Develop the world from one person

Chapter 372 370: The End

Chapter 372 370: The End

"I want you to exterminate the entire family!"

The old Black Mountain demon froze for a moment, then roared crazily.

At the same time, it demolished Gandalf's house for the first time...

It's not even disassembled.

When the Black Mountain old demon roared, the main body moved slightly, and then the house collapsed by itself.


As the dust from the collapse of the house settled, the Montenegrin demon finally saw what was making him so uneasy: the nuclear fusion reactor!


Just as the Black Mountain old demon was about to cast a spell and move the body away, the nuclear fusion reactor suddenly stretched out eight mechanical claws, which were firmly fixed on its body.


The Black Mountain old demon who couldn't get rid of the nuclear fusion reactor by moving, immediately attacked the nuclear fusion reactor with rocks, trying to smash the nuclear reactor directly as before.

However, after the huge, impactful rock hit the nuclear fusion reactor, it only made it tremble a few times...

The shell of the nuclear reactor was not even dented, let alone smashed.


With the nuclear fusion of the nuclear fusion reactor, the shell of the entire reactor began to light up a strange red light.

"Chi Chi Chi~"


The liquefied metal liquid began to flow onto the body of the Black Mountain old demon, making him scream out of pain, or in shock.


After a while, a bright light that seemed to be able to penetrate the thirty-three heavens spread out from the body of the old black mountain demon.

With the appearance of bright light, the body of the Black Mountain old demon was completely vaporized...

The temperature of a nuclear fusion reactor can be as high as [-] million degrees...

At this temperature, what can withstand it?
Except for the special insulation material in the Bliss Space and the corresponding cooling system, no one else, any material, can withstand this temperature!
And after the explosion of the nuclear fusion reactor was over, an unfathomably deep pit was sunken in the ground within an endless radius around the Old Demon of Montenegro.

On the wall of the huge pit, there is a faint light flowing.

This extremely cool high temperature caused an artificial glazed pit to appear in the underworld.

At the same time, let the three elders and Yan Chixia and the others look at the passage of the underworld with fear on their faces.

When the nuclear fusion reactor was about to explode, Sanlao successfully returned to the world.

As soon as the three elders left the passage, they yelled at Yan Chixia to close the door.

Yan Chixia and the others didn't sense that there were Yin soldiers and ghost generals coming out, nor did they see Guo Yi and the others coming out, and there was still a quarter of an hour before Yinshi.

Therefore, Yan Chixia and the others did not close the passage immediately, but planned to find out first.

As a result, the old heavenly master yelled at him directly, if the passage is not closed within ten breaths, they can wash up and sleep, and ascend to heaven together.

At these words, Yan Chixia and the others were so frightened that they vomited blood and forcibly closed the passage.

The moment the passage was completely closed, Yan Chixia and the others saw the entire passage crazily distorted, and a destructive aura leaked out from the gap, scaring them to vomit a few mouthfuls of blood again.

"Cough, old master, what's going on?"

Yan Chixia coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood, wiped her mouth, and asked the elders solemnly: "Where are Guo Yi and the others?

Why didn't you see them?

They won't..."

Speaking of this, Yan Chixia shook her head regretfully: "It's a pity, he died young, God is jealous of talents."

"Let him know what you said, and he will definitely wear small shoes for you."

The third elder laughed a little, and then took out a bunch of pouches: "They are here."

After finishing speaking, the old Tianshi stood up unsteadily and let Guo Yi and the others out: "No one died, but many people were disabled.

There are also many people whose meridians are completely destroyed, alas. "


When Yan Chixia and the others saw the first group of people who appeared, they couldn't help but exclaimed.

Missing arms and legs, among this group of people, they were already considered minor injuries.

Seriously, people who lack arms and legs and whose breath falls back to that of ordinary people.

Missing arms and legs, although his strength has been greatly reduced, he is still stronger than ordinary people.

And lose those who continue to practice...

Heart death is greater than sorrow!


With the appearance of Guo Yi and the others, Yan Chixia and the others became extremely heavy.

Guo Yi's state is the lightest among all the people.

It's just that the Qi is exhausted and all the equipment is gone.

The rest, including Ding Wei'an, were somewhat less flesh and blood.

No need to say much, looking at Guo Yi and the others now, Yan Chixia and the others can comprehend the hardships of their battle.


After a while, Guo Yi and the others woke up one after another.

Guo Yi looked at everyone's situation and smiled wryly: "Although it's a bit embarrassing, but no one died, it can be said to be the best ending."

After Guo Yi sighed, the person who woke up looked at Gandalf: "What's the plan?"

When the old heavenly master said he was going to leave, everyone knew that the old heavenly master had a new plan...

Therefore, with the active cooperation of the old celestial master, Lu Liang extracted the plan in the old celestial master's mind.

Then, while Lu Liang was giving emergency treatment to everyone, he simultaneously shared this plan with everyone...

Playing a bitter trick gave Gandalf the opportunity to install the most important nuclear fusion reactor on the body of the Montenegrin old demon.

As for how Gandalf knew about the old master's plan...

Don't forget, everyone has a communicator!

As long as Gao Linlin's figure is blocked so that the Black Mountain old demon cannot see Gao Linlin's lips, Gao Linlin can naturally retell the plan to Gandalf.

And the effect of Guo Yi and the others is just the effect of the combination of Gandalf's mixed magic and pouch...

Dazzling magic and lighting technique blocked everyone's body and made people lose consciousness, and then swallowed people into their pockets, and finally replaced them with shock waves to open a hole in the floor...

This is how the effect of the soul flying away from the high attack came out.

This is also the reason why Gandalf asked the Black Mountain old demon to focus on attacking the two elders, and he killed Guo Yi and the others by himself.

It can not only increase the trust of the Black Mountain old demon, but also let Guo Yi and the others escape from the battlefield safely.

At the same time, it also made the Montenegrin old demon habitually focus on the second elder.

Poor Lu Jin lost half of his arm because of this...

To be honest, if Lu Jin wasn't on the sidelines to help Lu Jin, he probably would have died in the final battle.

As for why the fusion reactor was on Gandalf...

The original plan was to ask the old master to forcibly install the nuclear fusion reactor, and then protect the reactor until the ignition of the reactor began, and then escape.

After revising the plan, the old master gave the pouch to Ding Wei'an.

Then, Gandalf pretended to be hit by Ding Wei'an, and took the opportunity to take the sac.

In this way, Guo Yi and the others reset the plan under the eyes of the old demon of Montenegro, and implemented it according to the plan.

The most important part of the whole plan is to make the Montenegro demon believe in Gandalf, and allow him to stay on the body of the Montenegro demon for a period of time, giving him the opportunity to install a nuclear fusion reactor.

Trusting the task to be completed, Guo Yi and the others don't know what to do next.

Therefore, everyone looked at Gandalf expectantly.

After Gandalf saw everyone's eyes, he didn't want to show off, and nodded gently: "Successful, there is a high probability that the old Black Mountain demon is gone!"


Gandalf's words made Guo Yi lie on the ground in large characters and laughed.

Afterwards, everyone also laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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