My Dimensional Life Simulator

Chapter 156 Legion System

Chapter 156 Legion System
Patriarch Lecmirro sighed softly and said:

"No matter in the past or now, your father is an existence that can be called the god of pulse technique. No matter whether it is one person or a hundred people, no one has ever been able to match him."

"But this kind of person just happened to die." Jiang Feng closed his eyes slightly, and said softly: "Perhaps he didn't understand until his death why power, hatred, and the oppression of public opinion were greater than the monstrous force he possessed. It is enough to make him, the god of pulse technique, die of hatred."

Hearing this, Patriarch Lecmirro was stunned for a moment, but when he was about to continue to say something, he saw a pure plainness in Jiang Feng's slightly opened eyes.

It was as if the Karashok Pan in front of him had already deduced the truth of the matter from a short message.

It's as if General Pan, who now controls the country's military and judicial power, doesn't care about the so-called hatred at all, but wants to actually do something.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help heaving a long sigh. He only hoped that this Karashok Pan would not die because of the oppression of the big families like his father, and he didn't want him to die like the lunatic Karashok Fei. Become a tyrant who everyone kills.

Jiang Feng twisted his neck, and there was a cracking sound, and he stood up directly to Patriarch Luke Miluo, and said:

"Then let's stop today's topic for the time being. As for the answer I want, I have already learned it from the adults' words."

As he spoke, he narrowed his eyes slightly, staring closely at Patriarch Lukemiro.

"But before I leave, I have one more question I want to ask my lord."

"It's okay for General Pan to speak directly." Patriarch Lecmirro seemed to feel an extremely heavy breath spreading in the room, subconsciously lowered his head a little, and stopped looking at Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng put his hands behind his back and murmured softly:
"If it is said that in the future, all the aristocratic forces in my sacred dragon kingdom will completely disintegrate, will Mr. Luke Miluo stand on the opposite side of me and Ci?"


Patriarch Lecmirro's pupils dilated instantly, swallowed subconsciously in his throat, and looked at Jiang Feng's indifferent face in shock.

After looking at those pale golden pupils for a few seconds, a few drops of cold sweat dripped from his forehead, and he said:
"Then it depends. General Pan, what do you mean by disintegration? Is it impossible to go through what Karashok Fei experienced again?"

"That's not true. I just want to change it. Now this extremely decayed Dragon Kingdom will not be completely reduced to an irreparable ruin under the nibble of swarms of termites." The heavy look on Jiang Feng's face instantly Dissipated, smiled lightly at him, and said, "Master Lukemiro just take what I just said as a joke."

Jiang Feng nodded slightly at him, then slightly cupped his hands.

"Today, I will trouble Lord Lukemiro, and I would also like to thank Lord Lukemiro for his help in establishing the Dragon Kingdom Legion."

Saying that, he opened the door and stepped out.

Patriarch Le Kemiluo looked at Jiang Feng's leaving back and the closed door again, and his tall and straight body couldn't help but bend a little bit.

He leaned on the chair and murmured softly: "Karashok Pan? I don't know if you will follow your father's path in the future, or if you will really say what you said together with the prince How about a complete change in the decadent Dragon Kingdom?"

a few days later.

Jiang Feng came from the door with his hands behind his back, looked at the heirs of the major families sitting in each seat, nodded slightly, glanced at his eyes, and said:

"Meronica Cheng, Achilles Lan, I must have given you enough time, right? However, your two families seem to have not responded to the call for the establishment of the legion during this period of time."

"This kind of thing basically hurts every family."

Cheng patted the table and stood up, intending to have a good discussion with Jiang Feng about the mixing of members of various families in the legion, but he was overwhelmed by the breath in Jiang Feng's slightly narrowed eyes.

Jiang Feng stood on the main seat and said softly:
"Cheng, I think, you probably misheard what I said a few days ago, right? As I said, what I have with you is not a discussion, but an order."

"Why, do you keep ignoring my words again and again? Or do you really take this extremely serious matter as a joke, or in other words, treat it as a ridiculous child's play? "

As he spoke, he looked at Cheng who was gradually lowering his head, and said solemnly:

"From now on, the five fortifications starting from the border of the Dragon Kingdom must all break through the family territory, or the limitation of the sphere of influence, as well as the pulse masters of each family and the ordinary people who come from the Dragon Kingdom. Also started to fully mix it up during this time."

"As for the territory that you think about, or the issue of the family area, it is just a ridiculous child's play in the face of war, or if the beast kingdom invades now, you will not let other families come forward because of the restrictions on the family territory. Come to help, and then wait for the death of the family?"

