My Dimensional Life Simulator

Chapter 16 Travel Notes of the Dungeon of the African Chieftain

Chapter 16 Travel Notes of the Dungeon of the African Chieftain
Wake up the next morning.

Jiang Feng's right fist was clenched tightly, and his face showed the emotions of burning anger, disbelief, and explosive mentality.

"Is this the world of 'African Chiefs'!!?"

"I suspect that this "Dimensional Life Simulator" is targeting me, but I have no proof!!"


You know, he originally thought that no matter how unlucky he was, it would be because he didn't have any good talents when drawing talents, but at least he had a guaranteed purple or better blue talent.

But late last night, in that white space.

There are a total of ten talents, 1 blue and 9 white, but there is still no good product.

Among those talents, there are either "ten deaths without life" or "nine deaths for a lifetime", and the only blue talent is "passion to prove the way": never fall in love and marry for life, and when you are in a special world, your certain aspects will be greatly improved.

Is this something people can play? ?
Each talent is either full of side effects, or born with broken limbs.

After finally picking out a few with a little less side effects, he planned to choose an extra talent "Giant Race" that can significantly enhance his physique, so as to live a "second life" in adversity.

But in the end, when he was playing with other "giants" in the tenth year, he was accidentally knocked down with a punch and hit a sharp stone, thus ending the tragic life of a "non-chieftain player".

This also made him more determined.

Although I don't know if "real life" will really be what he thinks, but this "King of the World" must be used for this in the future! !
At this moment, a familiar Canon sound came from the phone.

It's only six o'clock, which handsome boy called early in the morning. When he saw the name of the caller, the words that were groaning in his mind were instantly drawn into the depths of his mind.

【Luo Feng】

"Roger, what's the matter?"

Luo Feng's hearty laughter came from the other end of the computer.

"It's nothing, but the processing line is temporarily closed today. I plan to go to the dungeon that appeared recently to collect some materials. Are you interested in going with me?"

The dungeon. The one that appeared recently, isn't that where his mother went to support him? !The doctor didn't know the location yesterday, so he just followed Brother Luo to see what the dungeon looks like by the way, and it's more reassuring to have a professional like him take him with him.

Thinking of this, he quickly replied:

"Brother Luo, when are we leaving?"

"When is it? Let me see it's 6:05, so let's gather at the door of the store at seven."

"Okay, I'm ready to go."


two hours later.

Near a construction site in Tazhai District, Yunming City.

The construction site at this time is completely different from what I have seen before. It is completely covered by a layer of light blue "energy network domain", and it is impossible to see the situation inside.

Those who tried to get close were dismissed by the armed patrol officers standing nearby, and the surrounding residents were temporarily evacuated to other areas.

After all, no one dares to joke about life.

Under Luo Feng's leadership, the two entered the "Energy Network Domain" after passing the identity verification.

Walking into the construction site, Jiang Feng glanced around, and suddenly found that there were many tents not far away, and he saw his mother busy in it.

"It's fine." He breathed a sigh of relief and sighed secretly.

Luo Feng caught a glimpse of him sighing, patted his shoulder and gave a faint smile.

"What are you thinking? This is the first time I come to this kind of place."

"En." Jiang Feng didn't say much, and followed his footsteps in another direction.

The house there is completely different from other places. In the middle of the reinforced concrete, there is a spacious staircase leading to the lower floor.

The stairs are not very long, and you can see the scene at the end of it at a glance.

The only problem is that there is a faint lavender light at the end, just like the portals and wormholes seen in animations and movies in the previous life.

From time to time, medical staff carried the wounded out, some even covered in blood, and even the bandages tightly wrapped to stop the bleeding were stained red.

"Brother Luo, is that the entrance to the dungeon?"

"Yes." Luo Feng lifted the huge backpack behind him, put his hands in his pockets and smiled lightly, "The purpose of our trip is to go in and buy monster bodies. Sometimes rare species will appear in this new place."

"If you are interested in a while, you can go to the main battlefield and try to capture or kill monsters. With your strength in body training, the danger here will be much less."

"Take it."

As he spoke, he reached out and unloaded a long knife from the side of the backpack and threw it over.

Jiang Feng took the long knife and looked at Luo Feng hesitantly.

"I took the knife, what about you, Brother Luo?"

"It's okay, I still have this, and I also plan to buy materials inside, and I don't plan to participate in the battle." Luo Feng shook his head with a smile, "But you, if you want to kill monsters, using weapons is much better than using fists .”

After speaking, he took the lead in walking down the stairs.

Jiang Feng followed closely behind and stepped into the "wormhole" shining with lavender light together with Luo Feng.

When I opened my eyes, I saw an extremely large cave, and I could barely see several cave-like things hundreds of meters away from a distance.

There is obviously no light source around, but standing here does not feel the slightest dimness.

"Iron-haired wild boar, fresh iron-haired wild boar, just came from the second floor."

"The high-grade shadow tiger skin can be used after taking it back for processing. It can also keep warm and has a very high value. You can't miss it when you pass by."

"The venom of the eight-eyed spider was collected with great difficulty. All pretty boys and girls in need come and take a look."

"Fire weaving grass, the essential spiritual grass used to improve fire resistance."

Warrior vendors selling animal skins, whole monsters, and even spirit grass and venom were setting up street stalls and yelling loudly, calling out to the material merchants who were looking around with backpacks on their backs.

Jiang Feng looked around, hesitated for a few seconds and asked:
"Brother Luo, why does this dungeon have such a spacious space, and there are no monsters around here."

"I don't know too much about that." Luo Feng shook his head, pointed at the huge space and said with a smile, "No one can explain the situation in this place, almost every dungeon will have more or less an extremely A spacious area, and there are no monsters, so this kind of place is generally referred to as a "camp."

"Then when those monsters left, apart from the portal that suddenly appeared, wouldn't they be able to leave the 'Dungeon' from here?" Jiang Feng asked after thinking.

Luo Feng glanced at the products that the peddlers were yelling around, and after regaining his senses, he continued:
"It's not uncommon. I remember that there was a city that was unable to clean up the monsters in the "Dungeon", which caused the monsters to overflow and break through the basic defense line. The final outcome of that city seemed to be...destroyed."

"Compared to this mysterious "dungeon", most people should prefer the monsters outside the city. After all, those guys seem to be more docile."

"However, if there is a risk, there is a reward. The value of the monsters in the "Dungeon" is far from that of the monsters outside the city. Some people may be lucky enough to kill a rare monster and become rich overnight."

While talking, the two of them had already walked outside those huge caves.

There were several businessmen with large backpacks standing outside the cave, their shrewd eyes narrowed slightly, as if they were checking the situation in the cave.

When the people inside just walked out with the loot, they rushed forward and started to negotiate the price.

Luo Feng took out a light blue pager from his pocket and handed it to Jiang Feng.

"This is a device that can be contacted in the "Dungeon". You can go in and have a look first. If you can't solve anything, just call me."

"Okay, thank you Rogo."

Jiang Feng nodded, and pulled out the slender Tang knife from his waist.

He looked at the deep and dark cave in front of him, took a deep breath, and then followed the steps of others into it.

 Happy New Years Eve everyone.

  I also wish you a happy new year, good health, good luck and success in the new year.

  happy New Year!

(End of this chapter)

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