Develop the world from one person

Chapter 369 367: 2 losers?

Chapter 369 Chapter 367: Both losers?
"Lightning running method, lightning running method, victory charge tornado, whirlwind charge tornado..."

Guo Yi released a robotic drill truck in his pocket, shouted the tricks of the four-wheel drive brothers at the mechanical drill trucks that started to charge, and smiled like a fool.

And how happy Guo Yi is, how depressed the Black Mountain old demon is.

In a few breaths, Guo Yi and the others released a total of almost [-] of these mechanical drilling vehicles...

Ten cars per person.

It's not that everyone only brought ten vehicles, but that if there were more than ten vehicles, it would be difficult for everyone to help those robot drilling vehicles to defend.

At the same time, this number of mechanical drill cars should be enough to support Guo Yi and the others to get close to the body of the Black Mountain old demon.

One person and one machine drill car are enough for the old Black Mountain demon to be in a hurry, but now, Guo Yi and the others have released nearly [-] cars...

The mind of the Montenegro old demon can make it attack the chassis of those mechanical drilling vehicles precisely at the same time, then it has already soared!

Not to mention, in addition to those mechanical drilling machines, there are also Guo Yi and the others behind the scenes!
Let the robotic rig approach?

Guo Yi and the others are near those rigs.

The approach of the mechanical drill car to it is equivalent to Guo Yi and the others approaching it.


In desperation, the Montenegrin old demon could only use simple methods.

Numerous tombstones rose from the ground, blocking in front of those mechanical drilling vehicles.

And the Montenegro old demon, took advantage of the mechanical drilling vehicles to drill the tombstone, and stabbed those mechanical drilling vehicles.

It's a pity that Guo Yi and the others really brought more than ten robotic drill trucks!
If ten cars explode, then continue with ten cars.

Ten cars after ten cars, a few minutes later, Guo Yi and the others began to climb the body of the Black Mountain Old Demon.

Let the Montenegrin old demon move, or fly those mechanical drill cars...

Old problem, it's out of mind!
To put it simply, the black mountain old demon's skill slot is full, and he can't put down other skills.


The old master is still the first one to attack the Black Mountain old demon...

This thunder pool moved with the movement of the old heavenly master, and began to output continuously on the body of the black mountain old demon, causing it to constantly have gravel falling from its body.

"Guys, don't destroy all the mountains."

The old heavenly master looked at the falling gravel and laughed with everyone: "Its volume is directly proportional to its strength. As long as its strength weakens, it will naturally disintegrate part of it."



The discovery of the old heavenly master made everyone's eyes brighten, and made Gandalf start his performance.

Holy light, fireball, stone crushing, and all kinds of miscellaneous magic, were smashed by Gandalf on the body of the black mountain old demon, making it scream in pain, and scattered large and small stones crazily.

Gandalf, finally turned into a fort!

However, this also made the old demon of Montenegro turn his attention to Gandalf.

In front of the magician who became a fort, the total damage of the old master's attack is really not as high as Gandalf.

Therefore, the Montenegrin old demon confronted Gandalf desperately.

Arms, resentful heads, rocks, tombstones, etc., constantly cancel each other out with Gandalf's magic, and try to encircle Gandalf.

It's a pity, but Gandalf has no CD for teleportation...

Gandalf, who kept flashing his figure and exploded with high intensity, made the half-attack and half-defense of the Montenegrin old monster gradually turn into a full-hearted defense.

And after the old demon of Montenegro was distracted by the old master and Gandalf, Guo Yi and the others successfully arrived at the foot of the old demon of Montenegro.

Army Summoning Art - Robot Drill Army!
Guo Yi and the others along the foot of the mountain discharged the machine drill truck side by side.

After losing the interception machine drill car, he began to drill on the body of the Montenegro old demon.

Although the effect of a single machine drilling rig is not great, how can a quantitative change cause a qualitative change.

one hundred...

Five hundred...

a thousand cars...

[-] vehicles...


As the number of machine drills increased, the screams of the Montenegrin old demon began to continue.

A little blood is forced to be deducted. As long as the amount is too large, no matter how long the blood bar is, it will not be able to withstand it.

Only by dodging completely can there be no injury.

Only when there is no injury can the quantity be ignored.

The only thing in the world of martial arts that can't be broken is fast, which makes sense.

It's a pity that the Montenegrin old demon's movement speed is zero, and his defense is not full!
With the passage of time, many areas of the mountain body of the Montenegrin old demon have collapsed by themselves.

six kilometers...


Nine hundred meters...


The black mountain old demon's aura is getting weaker and weaker, and its size is getting smaller and smaller, but Guo Yi's attack is becoming more and more difficult.

The area to be attacked by the Montenegro Old Demon has been reduced, and the area to be defended has also been correspondingly reduced, and its defense strength has also been strengthened.

At the same time, as time goes by, Guo Yi's situation becomes more and more difficult...

The machine drilled the car, and only a few were left working hard to open the hole.

The talismans on the clothes have faded away, and some people's clothes have even been torn apart.

The ornaments on her body, broken and cracked, have all failed.

What made Guo Yi and the others even more worried was that, except for the three elders, the energy of the others was almost exhausted.

The descendants of the Lu family, Gao Linlin and Guo Yi, have no energy left to attack...

In other words, their qi is used for defense and cannot continue to attack.

Therefore, except for the three elders, the rest of the people stayed away from the old black mountain demon and formed an formation on the spot, struggling to resist the attack of the ghost soldiers and ghost generals.

"Old Lu, go help Guo Yi and the others."

The old heavenly master glanced at Guo Yi and the others who had been injured and were forced to lie dead in the formation, frowned slightly and said to Lu Jin, "It's enough to have the old man and Gandalf here."


Lu Jin nodded, and also withdrew from the battlefield, leaving only the second elder and the Black Mountain old demon fighting.

"Admit defeat, you guys!"

The situation of Guo Yi and the others was also seen by the Black Mountain old demon, so it and the second elder laughed and said: "You leave now, then let's forget about it.

If we continue, your descendants will die! "


The old heavenly master looked at the old black mountain demon who was still nearly [-] meters long, thought about it solemnly, and finally sighed helplessly: "What you said is true?"


The old Tianshi's expression and words shocked the spirit of the old Heishan old demon, and instantly became gentle: "It's absolutely true!
Your strength is not weak, if you continue, we will die together in the end!
I think, you don't think that your orthodoxy will be cut off, right? "

Speaking of this, the Black Mountain old demon said meaningfully: "Since you are willing to bring them here, they must be some key successors, right?

Dead, but gone!
Make wedding dresses for other orthodoxy...

Who will remember you?
Are you worthy of your grandfather? "

"... Then you stop!"

The old heavenly master glanced at Guo Yi and the others, and growled a little unwillingly: "Let me take them away, and Gandalf stay here!

If you repent, we will die with you! "

"it is good!"

After the black mountain old demon agreed, those ghost soldiers and ghost generals who kept besieging Guo Yi and the others dispersed.

At the same time, the Black Mountain old demon also stopped, no longer fighting with the two elders, and let the old heavenly master leave the battlefield.

However, the few surviving robotic drill trucks are not within the scope of the stop.

After the old heavenly master left, the black mountain old demon immediately slapped those mosquitoes to death.

Gandalf, on the other hand, stood on the body of the Black Mountain Old Demon secretly and vigilantly, preventing it from going back on its word.

For a while, the battlefield began to calm down.


When the old heavenly master came to Guo Yi and the others, he immediately shouted anxiously: "Let's go!"


(End of this chapter)

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