Develop the world from one person

Chapter 374 372: Mission Accomplished

Chapter 374 372: Mission Accomplished

two months later.

At this time, Guo Yi and the others were in a barren mountain, looking expectantly at Yan Chixia and yelling with a flushed face: "Upon the laws of heaven and earth, the road of yin and yang opens...

Yin and Yang road open...

I will drive again...

Open, open, open..."

"Oh, all right."

Guo Yi looked at Yan Chixia whose tired tongue was about to stick out, and shook his head helplessly: "Take a break."

It has been two months since the battle of the old demon in Montenegro and the defense of the eight towns.

However, two months have passed, and Guo Yi's task is still not completed.

At first, Guo Yi and the others thought it was because there were too many monsters, so they chased and killed those monsters desperately.

During that time, the old masters and the others were either on various means of transportation or in the process of slaying demons and demons.

It can be said that the strength of the old masters has improved a lot...

With the feeding of a lot of actual combat, if the strength does not improve, there will be ghosts.

And as the number of monsters became tense, everyone wondered if they had gone in the wrong direction.

Recasting the Order of the Three Realms...

The order of the heavens, with that scroll and those people, should have nothing to do with Guo Yi.

In the human world, after a series of reforms by the emperor and Guo Yi, people at all levels of the human race have been improved in various ways, and their lives are better than before.

Then, among the Three Realms, only the underworld is left...

At this time, Guo Yi and the others were waiting here for Yan Chixia to open the Yin-Yang Road of the Underworld, ready to go to the Underworld to look for the Ten Temple King of Hades.

If you can't find it, let's see how to rectify the order of the underworld.


Yan Chixia was almost exhausted, and the Yin-Yang Road hadn't been opened yet.

"Oh, I'm not strong enough, sorry."

Yan Chixia sat down on the ground, and smiled wryly: "I wanted to say that I could help you, but in the end...

Ugh. "

"You can't open the Yin-Yang Road, it should have nothing to do with your strength."

The old heavenly master patted Yan Chixia on the shoulder and comforted him: "I think this is normal.

People and ghosts are strangers, the living should not be able to easily enter and leave the underworld!
The current situation, the old man thinks that it is a manifestation of the restoration of the order of the underworld to a certain extent. "

Speaking of this, the old heavenly master looked at Gandalf, smiled kindly and said to him: "Also, I think someone should have shot from behind."

Yan Chixia couldn't open the way, it couldn't be because of her own problems.

With his previous strength, he could easily lead an ordinary person like Ning Caichen in and out of the underworld.

Now, after these two months of actual combat training, Yan Chixia's strength has improved even more.

Therefore, the main reason why he couldn't drive the Yinyang Road was probably because the order of the underworld had begun to restore.

"Come again!?"

Gandalf saw that everyone was looking at him, so he naturally knew what they meant.

Ask him to find the person who issued the mission and find out the details of the mission...

In the past two months, Guo Yi has never returned once, because he was afraid that after returning, the mission would be completed suddenly, causing other people to stay in this world.

This has been dragged on for two months, if it continues to drag on, God knows how long it will take.

Therefore, since it is confirmed that Yan Chixia cannot open the Yin-Yang road of the underworld, Gandalf can only be invited to go on the road.



After a while, everyone saw Maya Gandalf floating above the body without disappearing at all, and fell silent immediately.

Damn it, this road doesn't work! ?

"Gah, what exactly is recasting the order of the Three Realms?"

Guo Yi couldn't help but roared up to the sky, but in this barren mountain and wild ridge, there was only the sound of wind and grass, not hair.

"We don't care about the Heavenly Court Spirit Mountain, and obviously we don't need to care about the underworld now, so the only thing left now is the human world."

Lu Jin squeezed the center of his eyebrows, and said helplessly: "The reform of the human race is already on the right track, if we continue to intervene, we can only create a characteristic society.

As for those demons and ghosts, there are only some low-level existences left, and any person with awe-inspiring spirit will force them back...

What exactly are we missing? "


Lu Jin's words silenced everyone again.

It was all a step away, but the door was installed with a security door, and it was a security door like a bank vault...

Grass is a plant.

"Do you think it has something to do with the emperor?"

When everyone was thinking hard, Lux suddenly said: "The protagonist of the world is the human race, and the king of the human race is the emperor.

Our previous reforms were all about things below the emperor level...

You said, do those existences want us to reform the emperor? "


What Lacus said made Guo Yi's eyes light up: "Then let's try to kill the emperor?"

"do not!"

Guo Yi's words made Yan Chixia jump up, and said nervously: "The current emperor is a rare Mingjun, the master of Zhongxing, don't mess around!"

"Guo Yi was just joking."

The old heavenly master comforted Yan Chixia, then looked at Lacus: "Lax, do you think we should have a constitutional monarchy?"

"Do not."

Lacus shook her head, and explained: "Whether it's a virtual emperor or a special society, as long as we do this, we will definitely go to war with the emperor.

At that time, the order of the world will definitely be disrupted again.

Unless, we are willing to spend decades to revise the entire order. "

Speaking of this, Lux expressed her thoughts: "I think we should teach the emperor some other knowledge..."

"Other knowledge!?"

Guo Yi was taken aback for a moment, and then asked curiously, "Thick Black Studies, Capital Theory, and Mao Yuma's Theory?"


Lux nodded, and said with a smile: "The emperor only knew a little about our previous reforms, let alone his heirs.

And those ministers can implement the reforms we talked about only because of our existence.

After we leave, within ten years, there will definitely be chaos here again...

Since order is to be recast, I think those existences don't want this order to be maintained for a few years, right? "


"...So, I only need to absorb this blue light sphere to directly obtain the knowledge you mentioned?"

In the palace, the emperor looked at the ball of light in Lu Liang's hand with a tangled expression, and said bitterly, "Can't you teach me?"

The things in the light sphere are all kinds of theoretical knowledge that Lu Liang extracted from everyone's minds...

However, the emperor is false!
Although the trust value between Guo Yi and the emperor is not low, and they are still in the honeymoon period...

However, people change!
"Do you want us to stay here for ten years, or decades?"

Just as Guo Yi was about to say something, Kruse stood up and said to the emperor with a smile: "We are practitioners, so we should have no problem living for two to three hundred years.

Time, we have plenty of...

How about you? "


Cruze's words made the emperor's body tremble slightly.

The authority given to Guo Yi and the others by the emperor was not low. If Guo Yi and the others had really been in this world for decades...

At that time, it will be difficult to say whether the emperor is the emperor or the emperor.

Not to mention, in case of a sudden death...

As far as his current sons are concerned, is there anyone who can fight against Guo Yi and the others?
Therefore, the emperor could only grit his teeth and take Lu Liang's memory ball: "How do I use it?"

"that's it……"

With a flick of Lu Liang's arm, he directly stuffed the memory ball into the emperor's mind, causing him to roll his eyes and faint.

"It actually did happen!"

And at the moment the emperor fainted, Guo Yi saw a countdown behind the task...

Obviously, this countdown should be the time for the emperor to absorb the memory, and it is also the time for Guo Yi to take people out of this world.

The task can be said to have been completed!
(End of this chapter)

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