My Dimensional Life Simulator

Chapter 157 You Can't Refuse

Chapter 157 You Can't Refuse
Dragon King Capital.

in a conference room.

Ma Duobusa Ci looked at Jiang Feng who was still sitting there calmly, thinking about something, slapped the table with both hands, and said:
"Pan, there have been rumors from the Holy Alliance that the sixth generation of Quiba died under the blow of the gods, and now this news comes from no one knows who, almost everyone in the world knows about it, why are you still Do you want to sit here?"

"If I'm not wrong, in a short while, several big families will use their power to force you to hand over the military power and judicial power of the Dragon Kingdom. At that time, all the efforts we have made before will be in vain. In vain."

Jiang Feng raised his head and smiled at him, and said softly:
"Ci, such a flustered look is not like the Prince Madobusa I know. What's more, haven't we been prepared for a long time? No matter how anxious we are now, there is nothing we can do. Just wait for these big fish to take the bait."

As he spoke, he spread his hands and chuckled lightly.

"What's more, I told you a long time ago that I will still hold the power of the Dragon Kingdom in my hands, but I will hand it back to you and the people of the Dragon Kingdom in the near future. As for the big families, it is tantamount to making meat buns. Dogs, never come back."

"However, in the Dragon Country at present, many Dragon people are still more willing to believe in the United Council." Ci's face was a little dignified, and he said:

"Furthermore, according to the recent investigations by our subordinates, the story about Karashok Fei 300 years ago has gradually spread in China. It seems that they want to forcibly mold you into the next tyrant, so that you can be removed from your position smoothly. Pull up and down."

"And even if you can't find the person who spread the news, only the heirs of the big families and you and I know about this kind of thing, and there must be their hands and feet. And the most important thing is, I don't believe that you become Kara Xiao Ke Fei is not important at all, what is important is that most dragon people will never want to gamble on this unknown ending."

Jiang Feng shook his head, slightly raised the corners of his mouth, and said softly:

"Ci, this kind of thing is irrelevant. After all, flies don't bite seamless eggs. The history of Karashok 300 years ago is indeed true, but the past is the past, and the present is the present. Everything we have done, those Ordinary Wenyao monsters, or people at the bottom of the dragon clan, can deeply feel the changes in this country."

"I can also feel that this country is gradually starting to ignite a new fire, a fire that declares war on the rulers of the old era; what's more, if the major families or nobles only have these, the military power in our hands is completely gone. Enough to crush them."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and shook it suddenly.

"After all, in the eyes of those guys who hold the real power and wealth of this country, ordinary Wenyao monsters are born to be inferior to them, and ordinary dragon people are born to do things they set for this country."

"But we are different. What we want to create is a brand new future, not just limited to the power and power in our hands, because even if that kind of thing can be grasped for a while, it will inevitably die out as time goes by."

"I hope it can really create a new era as you said." Ci Chang sighed and slumped on the chair, and couldn't help murmuring softly: "If I remember correctly, Melonika and Ahe Lucer's patriarch has already entered the palace to meet his father today, and they probably can no longer tolerate you holding extremely terrifying power, and they can't tolerate you making changes to this country that they have never thought of."

talking room.

A burst of extremely hasty footsteps came out from outside the door.

Jiang Feng raised his head slightly, and said with a faint smile: "It seems that they have completely lost their desire. I should show the ignorant nobles in this country again something that they don't want to recall."

"General Pan!"

A soldier in heavy armor ran into the room quickly, cupped his hands at Jiang Feng, looked at him adoringly, and said quickly, "General Pan, His Majesty the King has summoned you."

"Understood, I will go to the palace with my prince afterward." Jiang Feng nodded slightly and replied.

Seeing the soldiers leaving the room with their hands folded again, Ci took a deep breath, stood up, and said, "Pan, let's go, let's see the ugly faces of the two adults."

"Lord Lecmirro is standing in the same camp as us. Even if we confront them with power, it will be a three-on-two situation, so don't panic." Jiang Feng twisted his neck and stood up, his pale golden eyes gradually revealing With an extremely majestic momentum, he said: "However, since they have also started to declare war, we have to show them that the rotten guys can't stop the trend of the times after all."


Inside the palace.

The head of the Melonika family looked at Madobusa Jie's silent appearance, and said solemnly:
"Your Majesty, don't worry, as long as Karashok Pan doesn't return his power later, and even tries to imitate the behavior of Karashok Fei 300 years ago, then we will let the king's guards prepared in advance and our family guards Just take him down."

