My Dimensional Life Simulator

Chapter 14 The New King of the World

Chapter 14 The New King of the World

[Year: Your suggestions over the years have allowed the rapid development of "Prosperity and Prosperity", but also let you see the darkness hidden under the entire "World Government". 】

[One year: Your strength and influence have further increased, but in your opinion it is still far from enough. 】

[Two years: You have become the most trusted person of "Em, the King of the World", and because you gave up some of your rights, her doubts about you are almost dispelled. 】

[Three years: Under the leadership of "Em the King of the World", you saw "Uranus in the Sky", and you also learned that it is a "Will Controller" that can only be used by consuming lifespan. 】

[You also understand the role of "Uranus in the sky" under the introduction of "Em the King of the World".The ancient weapon "Uranus" is not a single thing, but a complete set of systems—artificial human reproduction system, artificial human thought transformation, control system, artificial human memory implant system, human thought control system, antenna]

[You also fully understand why there is a "D family", because they are immune to the manipulation of thinking.And "Im" brought you here precisely to use the "Will Control" on you, but in the end you were resisted by your blood, but you also started a new round of disguise]

[Four years: In order to better serve "Imm", you started to propose to her the "presidential system and parliamentary system" in the memory of your previous life, and "Imm" finally adopted your idea. 】

[Five years: The "Presidential System" began to be implemented in "Marie Gioia", the original "Five Elders System" was also cancelled, and several "Five Elders" were also incorporated into the "Parliamentary System", in order to maintain the current status , you did not run for election, but instead supported several council members in private]

[No. 60 years: The second election began. In the eyes of everyone in the Holy Land, he is deeply trusted by the "King of the World Im", and has established friendly ties with major families, and has a prominent reputation in the "World Government". You still haven't run for election. "Imm, the King of the World" has doubts about the underground incidents that have appeared in "Marie Gioia" these years, but the doubts about you have further diminished]

[No. 60 five years: You, who have a great reputation and command the strongest "Dragon Family", still serve the "Dragon as a whole", and you have not participated in this "Presidential System".Your strength and status have been further improved, but you feel that your strength is far from enough, so you didn't start to implement the plan. 】

[No. 70 years: "Presidential system" has been deeply rooted in the hearts of everyone in "Marie Gioia", and the incumbent is once "one of the five old stars", but everyone including "Im" did not find out, the whole " Mary Gioia and even the Navy have been "shuffled" by your forces invisibly.You still didn’t run because you feel your strength is stuck somewhere]

【No. 70 Four Years: The "Valley of the Gods War" broke out, and you were accidentally "captured" by the "Rocks Pirates" when you went to the "Valley of the Gods" to maintain the "Will Controller", and you were beaten as a result. "Seriously injured", your will and loyalty are completely affirmed by "World King Im"]

【No. 70 Five years: You started to control and cultivate the "naval force" privately, and collected a large number of excellent "devil fruits" for your subordinates to enjoy. "The King of the World Im" even wanted you to participate in the election to serve him better, but you refused for various reasons]

【No. 70 Six Years: You began to use your "interests" to provoke the relationship between the major "Dragon Clans", and the entire "Mary Gioia" fell into the main battlefield of power and disputes. 】

[No. 80 years: You woke up one morning, accidentally broke through the bottleneck deep in your blood, and your strength increased significantly.In secret, you compete with the "Admiral" you have cultivated, and he is not your single enemy.Your physical fitness has not declined over time due to the constraints of your blood vessels. 】

[No. 80 Year: You have further made good friends with the major kingdom organizations, and let your strong men start to collect a large number of stronger "Devil Fruits" around the world]

【No. 80 Two Years: In the eyes of "King of the World" Im, you are a die-hard loyalist who is getting old, and she begins to regret the passage of time. 】

[No.80 Five years: This is a year of change and a year of rise. 】

[With the permission of "Imm", you participated in the "Presidential Election" for the first time and were successfully elected with a great reputation, but you killed all the members of the parliament who did not obey you in the eyes of everyone's astonishment, Began to accommodate the forces of the major "Dragon Clans". 】

【You have overturned the original system by using the forces you have operated in the "World Government" for many years, and even the "CP0" has long been ruled by your subordinates, and the existing "Navy Forces" have long been under your control Reached a cooperative relationship with you in the transaction]

【Using the hands and feet you have done to maintain the "Will Controller" for many years, you successfully destroyed the "Uranus in the Sky". 】

[You enter the "Between the Flowers" and start a world-shattering battle with the furious "Im". After a few days, you kill "Im" and become the brand new "King of the World" under the call of your subordinates]

[No. 80 six years: You used the generals you trained over the years to start a large-scale cleansing of the "Pirate Forces" around the world, and several large forces known as the "Four Emperors" at the time were also destroyed by you. "Pirate" has thus become the past of history. 】

[No. 80 Seven Years: You have successfully disintegrated the "slavery system" in the current world, and you have put an end to the "slave trade" and the dark side business with extremely terrifying forces]

[You canceled the supremacy of the "Dragon People" and destroyed the "Dragon Family" that disagreed with your concept]

[No. 80 Eight Years: You transformed the functions and powers of the "Navy" and made them the real "Defenders of Justice"]

[You started to free up your hands, canceled the high-value "Heavenly Gold System" at the "World Conference", and began to promulgate a new "tax system", and set extremely strict requirements for this. 】

[No. 80 Nine Years: You began to assimilate countries around the world. With your efforts, most countries became members of the new "World Government". You began to appoint capable people as relatives and consumed a large number of "Dragon People" The accumulated money is used to build the "Sea Train" at sea]

[No. 90 years: You continue to take office and further develop a substantial world trading system. 】

[The 100th year: Thanks to your efforts, the whole world is in prosperity, and you also deeply feel that the education you received in your previous life is so advanced and reasonable]

【Your status is in the highest position in the whole world. Countless human beings wanted to worship you as a god, but they were broken by your "equality system". You have further gained everyone's respect】

[The 110th year: The technology, culture, and people's life of the entire "One Piece World" have reached an unprecedented level, and your statues have also been built everywhere]

[The 120th year: You feel that your time is approaching, so you start to arrange the correct direction of the world in the future. 】

[In the same year, you died because your lifespan reached the end, and people all over the world cried bitterly for you, and you were regarded as the leader of world development by the "New World Government"]

【Your life is over】

 Thank you for your recommendation tickets and monthly tickets, and I hope to present you with better works.

  I wish you all a happy new year's eve.

(End of this chapter)

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