"Moreover, the main purpose of building the coalition army is to complete the Harmony Formation that cannot be used by individuals, and to maximize the overall strength of our Dragon Kingdom's pulse technique. Speaking of this point, the two of you should no longer refute it. ? After all, in front of the real pulse masters, ten people, one hundred people, or even one thousand people are just lambs waiting to be slaughtered, and the only way to break this deadlock is to unite through the Harmonious Pulse Formation."

As he spoke, his words paused slightly, and his eyes became sharp like eagles.

"So from now on, all family members must not hold any excuses, and must participate in the legion unified pulse training every day!"

"What if you don't participate?" The corner of Ci's mouth hooked up, and he asked quickly like a babysitter.

Jiang Feng said in a solemn voice: "Deleted, no longer a member of the legion, and convicted of desertion!"

"Excellent, there is indeed a serious one." Ci's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help admiring.

After all, in his opinion, it is not easy for his good friend Karashok Pan to achieve what he is now. Even if he has changed even a person now, that change seems to be heading towards Good direction.

He only hoped that Pan would not be like the Karashok Fei that his father and the other two family patriarchs said. His heart was gradually covered by power, and he became a completely crazy tyrant controlled by power. .

Jiang Feng glanced at the people present, and continued:
"Of course, I will ask the most elite members of the Karashok family to teach you about the pulse technique, and I hope you will go back and tell your clansmen not to take what I said as a joke."

"If there is nothing to do, let's break up today's meeting."

After the other three left one after another, Madobusa Ci looked at Jiang Feng leaning on the chair with a relaxed look, and said with a light smile: "Pan, you don't seem to be worried, they won't do what you said do it."

"The bowstring has been drawn, and they have no choice but to become sharp arrows in the hands of the Dragon Kingdom." Jiang Feng shrugged, looked at the ceiling and replied, "However, this is not enough. After all, I can already foresee that when the leader At the moment of Ba's death, Cheng and Lan, as well as the patriarchs of the major families, will demand their power back immediately. At that time, the legion that Ci you want to build that does not belong to any family power will also disintegrate. "

Hearing this, Ci sighed and said: "That's true, I was like you a few days ago, and I went to ask my father about your father Karashok Xiong, and Melonika and Achilles Because of this, the patriarchs of the two families repeatedly asked me not to participate in your plan, and planned to directly dismantle the plan established by the army."

"However, you rejected them, didn't you?" Jiang Feng replied with a chuckle.

Madobusa Ci nodded slightly and said:
"Yes, after all, as they said, the edict of 600 years ago is no longer applicable to this era, but I also understand that the main reason why it is not applicable is that the current joint parliament is no longer the joint parliament of 600 years ago. After what happened after the transfer of power 300 years ago, the value of power has completely reached an unspeakable peak."

"However, it is precisely because of this that I really understand the meaning of corruption in your words. What is really corrupt is not this country, but the thoughts and souls of those who hold the highest power in this country. They are completely rotten."

As he spoke, he spread his hands, with a mocking expression on his face.

"Some things, you may want to laugh for a while, just before you came, Lan Yucheng still tried to persuade me to let me disintegrate your legion establishment plan, that is, according to what they said, return the dragon real peace in the country."

"Obviously, many pulse masters in their family have already started to side with you, but because of the teachings of their elders, they always try to stand against you and me."

"After all, they are also the heirs of the family." Jiang Feng smiled lightly, patted Ci on the shoulder lightly, and winked and said, "They can't be so free and easy as Ci you, saying that they will delay the succession of the throne or even give up the throne. Just do what you say."

"Don't make fun of me, I just want to discuss more about pulse technique, and I don't want to deal with such complicated affairs too early." Ci waved his hands again and again, and replied in a refusal manner.

Jiang Feng shook his head, the smile on his face disappeared, and he said a little seriously:

"Ci, you have to understand that once things like power and interests appear in people's hearts, they will be like rolling stones rolling down from a high mountain, and they will never stop."

"Just like Lan Hecheng, even though they already have a little yearning to join our camp, but due to the power and status they will inherit in their families and hands, they still choose to board the ships of the old era."

"As for the complicated affairs, it is estimated that in a few years, you will have full authority to handle them, until you find a suitable successor in the Dragon Kingdom in the new era, and let him bear your will and the trust of the people of the Dragon Kingdom , making the Dragon Kingdom more prosperous and powerful."

"How many years, successor?" Ci frowned slightly, with a little surprise in his eyes, and asked, "Pan, is it possible that you plan to voluntarily give up the power in your hand?"

