Develop the world from one person

Chapter 375 Chapter 373: The Sixth World

Chapter 375 Chapter 373: The Eighth World
"Hurry up!"

Guo Yi stared blankly at the countdown to the mission, and then shouted to everyone: "Liu Xilin, go get the others together, we're going home.

Yan Chixia, it takes a week for the emperor to absorb knowledge.

You can handle this matter yourself, and it has nothing to do with us.

When the emperor wakes up, tell him that we are gone and will never be seen again. "

After speaking, Guo Yi left with the others in a hurry without waiting for Yan Chixia to reply.

I can finally go home!

Yan Chixia looked at Guo Yi and the others who disappeared after a flash, then looked at the emperor lying on the ground rolling his eyes, and was speechless for a moment.

Not eating or drinking for a week...

It's going to kill people!

Moreover, he had to explain to the ministers, to the imperial guards, and to ask the imperial doctor to find a way to save the emperor's life, all kinds of miscellaneous things...

Damn, give him a trouble before leaving!

"I'm finally back!"

An hour later, at Dongchen Square, Guo Yi looked at the familiar square in front of him, and the members of the transportation team that shuttled around the world as usual, and shouted excitedly.

And at this moment, a voice that I haven't heard for a long time but is still very familiar suddenly came from behind Guo Yi: "Come back when you come back, what is the ghost calling?"


Guo Yi turned his head and found that Xingzhe was sitting behind him, looking at him with a smile, and said in surprise: "Xingzhe, long time no see!
How did you come? "

"My business is done, I have nothing to do now, so come here to sit.

By the way, see when you come back. "

Xingzhe put down the document in his hand, smiled and hugged Guo Yi: "Long time no see."

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Guo Yi and Xingzhe hugged each other, and then started to let the others out: "It happens that you are here, help me to inform the medical class.

This time, there are quite a few wounded, so let them prepare the medical cabin and heal them quickly. "


When Xingzhe saw the first group of people released by Guo Yi, his expression changed instantly, as gloomy as if someone had killed his whole family.

They have traveled through several worlds, and this time is the first time that so many and such heavy wounded have come back.

At the same time, Walker also became afraid.

Fortunately, Guo Yi is still alive and kicking, and nothing seems to be wrong, otherwise, it would be really troublesome!

"what happened?"

Xingzhe greeted the groom at the side and asked him to notify the medical team, and then asked coldly: "The Heavenly Army can be mobilized now, do you need to prepare?"


Guo Yi shook his head, let people go, and explained: "No one died.

And, the task is almost complete. "

"Tell me what's going on."

"...that's the way it is."

Half a day later, Guo Yi, Lao Tianshi, Lacus and Gao Linlin sat in Lao Wei's office, and reported the situation of the whole mission with a few bigwigs in the world, and sighed: "Fortunately, no one died, otherwise it would be real. It's a bit of a loss.

That bit of gold is not worth the sacrifice of any of us! "


After Guo Yi finished speaking, Lao Wei and the others looked at Guo Yi with helplessness and fear: "What do you think?

I think life is too long, and I have nothing to do when I am full, so I also ran to fight the old black mountain demon?
You are really not afraid of death, are you? "


Guo Yi used to be perfunctory and said: "I don't want to either.

Next time I will definitely not waste time..."


Lao Wei and the others shook their heads helplessly when they saw Guo Yi's expression that a dead pig was not afraid of being scalded by boiling water.

After so many years, everyone knows Guo Yi's character very well.

Unless Guo Yi's leg is broken, God knows if he will suddenly want to do something again...

Fortunately, there is really only one Montenegro old demon in the underworld...

In case there is another Montenegrin old demon level, or a little weaker, Guo Yi and the others will die anyway.

Whether those people will have Guo Yi, God knows.

It seems that the security forces around Guo Yi still need to be strengthened.

"Don't talk about me, why are you all free now?"