"I don't want that kind of historical tragedy to be revived in our era. After all, the cry of countless clansmen before death is simply horrific." Team leader Achilles echoed.

And their eyes have been staring at Wang Jie sitting on the main seat. After all, as long as Wang Jie supports them, or supports him in obtaining the power he deserves, then, even if Karashoke Pan No matter how powerful the technique is, it will never be as terrifying as Kuiba.

In the end, they either handed over power or were suppressed on the spot.

But their majesty the king has always kept silent. After all, he also really felt that this country is exuding a different kind of vitality, and the sleeping Dragon Kingdom seems to be gradually waking up.

Even if his own son, Madobusa Ci, did what he said, their royal family would most likely lose all power in their hands in the end, and could only become a mascot-like existence in the Dragon Kingdom, responsible for contacting the gods.

But even so, he still wants to try, try to keep that Karashok Pan in power and take this country to new heights.

at this time.

A sound of footsteps came slowly.

Several people looked up and saw Jiang Feng and Ci walking slowly into the hall wearing a standard pale gold armor.

Jiang Feng smiled slightly at the few present with his hands behind his back, and said:
"Karashok Pan is here to greet His Majesty the King and all the adults, but I don't know why you asked me to come today?"

The atmosphere at the scene quickly became tense. Chief Meronika and Chief Achilleus glanced at each other quickly, and they already had some thoughts in their hearts, but they also shook their heads slightly when they heard Madobusa Jie tapping lightly on the table. , and then looked at Jiang Feng together.

Wang Wangjie coughed lightly and said solemnly:
"General Pan, it was the year of Kueiba. The general was ordered to form a joint army when he was in danger. He worked hard every day to deal with various affairs. He even carried out a series of activities in our country, which made our country's economy even bigger now. The rate of growth has increased, and the life of the dragon people seems to have improved a bit."

"However, this king and the lords of the United Council have obtained news from the gods that the sixth generation of Quiba has been completely wiped out by the gods, and the current war of the sixth generation of Quiba will also end here. Therefore, everyone in the joint council has a little I want to discuss this matter with the general.”

"What are you talking about?" Jiang Feng shrugged slightly, looking at Meronica and Patriarch Aheluser with a nonchalant and a little carefree expression on his face.

Before Wang Jie could speak again, the patriarch Melonika on the side couldn't bear the anger in his heart, slammed the table, and said: "Karashok Pan, you don't have to pretend to be stupid now, according to As stated in the edict, when the Quebah War is over, all the military power and judicial power of the Dragon Kingdom that you possess must also be transferred back to the United Council, and the United Legion that you established must be completely disbanded, so as to prevent an army directed by your will from entering the Dragon Kingdom. There is chaos in the country."

"Oh..." Jiang Feng let out a long sigh, and spread his hands to the patriarch Melonika: "So, if you have anything to say, you can just say it, why bother to play riddles with me? You know that I am a martial artist, but I don't understand any rhetoric and language arts at all, I only know the straightforward things."

"So, you agreed to accept the arrangement of the joint council, then cooperate with our joint council and the king's guard as soon as possible to disband the joint legion." Patriarch Achilles looked at Jiang Feng solemnly.

Jiang Feng walked around on the spot with his hands behind his back. The moment his footsteps stopped, the explosion of six pulse doors echoed. He glanced at the two chiefs, Melonika and Achilleus, with smiles on their faces. Disappeared in an instant, said coldly:

"Arrangement? I don't seem to have said yes, and I'm sorry for the edict. A big fire happened to burn half a year ago. As for what everyone said about Quiba's resignation after the war, I have never, understood. .”

"Furthermore, if the United Legion is disbanded, the status and military strength of our Dragon Kingdom, which has just been improved, will gradually disintegrate in the near future. If this is the case, the two adults don't think that this behavior is very sorry for those who are willing to sacrifice for the Dragon Kingdom. Are you the pulse masters who sprinkled their heads with blood? Or, after the two families are disbanded, they are willing to completely accept the commoner Wenyao Yaoxia in my dragon country as a member of the family?"

