Develop the world from one person

Chapter 370 Chapter 368: Gandalf's Betrayal

Chapter 370 Chapter 368: Gandalf's Betrayal


The old Tianshi and Guo Yi's question and answer made the old Heishan heave a sigh of relief.

To be honest, it was really afraid that Guo Yi and the others would die with it.

It is now powerful and beautiful, and its life is delicious, unparalleled.

This is going to die, what a waste!

"Hey, you practitioner, aren't you afraid that your orthodoxy will be broken?"

Just when Lu Liang began to give first aid on the battlefield, the Black Mountain old demon looked at Gandalf, who had a frosty face and nervous guard, and secretly chatted with him: "Those young people should be the descendants of those two old men." people.

What about your heirs?
Why did you listen to the old man and stay behind?
Aren't you afraid that after they save a good person, they leave the underworld without waiting for you? "

"...What exactly do you want to say?"

Gandalf was silent for a moment, then smiled coldly and said, "You don't intend to drive us apart, do you?
Your IQ should not be so bad, right? "


The Montenegrin old demon seemed to be laughing at himself or Gandalf, smiled, and said to himself: "It can't be that your inheritor is too useless, so he didn't come?

Are you not afraid that after they go back, they will destroy your orthodoxy?
If there is one less orthodoxy, the resources of the remaining orthodoxy will be much more!
For ten thousand years, I have seen many orthodoxy disappear in the long river of time because of this reason. "

Speaking of this, the Black Mountain old demon did not wait for Gandalf to refute, and continued to laugh lowly: "Oh, the person who inherits your orthodox tradition will not be better than the people who inherited the two old men, right?

If this is the case, then your orthodoxy is even more dangerous.

Destroy a Taoism stronger than myself...

Tsk tsk tsk, think about it in another place, the temptation is not small!

No way, you are the only one left in your orthodoxy, right?

No way?
Then they are bullying others, forcing scattered people to die!
Similarly, they also want to destroy your orthodoxy!

Poor man...

Other people's disciples are full of disciples and grandchildren, but you can't even keep your own morality.

Think about it, I'm not worth it for you!

Perhaps, after they go back, they will blame you for the failure...

Tut tut, is it worth it? "


Following the whisper of the Black Mountain old demon, Gandalf's body trembled undetectably.

It seems that among the several situations that the old demon of Montenegro mentioned, one of them hit Gandalf.

At the same time, Gandalf also seems to have foreseen the scene of the last words of the old black mountain demon.

"...Hmph, you evil spirit, don't try to drive us apart."

Gandalf took a deep breath, as if to comfort himself, and as if to refute the words of the old demon of Montenegro, he growled in a bad tone: "They will not abandon me!

They won't do that! "


Seeing Guo Yi and the others standing up weakly, the Black Mountain old demon began to be carefully protected by the two elders, and walked towards the exit of the passageway of the underworld, laughing: "Your teleportation technique should not be able to move from here to theirs." Bar?

You see, they are starting to leave now, and you are still standing here.

It's not far from sunrise now.

That channel, there should be no way to continue to maintain it, right? "


"Why don't you join hands with me!"

Seeing Gandalf's chest rising and falling, the Montenegrin old demon became more and more angry. He couldn't help becoming agitated, and said his purpose with a low smile: "Those people should be the last and most powerful people in the world. power?
You and I join hands to keep them. When the time comes, you will be respected in the world, and I will be king in the underworld. Isn't that good?

After completely controlling the two realms, we will try our best to find the entrance to Heaven and Lingshan.

Then, let's kill all the immortals and Buddhas in the sky together, and control the universe of the Three Realms together, isn't that good? "

In the end, the Montenegrin old demon added a knife: "It is not easy for you to cultivate so much that you have such strength. Are you so willing to become their scapegoat?"


As the second elder led Guo Yi and the others gradually approached the passage of the underworld, Gandalf's breath became more and more messy, and seemed to have begun to waver.

And Gandalf's performance made the Montenegrin old demon secretly happy.

Why is it controlling the dead city and the underworld now, not other people?
There is a part, but more of it is enough!

He knows when to be a dog, when to hold back, and when to be tough.

Therefore, in ten thousand years, those existences that were stronger than it at the beginning, those who died, and those who returned to the same return, only it remained.

There are no tigers in the mountains, and monkeys are called kings, so it is what they are talking about.

And what it is doing now is to separate Gandalf and the old master.

So what if Gandalf sees it through?

The complexity and fickleness of human nature are beyond the comprehension of even saints!
Some people like to eat a peanut in order to get their blood splashed on the spot.

Some people will abandon their wives and children for a slogan, stay away from their parents, and hide their names for more than ten years, just for that slogan to become a reality.

Who can tell these things clearly?
Therefore, whether Gandalf joins forces with it now, or Gandalf and the old master leave, it is profitable for it.

When a seed of doubt is planted, it is likely to become a big tree in the sky.

As long as Gandalf and the old master suspect each other, sooner or later they will face each other with swords.

At that time, it will be able to reap the benefits of the fisherman and become the biggest winner.

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, I missed it...

Your lifespan is numbered, right? "

Seeing Gandalf's aura as the two elders gradually approached the passage, the Montenegrin old demon began to calm down, smiled and made another knife: "After you and I kill them, I can tell you a way to increase life span." Methods!

Hurry up and decide, time is running out, this opportunity, but there is no second time! "

"Okay, let's join forces!"

"Boom boom boom~"

Following Gandalf's low growl, the body of the Black Mountain old demon instantly appeared not far from the second elder and the others.

"What do you want to do?"

The old heavenly master immediately roared, glaring at the black mountain old demon's body: "Are you going to fight us to the death?"

After the old master's words fell, Lu Jin followed closely behind, yelling at Gandalf: "You loose man, how courageous you are!

Didn't Master Zhang tell you to look at the Montenegrin old demon?
How dare you let the Black Mountain old demon send you here?

Flip you! "


The words of the second elder silenced the old black mountain demon who was about to speak, and watched the development of the situation secretly.

Gandalf, on the other hand, first glanced at Lu Jin with disdain, and then the old celestial master looked at each other expressionlessly.

The two looked at each other quietly, without speaking or moving, they just stood there quietly, looking at each other without blinking, as if seeing a flower coming out of each other.

And Lu Jin also stood one step behind the old celestial master, looking at Gandalf arrogantly.

For a while, the atmosphere of the crowd gradually became uncomfortable.

And just when the atmosphere was about to freeze to its peak, the old Tianshi suddenly let out a breath.

Following the tone of the old Tianshi, the originally tense atmosphere began to calm down sharply.

It seems that the old master seems to believe that Gandalf did not betray them.

Seeing that the situation did not go as it expected, the Montenegrin old demon suddenly spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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