Guo Yi saw Lao Wei and the others staring at him without blinking, and quickly changed the subject: "Xingzhe is back, Dongchen is unified?"

The last time Guo Yi knew about Dongchen's situation was that Dongchen had already started negotiating with various forces.

Although he could guess the result, Guo Yi was still very curious about how the world of Dongchen was doing now.


Lao Wei nodded, and laughed with Guo Yi and the others: "It's done..."

Not long after Guo Yi crossed, Dongchen officially "cooperated" with many forces.

From administration to military, economy, etc., comprehensive and equal cooperation.

The army was disbanded in situ, or dispersed and reorganized.

The main economic enterprises related to people's livelihood are fully merged and managed by Dongchen official.

All the personnel in the administrative system have abdicated, and Dongchen will arrange personnel to take over.

Except for the tsar and people at the next level, the rest of the administrative staff are given monetary compensation according to factors such as rank and power, and some unknown privileges...

Special security personnel, the right to use the universal treatment cabin, advance notice of some policies, etc., fully guarantee the safety and security of them and their next generation.

As for the third generation, it has nothing to do with Dongchen...

Given the protection of the second generation, if you can't get up, then you deserve to be eliminated by society.

However, if they break the law, they will be held accountable, and they may even be disposed of.

Privileges are not so easy to get!

In addition, Dongchen will not restrict them from returning to the administrative system...

As long as they can pass Dongchen's exam.

Of course, for cooperation, there must be some who disagree.

As for the fate of those people...

Overwork can easily lead to sudden death!
They are so worried about the people under their rule, and they are so unwilling to give in. They are even more high-risk groups among the high-risk groups.

Playing black means, who is the opponent of power?

"Dongchen has now fully taken over all the forces on the planet?"

After Lao Wei finished speaking, Guo Yi asked curiously: "Where are the people from Ezo?

Aren't they jumping up and down before I go?
Also, language, culture, customs, etc., have you all taken care of it? "


Old Wei snorted disdainfully, and said with a smile: "Thanks to their sacrifices, our integration operation can be so efficient."

Speaking of this, Lao Wei gave Guo Yi an expression that you understand, and then continued: "For language, I asked Lao Lai's research city over there to get a portable instant translator.

With that thing, it can be regarded as a unified language.

However, to truly unify the language, we still have to wait for the new generation to rise up.

As for culture and customs...

The education system has been integrated, and new teaching materials are being compiled, which will not be effective until the new generation rises up. "


Guo Yi spread his hands, and really felt that his questions were nonsense.

With Lao Wei and the others, there are think tanks in several worlds, and the small planet is united, what is so rare?

"Okay, let's go to rest first."

Guo Yi stretched his waist, and laughed with Lao Wei and the others: "Let's see what the next world is after a week."


A week passes in the blink of an eye.

Guo Yi came to Lao Wei's office again, and quietly watched the countdown behind the task with his eyes closed.

At the same time, Lao Wei and the others were also waiting silently.





Guo Yi's body squirmed for a while, and the breath in his body gradually boiled.

Afterwards, more and more qi was contained in Guo Yi's body, and the sense of oppression gradually increased, and finally reached the level of Lu Jin's strength.


Lao Wei and the others looked at Guo Yi, who was still closing his eyes tightly, and looked at each other in blank dismay.

It seems that this mission, Guo Yi paid for it with blood!

At this time, Guo Yi, who had just received the mission reward, looked at the new mission twitchingly at the corner of his mouth...

If it's not that he doesn't know where the main body of the system is, Guo Yi wants to fight the system to the death right now!

The water in the next world has broken through the sky again!
Iluvita may need to be careful when he goes to that world.

If he is not careful, he has the possibility of falling or falling!
Damn, what about playing with people?

The more he thought about it, the more angry Guo Yi opened the lottery interface: "This shit doesn't produce good things, so I won't go to the next world!"

(End of this chapter)

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