"Karashok Pan, do you know what you're talking about!? And what's going on with your veins, are you trying to threaten us?!" The chief of the Melonika slapped the table, the anger in his eyes If it can be burned, it will probably burn Jiang Feng completely. He said angrily: "Your behavior is just like your ancestor Karashok Fei. You just want to forcibly raise the glory of your Karashok family." .”

"So, Master Melonika, are you willing to accept those ordinary Wenyao monsters?" Jiang Feng narrowed his eyes slightly and replied.

Patriarch Achilles also stood up, pressed his hands against Chief Melonika, turned to look at Jiang Feng, and said in a solemn voice:
"If General Pan is willing to completely return the power to the royal family according to the agreement in the imperial edict, the major families in my joint council are willing to accept ordinary Wenyao monsters and let them become members of our family."

"Wait, did I hear you right?" Jiang Feng raised his mouth slightly, looked at Patriarch Achilles with feigned surprise on his face, and said with a sneer, "In other words, you are planning to send more military forces to Become your family's private minion? Then what's the point of this kind of army? Does it give you the opportunity to rebel against the royal family?"

The patriarch Melonika gasped heavily, his brows were already furrowed tightly, but his irritable heart was forcibly suppressed by him, and he said: "General Pan, what we need to discuss today is about you letting go of the power in your hands, Instead of discussing common people's tattoos and Yaoxia, if there is an opportunity for that kind of thing, it will not be too late to discuss it in the future."

"That's right, if General Pan insists on sitting here and trying to imitate Karashok Fei's actions, there are some things we can say clearly." Patriarch Achilles sat down again with his arms folded, his voice full of excitement. With a chill, he said:
"The Dragon Kingdom itself was a United Kingdom formed voluntarily by various families at that time, so how could there be such a thing as treason? What's more, if our families feel that we lack a sense of security in this country, then why is there any need for this United Kingdom to exist? ?!"

"So, my lord, the union you mentioned means that when facing a powerful enemy together in the past, some unknown families fled with their own private guards and left the so-called union behind?" Jiang Feng sneered. replied.

Speaking of this, a stream of hot magma gradually gushed out from the soles of Jiang Feng's feet, and Madobusa Ci stepped back quickly to get out of the range of the magma.

Accompanied by several pulses bursting again, the chiefs of Melonika and Achilleus felt a huge pressure on their bodies in an instant. Amidst their shouts, Jiang Feng's tone was extremely flat. explain:
"Two, since the two families are unwilling to survive in this country and think that this country is not suitable for union, you can take the family members who are willing to leave with you and become as dissociated as the Karashok family. Clansmen who live outside without a fixed place."

As he spoke, he raised his right hand and snapped his fingers, and dozens of heavily armed soldiers walked in from the door.

Jiang Feng said softly: "Warriors, take off your helmets and let these two adults see your true colors."

With the sound of the helmets being removed, the pressure on the two patriarchs and the magma spreading on the ground gradually dried up, as if they had never appeared before.

But when Patriarch Achilles looked up at the familiar faces, he was stunned for a moment, and said, "Why, how could it be you? You are members of the Achilles family, is it true? Do you want to embark on a conspiracy with this Karashok Pan, and let the family experience the butcher knife brandished by the Karashok family as it did 300 years ago?!"

"Patriarch, we want to go down with General Pan and His Royal Highness to make this country more prosperous. I hope that when I go to the various cities under the Dragon Kingdom, the dragon people there will look forward to me with expectations and approval. , not a kind of contempt, or even looking up at me." A young man from the Achillesian family replied in a low voice.

As the chatter of the first person opened up, the following people began to express their thoughts one after another, but this did not change the thoughts in the hearts of the two patriarchs, but instead made them yell and curse, thinking that these people had betrayed the family .

Jiang Feng clenched his fist with his right hand and put it to his mouth, coughing lightly, facing Wang Jie, and said:
"Your Majesty, since this is the case, then we will clean up all the corrupt forces in this country and establish a brand new system according to what we have said."

As he spoke, he turned his head to look at the two of them and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"As for the two of you, you can't refuse us, let alone the result brought about by the common will of the dragon people."

 I feel that I have been confused about finding suitable materials for the past two days, and I will probably update it in advance tomorrow (but no one will read this book now, after all, I only realized not long ago that I am a useless fish who writes novels. What a failure, I completely forgot about it, otherwise I wouldn’t be like this now)
  I hope that the next book will learn from today's lessons and avoid being fooled again.

(End of this chapter)

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