Jiang Feng nodded slightly, smiled lightly and said:

"When I came to this world, I always have to do some things that are necessary for me, just like what you and I are doing now, to change the face of the Dragon Kingdom; in addition, of course, I also have to do some things that I like to do things, such as traveling around the world with my mother, exploring the history and culture of the past.”

He patted Ci's shoulder lightly.

"And you, according to what I said before, will no longer be the king of the Dragon Kingdom, but the ruler of a new era, a ruler born in response to the will of the people."

"Me? A ruler born of the will of the people?" Ci pointed to himself and asked in surprise.

Hearing these slightly suspicious words, Jiang Feng raised his head and smiled slightly, with a foul breath gushing out of his nose, and said:
"Of course, so from now on, you have to spend more energy to really find, or explore what the people at the bottom of the Dragon Kingdom need, and use the power in our hands to rationalize what they really need. It's the real future of this country."


Before Jiang Feng could finish speaking, Ci Yi grabbed his wrist, interrupted him, and said, "Just like the future direction of the Dragon Kingdom, it will not be in the hands of the nobles, but in the hands of the fishermen on the fishing boats in Youlongtan." In the net, in the hands of the craftsmen in the crystal workshop, on the shoulders of the sailors loading and unloading at the ferry"

"It seems that you have also remembered it." Jiang Feng smiled at him, and the two of them couldn't help but look at the sunlight shining in from the door, as if they could see the future of the entire Dragon Kingdom from it.


one year later.

The entire Dragon Kingdom has undergone earth-shaking changes.

According to the new decree jointly issued by Jiang Feng and Maduobusa Ci, pulse masters without Wenyao nationwide can also apply for Wenyao, and have the right to join the establishment of Jiang Feng, General Pan, who holds the top level in the country. Become a member of the United Legion of Pulse Art.

This kind of thing undoubtedly completely broke the monopoly of the nobles on Wen Yao, and made the several big families even want to pull Jiang Feng from the position of general completely, but because this position did not come through the so-called contest, but It is the judicial power and military power obtained through the imperial edict, and the few big families are completely dumb and eat coptis, and they can't tell what they are suffering.

After that, Jiang Feng and Ci issued a number of orders again, such as improving the treatment of the border guards, and starting from this, they completely disrupted the areas divided by the border guards into the major families. Within a few days, Jiang Feng had completed the ownership of the territories of the nobles in the joint council with his extremely powerful reputation in the joint legion.

As for the masters of pulse technique in these big families, some family members who want to join the coalition army also have the idea of ​​respecting the strong one after another after seeing Jiang Feng's extremely superb strength and attractive personality charm , followed in Jiang Feng's footsteps.

However, I still want to be a part of the people. Under the leadership of Cheng and Lan, I always try to do things in the coalition army, but because most of the members of the coalition army are gradually filled by civilians Wenyao Yaoxia or Wu Wenyao Yaoxia , making their necessity less important.

But before these big families could breathe a sigh of relief, Jiang Feng and Ci had already acted again, and what they had to do this time was to start the normal social reform plan of the Dragon Kingdom, intending to completely eradicate the current era where nobles are respected. break in.

And this also completely affected the interests of several major families, causing them to start a normal resistance against Jiang Feng, and planned to completely deprive Jiang Feng of his power.

This time, there is also a very suitable excuse for them to use, that is-the news of the demise of the sixth generation of Quebec gradually spread in the world, and spread accordingly.

 A new book will be published next month (after all, the poor grades are so poor, and Yumao contributed to it. Sure enough, there are some things that need to be done according to the original idea.)
  The reset plan is half completed, but it seems to be abolished now, let's go with the flow and let this book gradually step into the abyss.

  As for the debts owed before, it is useless to pay off this book. It is estimated that the next book will be paid off at one time. For this reason, Yumao plans to stock up a lot of manuscripts.

  Here's what follows:
  Step into the familiar dimensional worlds, witness the magnificent epic myths, and uncover the fantastic fantasy with bizarre twists and turns.

  This is a game between dimensions, and it is also the world that you and I have imagined, stepping into the familiar different worlds, witnessing the end of the king, or becoming a new king.

  Here you can satisfy your deepest desires and reveal your truest self.

  Here, you can let go of your inner fear and release your true self.

  Here, you can really make your fantasy come true, so that you can find your soul's longing.

  But now, when the gods look down on the world, human beings are still moving forward in the gap between dimensions.

  My arrival will completely liberate this world bound by dimensions and souls from the endless cage.
(End of this chapter)

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