Develop the world from one person

Chapter 373 Chapter 371: The task is not completed

Chapter 373 Chapter 371: The task is not completed

Smiling and laughing, Guo Yi suddenly fell silent, and looked at the gradually brightening sky with a wry smile.

Damn it, the task has not been completed yet! ?

The black mountain old demon died, the scroll was sent back, and the power of the eight demons was wiped out. Logically speaking, his mission should have been completed.

However, until now, Guo Yi's mission is still unfinished...

The difficulty of attacking the Eight Great Demonic Forces will not be more difficult than attacking the Old Black Mountain Demon, right?
Damn, there must be some unexpected situation again!
"The task is not over yet."

Guo Yi stood up, sighed with everyone, and said helplessly, "Let's go back to the palace and see what's going on in other places."


In the morning, at the palace.

The emperor watched a group of "disabled" people get off the transport plane one after another, and his face changed drastically in an instant.

Damn it, Guo Yi and the others won't fail, right?
However, it feels like the number of people is not too small.

If the battle is defeated and the number of people is not much less, then there is only one situation...

Run without fighting!
The strength of the Black Mountain old demon is actually so strong! ?

For a moment, the emperor thought of how to use Guo Yi and the others to calm the anger of the Black Mountain old demon.

"The old Black Mountain demon is dead."

Seeing the changing color of the emperor's face, Kruse immediately guessed his thoughts, and explained lightly: "Although we are a little embarrassed, we won, so you can rest assured."


Kruse's words made the emperor heaved a sigh of relief, and then laughed happily: "Thank you for your hard work!

I immediately let the imperial doctors enter the palace..."

"Don't be so troublesome."

Guo Yi interrupted the emperor, frowned slightly and asked: "Where is Lux, take us to find her.

What's the situation with the eight demon forces now? "

Lax did not go to kill the old Black Mountain demon with Guo Yi and the others, but stayed in the palace, coordinating the battlefield of the other eight demon forces.

"Come with me."

When the emperor heard Guo Yi asking about the current situation, he frowned slightly, turned around and led Guo Yi, Kruse and the three elders went to a palace together, and said while walking: "The power of the eight demons has been wiped out.

However, those eight towns are also being besieged by the demon army, the situation is not optimistic..."

Following the emperor's explanation, Guo Yi's and the others' expressions turned serious.

Under the cover of artillery fire, the eight demon forces were easily wiped out.

However, there are still some remnants.

And those surviving elements, one for revenge, and the other for re-establishing their power, formed an army with some wandering ghosts and the like, and attacked the eight major cities and towns.

The agreement that does not allow large-scale combat?
Not to mention whether those surviving monsters and those wandering ghosts knew about this agreement, just ask who made the first move?
Human races are actively looking for them to fight, they can't wait to die, can they?

Therefore, after the Beijing camps in those eight towns had wiped out the eight demon forces, they turned around and found that they were also besieged by an army of demons.

The launcher is fixed, the ammunition is limited...

The people in the Beijing camp can't use those rockets to defend against the attack of the monster army, they can only rely on traditional methods to defend...

Go up the city wall, open the enchantment, and defend with cold weapons.

At the beginning, the number of demon army was not large, and the battle situation was pretty good.

However, as time went by, more and more wandering ghosts also came to share a piece of the cake...

The will and strength of the people in Jingying are good, but they are all ordinary people.

And the lowest level of wandering ghosts is no worse than a soldier of the Beijing camp.

Therefore, as the number of demon army increased, the situation in those eight towns became more and more critical.

If the sun hadn't risen to hide some monsters who were afraid of the sun, it is estimated that those eight towns might have been wiped out.

But even so, there are quite a few monsters who are not afraid of the sun.

Therefore, the battle in those eight towns has not ended until now.


"Lax, how is the battle going?"

Following the emperor's explanation, Guo Yi and the others came to Lacus.

As soon as they entered the door, Guo Yi and the others saw Lacus frowning, looking tiredly at the dozen or so screens in front of her.


Seeing Guo Yi and the others coming back, Lux breathed a sigh of relief: "How are you doing?

Are casualties okay? "

"We got it over there."

Guo Yi came to Lux's side, rubbed her hair, and then looked at the screen: "There are no dead people, but many people have lost their fighting power and cannot continue to fight.

Your side, is it over? "

On the screen, Guo Yi and the others only saw people from the capital camp and local people, constantly carrying the wounded and cleaning the battlefield, but they didn't find any monsters.


Lux sighed, and said helplessly: "It's just an attack from the demon army, it's not really over.

I estimate that they will either just besiege or not attack, and continue to attack those eight towns at night.

Or, they will continue to attack after a while..."

Speaking of this, Lacus showed an expression of letting go of the burden, and said with a smile: "You are back, then our overall situation is settled."


Guo Yi nodded, and then said to the three elders, Kruse: "Old Heavenly Master, Mr. Lu, Gandalf, please go to support a place by yourself.

Kruse, go see if you can choose five teams to support other places.

By the way, let Yan Chixia and the others move too, and let them tell the whole cultivation world to move me too. "

Lacus said that the overall situation is settled, referring to the remaining army of monsters, they are not opponents of Guo Yi and the others at all.

Those monsters who could fight Guo Yi and the others died under the cover of artillery fire.

And the army of monsters besieging the town is simply a large number.

In terms of strength, that's it.

Otherwise, the eight major towns would have disappeared long ago!

But now, Guo Yi and the others have returned, and the end of the monster army that lacks top combat power is already doomed.

As for why Lux only said one word, Guo Yi understood...

How many times has Guo Yi traveled for Lux's sea, land and air transportation, don't you understand?

Night fell again.

Just as Lux guessed, after she repelled the attack of the demon army, the demon army surrounded them without attacking, waiting for the night to come.

And this also gave the old heavenly masters time to support them.

That night, when the army of monsters was preparing to attack the city, they suddenly discovered that the world had changed.

They just came to the foot of the city wall and were about to attack when a group of practitioners appeared on the wall...

And for these cultivators, killing them is no different from cutting leeks!

With one punch, one kick, one move, a large piece of them was taken away.


Lux looked at the siege that was about to end before it started, smiled, then turned her head and asked Guo Yi, "How is it?"

Guo Yi glanced at the system and shook his head slightly: "I guess there are still too many monsters."


Lux nodded, and then said to the others: "There are still too many monsters, and the task has not been completed."


After hearing Lacus' words, the old heavenly masters narrowed their eyes...

It seems that Guo Yi's mission cannot be completed if he doesn't kill the monsters and put them on the national animal protection list! ?

 Thank you "***200" for your reward!

(End of this chapter)

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