Develop the world from one person

Chapter 371: Chapter 369: The Black Mountain Demon

Chapter 371: Chapter 369: The Black Mountain Demon
"Hey, don't be so nervous."

The Black Mountain old demon smiled, as if explaining to Gandalf, and as if defending himself, he said to the elders and the others calmly: "I think you seem to have forgotten this practitioner.

No, now that everyone has shaken hands and made peace, I just want to send him over so that he can join you and leave the underworld together.

By the way, let me see you off. "

Speaking of this, the Black Mountain old demon said disdainfully: "If I really want to continue fighting with you, I won't appear behind you!

Instead, just block the passage and prevent you from leaving.

You guys, you can't even think of this, can you? "


After the Black Mountain old demon finished speaking, he became quiet again, and looked at the atmosphere of the crowd with a playful look, and something went wrong again.

The reason why it said this and did this was to see if Gandalf would attack the second elder and the others.

If Gandalf really wanted to join forces with it, then he would never mind firing the first shot.

On the contrary, Gandalf is either playing it, or still hesitating.

If it's the latter, then the words and behavior of the Black Mountain old demon just now added fertilizer to the seeds of doubt in the hearts of the two elders.

It's the front foot that kills you, and the back foot that wastes mana to send Gandalf here...

No ghost, that's weird.

No matter what, Gandalf will fight the two elders in the end.


Gandalf snorted coldly, then left the body of the Black Mountain old demon, teleported past the two elders and the others, and came to the middle between the two elders and the exit of the underworld passage.


Then, Gandalf turned around, and a huge fireball suddenly hit the second elder and the others.

And the two elders, because they have been on guard against Gandalf.

Therefore, the moment Gandalf launched his attack, he dodged his fireball.


At the same time, the moment Gandalf made his move, the Montenegrin old demon also made his move.

The overwhelming arms, heads of resentful spirits, rocks and tombstones frantically attacked Lao Tianshi and Lu Jin, making them support Guo Yi flawlessly.

"Traitor, die!"

After dodging Gandalf's fireball, several juniors of the Lu family rushed in front of him, exhausted their last qi, and attacked him.


A huge beam of light shot out from Gandalf's staff, completely covering the younger generations of the Lu family.

Inside the beam of light, the figure of the younger generation of the Lu family seemed to shake and gradually disappeared.


After a few breaths, the beam of light landed on the body of the Black Mountain old demon, causing it to gasp in pain.

However, it also made it exciting.

The beam of light disappeared, and those Lu family juniors also disappeared together.

Dead, it can be said that there are no bones left, and the soul is scattered!

The enmity between Gandalf and the elders cannot be solved at all!

Just as the Black Mountain old demon expected, the second elder and the others became furious on the spot when they saw the Lu family's juniors die so horribly, and crazily resisted.


Gandalf didn't wipe it for a while, but was attacked by Ding Wei'an, causing his magic shield to break open on the spot.

"You deal with those two old men!"

Afterwards, Gandalf began to teleport continuously, dodging Guo Yi's attack, and shouted to the Black Mountain old demon with a trace of anger: "I will deal with others."


What Gandalf said made the Montenegrin old demon wonder whether it was good or bad.

The good news is that the situation finally started to play out according to its script.

What's annoying is that Gandalf's words make it think that it is Gandalf's subordinate.

Therefore, the Montenegrin old demon who didn't know how to answer focused on dealing with the second elder.

As time went by, the battle between Gandalf and Guo Yi became fiercer.

Guo Yi and the others seemed to be overwhelmed by anger, and they took all the remaining ghost-exorcism tools, exhausted their last strength, and attacked Gandalf in a disorderly manner.

Gandalf, on the other hand, kept teleporting with a face full of disdain...

As a result, the Montenegrin old demon was extremely helpless.

As Gandalf and Guo Yi continued to fight, their battlefield gradually approached the body of the Black Mountain Old Demon, making its body behind Gandalf.

As a result, all the attacks avoided by Gandalf fell on its body.

And it cannot defend or counterattack...

Because, if it defends or counterattacks, the first one to be recruited is Gandalf.

The Black Mountain old demon worked hard to bring the situation to this point. If it accidentally injured Gandalf because of its defense, causing their cooperation to break down, it would be a big loss.

As for why the Black Mountain old demon doesn't suspect that Gandalf is playing it...

In addition to those few people who died at the beginning, Guo Yi and the others were also constantly reducing their staff.

While Gandalf was teleporting, he was also constantly fighting back.

At the same time, every time he counterattacked, some of Guo Yi and the others were killed and scattered, leaving no bones left.

Perhaps because Gandalf has been dissatisfied with the attitude of the two elders towards him, as long as he makes a move, it is a powerful magic.

This is even more ruthless than when Gandalf fought with it!
In this situation, how could the Montenegrin old demon suspect that Gandalf was playing it?


As time passed again, the aura of the Montenegrin old demon dropped a lot again.

And Guo Yi and the others are also dead.

Not a single wreckage was left, it was completely dead!
On the entire battlefield, Gandalf's weakest magic blasted the ground into a deep pit with a diameter of more than ten meters and a depth of several meters.

Under such a powerful attack, how could there be any wreckage left behind?
"We will never die with you!"

The old heavenly master saw Gandalf looking at him with disdain on his face, while Guo Yi and the others didn't leave even a piece of meat, and they seemed to have gone crazy. Gandalf.

"Whoo, whoo, whoo~"

Gandalf teleported several times in a row, and came to the body of the old demon of Montenegro: "You don't need me to intervene, do you?"


The Black Mountain old demon happily let Gandalf step on its body, and continued to focus on fighting with the second elder.

Gandalf's cruelty was beyond his imagination.

There were more than a hundred people, both men and women, and they were all his juniors, all of them were beaten to death by him.

This level of ruthlessness made the old Black Mountain demon make up his mind. After killing the second elder, he immediately killed Gandalf.

Otherwise, there will be endless troubles!


And just when the Montenegrin old demon focused on attacking the second elder, it suddenly felt that there was something wrong with Gandalf's position.

The Montenegrin old demon glanced at it for a moment, and was speechless for a moment.

TMD, it is fighting to the death with the two elders.

And Gandalf actually built a house on its body in a style it had never seen before.

This is outrageous.

"What are you doing?"

The Montenegrin old demon said unhappily: "Why did you build a house on my body?"

"You haven't taught me how to prolong my life yet."

Gandalf said unkindly: "I don't build a house on your body, do you want me to live in the city of the dead?

Or, do you want to kill me later? "


I don't know if it was because he was busy fighting with the two elders, or because he didn't know how to refute, the Montenegrin old demon fell silent.

However, with the silence of the Black Mountain old demon, its attack power soared again.

It was obvious that Gandalf's actions and words had made him burn with anger.

But it can't hate Gandalf at this critical moment, it can only vent its anger on the second elder.

Gandalf saw that the Black Mountain old demon became silent, and smiled with satisfaction.

Then, he got into the house, bang bang bang dang.

And this, did not give the Montenegrin old demon a sense of knowing.


However, after a while, the Montenegrin old demon suddenly felt uneasy from the depths of his soul.

It seems that a force that can completely obliterate it is brewing in Gandalf's house.


Before the Black Mountain old demon could think clearly, it heard Gandalf's shout.

Then, stunned by it, Gandalf teleported to the side of the second elder, one in each hand, leading the second elder to teleport a few times, and then disappeared in the passage.

(End of this chapter)

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