time is carried out simultaneously with the seat negotiations for the Taishang project in Ugly Country."

"That is to say, what we have done is not only related to immune reconstruction technology, but also related to nuclear fusion technology."

"Going further, such a technology will inevitably be the protagonist of the medical industry in the next few decades. If you control this technology, you can control the entire medical industry."

"Speaking of which, is our price still high?"

Liu Sen immediately understood the hidden meaning in Zhang Yifeng's words.

He is a smart person, and he will never listen to others' words. Perhaps to some young children, Zhang Yifeng is encouraging the Liu family to win the project at any cost, so as to gradually monopolize the market and technology according to the old methods, but It's just the dumbest kind of understanding.

What age is it? Do you feel that you have lived too long to fight against the Chief Technical Office?
When Zhang Yifeng said these words, what he really wanted to do was to eat both ends.

In a series of actions, the Liu family will definitely not benefit in the end, so why, they really want to be a dog-licking dog with all their hearts?
Of course, now is not the time to completely turn against the water, the Liu family still needs to cooperate with Ugly Country, but since the benefits are so rich, it is normal for them to invest more resources, right?
What the Liu family has to do is to make their plans and strategies bigger and more ambitious.

To make Ugly Country believe that the Liu family really intends to help them play a big game of chess.

As for the outcome of this game of chess, who cares?
Anyway, the Liu family is not a chess player, but just a chess piece.

Thinking of this, Liu Sen nodded approvingly, and then said:
"I basically understand what you mean, but now there is a problem that must be solved."

"In any case, we need to find a breakthrough in the immune reconstruction technology and get the corresponding bargaining chip, otherwise the Chief Technical Office has absolutely no reason to let us participate in the project—no matter how much we reform ourselves, it is impossible."

"Can you solve this problem?"

Zhang Yifeng nodded and replied:
"The General Technical Office can't handle it, but peripheral companies can still handle it. Their personnel composition is more complicated, and it's easier for us to get the information."

"However, such an action is still risky and requires group weighing and decision-making, so I will not express my opinion."

"My suggestion is, if there is public information, use it as much as possible; if you can not involve high-level people, don't involve high-level people. This is safer for us."

After listening to Zhang Yifeng's words, Liu Sen almost had the urge to applaud him. This person is too similar to himself a few years ago, ambitious in heart, but cautious in handling things. If more resources are invested in cultivating , will probably have the opportunity to become a capable assistant.

However, at this moment, it is not suitable for him to show too much edge.

"What about the others? Any other ideas?"

Liu Sen asked.

"I have the safest plan, with the highest cost investment and the most difficult implementation, but it is absolutely safe."

Someone on the left side of the conference room raised his hand and said.

"tell me the story."

After receiving Liu Sen's nod, the man said without hesitation:
"Regardless of the technology of immune reconstitution, since the announcement says that biological tissue culture is involved, they must use SUT."

"Now there are 11 mainstream SUT suppliers in the world, and 8 of them can meet high-end demands."

"Of these 8 families, 4 more are in Ugly Country."

"Three of the other four are Chinese companies."

"My plan is very simple, that is, take down all three companies."

(End of this chapter)

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