My Dimensional Life Simulator

Chapter 15 The Uneasy Dungeon

Chapter 15 The Uneasy Dungeon
Looking at the interface in front of him, Jiang Feng couldn't help showing a little smile on his face.

Good guy, this businessman was a bit of a bully in his previous life!
This is the first time since many simulations, the big quack of "Im" has been successfully killed. The previous few times, it was all lost in this guy's hands.

However, the words of the "Dragon Clan Blood Apostle" seem to be unable to see any side effects, could it be that there are no?
"However, it can prolong life and enhance strength. This talent is also extremely useful. It's a pity that now I don't have enough "times" to fix it to reality."

Jiang Feng shook his head with a sigh of relief.

"Being the new "King of the World" is enough to prove the strength of this talent."

He looked at the [Settlement Report] on the simulator interface, and then clicked on it.

[Dear player, you have survived this quick simulation for 123 years, and the remaining number of quick simulations is 2/12]

【You can choose any two of the loot you get in your career. Since it is a fast simulation, the level of the loot you get will decrease. If you get fragments, you need to combine them to use them】


1. "King of the World" (Special Title · Elementary)

2. Armed color domineering "primary"

3. Paper painting "full version"

4. Bawang color domineering "primary"

5. Part of the treasure collected in the career

6. Some kind of special item
The reward for this simulation seems a little too good.

Jiang Feng looked at the options carefully and thought.

Whether it's "armed-color domineering" or "overlord-color domineering", these two things that have never appeared before have unexpectedly reached the primary level, which is really rare.

As for (special title · elementary level), the word "special" alone is enough to make people curious. Could this also have an unexpected effect like the "blood of ancient giants" last time?
As for the armed color domineering, it is also possible to learn stronger ones later.

But if you miss this special title, maybe you miss it... you really miss it.

Thinking of this, Jiang Feng immediately chose options 1 and 4.

[The trophy has been selected]

【Congratulations on winning the "King of the World" (Special Title · Elementary)】

【"King of the World" (active ability): When you equip the "King of the World", a golden talent will definitely appear in your next talent draw. (Cooling time: 10 days)]

【Congratulations on obtaining the overlord-color domineering [Elementary]】

"This "King of the World" seems to have a little fragrance!"

Jiang Feng couldn't help being a little surprised, and carefully studied the function written on the "King of the World".

"This "Golden Talent" is probably above the level of "Purple Talent". In other words, I can use this ability on the unknown option of "Real Life", if it is as I expected."

"Then this will be an unimaginable... journey."

Thinking of it, Jiang Feng couldn't help swallowing, his face was full of joy, as if he was about to enter the new year and reach a new pinnacle of life.

Jiang Feng pressed the confirmation report casually.

next second.

A line of text suddenly jumped out of the interface, and then the eyes were plunged into darkness.

【This game is over】


The next afternoon.

Jiang Feng was standing in front of the gate of the hospital, with the mobile phone that made the call by his ear.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is out of service area, please try again later."

He glanced at the phone number and frowned slightly.

"What's the situation, why can't Mom's phone...can't get through?"

In the morning, he had already gone to Luo Feng's shop to learn, and under his guidance, he successfully disassembled a newly acquired monster.

Although his current strength has become stronger, but seeing the sharp fangs up close for the first time, he still inadvertently panicked.

It's just that compared to the call he received at noon, some things undoubtedly made him more worried.

"Xiaoling also said that she couldn't get through to her mother's phone number, and she hesitated to ask the medical staff over there yesterday. Could it be possible..."

Thinking of this, he quickly stepped into the hospital, took the elevator along the corridor he usually passed through, and then came to the third floor, pushed open the door of one of the departments and walked in.

"Um, young man, what's the matter?" A doctor who was writing a file looked at the young man who was in a hurry, and he couldn't help feeling a little more puzzled.

But when he took a closer look, he recognized the person in an instant.

"Doctor Liu's son?"

"Yes." Jiang Feng nodded, quickly glanced around, but did not see his mother, "Doctor, have you seen Dr. Liu during this time? Our family members can't even call."

"This..." The doctor thought about what the previous person said, shook his head and replied, "I'm sorry, it's not convenient to disclose this right now."

"Do you need a warrior to know?" Jiang Feng asked, turning his vivid eyes.

Seeing the doctor hesitate for a few seconds before nodding slightly, he immediately took out the "Physical Training Realm Martial Artist Medal" from his pocket and put it on the doctor's desk.

"I am a warrior. If possible, please inform me of Dr. Liu's current location and situation."

The doctor picked up the medal and looked at it carefully, then nodded and handed it back.

"This matter has been requested by relevant personnel before, and it is indeed impossible to narrate it with non-warrior personnel to avoid confusion."

"However, nothing happened to Dr. Liu, it's just that something serious happened down there."

"Over there..." Jiang Feng's eyes lit up instantly, "Dungeon?!"

"Yes." The doctor nodded slightly, "Our hospital has dispatched a large number of medical staff with special licenses to go there to support, and Dr. Liu is one of them. I should have gone there too, but I sprained my foot a few days ago and it is inconvenient to move .”

Jiang Feng nodded slightly, sighing secretly in his heart: That's how it is.

Luo Ge also told him that the situation of the dungeon is mostly handled secretly, because once the public knows that there is a dungeon under the city where they live, the consequences can be imagined.

Moreover, this dungeon still needs to dispatch medical staff to go there, which proves that it is by no means something that can be solved simply.

Just as Jiang Feng was thinking about it, the mobile phone in his pocket suddenly rang with a Canon sound.

He picked it up and glanced at the number. When he saw [Mom] marked on it, he quickly answered the phone.

"Xiaofeng, what can you do with me?"

"It's nothing, but I can't contact you all of a sudden, so I'm flustered." Jiang Feng replied with a dry smile.

There were two faint smiles on the other end of the phone.

"That's fine. I'll be back in about two days. I have to deal with some things here so I won't talk to you."

"Remember to tell your dad and Xiaoling that I'm on a special mission."

"Okay." Hearing the hung up call, Jiang Feng smiled slightly on his flustered cheeks.

He turned his head to look at the doctor and bowed slightly to thank him.

"Thank you, doctor."

"I'm really sorry to interrupt your work all of a sudden."

"It's okay, it's not the same for everyone." The doctor smiled and waved his hands, "But what I didn't expect was that you are a body-training martial artist. You really have a bright future."

"Where is it?" Jiang Feng smiled and waved his hands, and walked towards the door, "Then I won't disturb your work any more."

Walking out of the hospital, Jiang Feng also felt that a lot of negative energy was released in his dull heart.

He looked up at the sky and stretched lazily.

"I hope tonight, this talent can give me a good draw."

 I'm writing the next chapter fast.

  Happy New Years Eve to all of you.

(End of this chapter)

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