Develop the world from one person

Chapter 376 Chapter 374: World of Warcraft

Chapter 376 Chapter 374: World of Warcraft

"Thank you for subscribing..."

"Thank you for the reward..."

"Thank you Piaopiao..."


Guo Yi looked at the pile of thank you, and fell into a distorted silence.

Damn, it’s not like this to make up the numbers, is it?
Giving me a piece of Fu Qingfeng's chest wrap is better than thank you, right?
At the very least, keep the chest wraps as original flavors...

Thank you to TM, is it useful?

But this time the lottery draw, Guo Yi is not completely without gains.

"Millions of Swords Returning to the Sect, Remnant..."

Guo Yi looked at the rewards drawn from the last lottery, and his face gradually became grim: "I need to cultivate the sword embryo, I need mana to activate it, I need sword intent, I need...

Damn, with so many restrictions, what's the difference between having this reward and not having it?
This damn is not disabled, but useless, right?

Accumulate the sword fetus...

Come on, master of the system, you tell me how to cultivate the sword fetus!
Fuck the system is yours!

There are so many worlds, I have never won a lottery!
The system, you fucking come out to me..."


Seeing Guo Yi gritted his teeth and opened his eyes with bloodshot eyes, Lao Wei and the others suddenly became uneasy: "What's wrong?"


Guo Yi took a deep breath, then looked at Lao Wei and the others helplessly with a mournful face: "The next task is easy to say, hard to say...

Maybe, even Iluvita will be in trouble. "


Lao Wei and the others looked at each other, frowned, and asked worriedly, "Another world filled with gods and Buddhas?"

"To a certain extent, there is almost a world where golden immortals are everywhere, and Taiyi is not as good as a dog..."

Guo Yi squeezed the space between his eyebrows, and said painfully: "The next world is called "World of Warcraft".

The history and timeline are too long, so I won’t talk about it first, let me talk about my mission first..."

Speaking of this, Guo Yi sighed, and looked up at the ceiling blankly: "Help Eonar recover her body!

Eonar, one of the Eight Great Titans..."

The body of the Titan is composed of the original matter at the beginning of the universe, and the original power of creation is contained in the body.

The souls of the titans are all conceived by the soul of the world.

These souls will sleep for thousands of years in the fiery core of a handful of planets, and then draw soul energy from the planet they are on until they wake up.

Therefore, each titan can also be seen as a living world.

Their bodies are wrapped in stars, the surface is covered with mountains and rivers, and their eyes shine like stars.

At the same time, the Titans are also the supreme beings of purity and goodness, so they cannot really understand all kinds of evil or malevolent things.


After Guo Yi briefly introduced the mission and the race of Titans, Lao Wei and the others immediately became serious.

Guo Yi's mission is to help Eonar regain her body...

This also means that those Titans must belong to the enemy, and something happened to Guo Yi's mission target...

The flesh is destroyed.

Otherwise, such a task would not have appeared.

But if the Titan's level is placed there, its enemies must be at the same level, and may even be at a higher level.

Otherwise, it is impossible to destroy the Titan's physical body.

This also means that the enemy of Guo Yi's mission this time is at least an enemy with the power to create the world.

The battle with the Chuangshi God level...

"Okay, give up the mission."

Lao Wei and the others looked at each other, and smiled gently with Guo Yi: "From now on, you can do whatever you want.

Remember not to step on the red line.

If you want to be an official or something, just tell me, we will give you a position. "


At this time, Guo Yi was in a daze, ignoring Lao Wei's suggestion.

Seriously, if World of Warcraft is a game, it is the belief of a generation...

Alliance Dog, Horde Pig, Brother Sword, Door Opening Mission, NAXX, Beast, Electronic Heroin, etc., that game has too many indelible memories.

If time can be turned back, then the only thing Guo Yi will do repeatedly is to play WOW!

However, if Master Guo Yi is to go to World of Warcraft...

The more inside information he knows, the more empty his heart will be!

Not to mention the Shadowlands, Void Lords, Old Gods, Sargeras and other out-of-spec goods, the Burning Legion alone is enough for Guo Yi to eat a pot!
Moreover, he still eats a pot now!
play tech...

The Burning Legion also has fel technology, and it also has space battleships.

play superpowers...

Hehe, let’s find out about the twelve occupations.

Moreover, it is a profession with a complete upgrade tree!

"You still want to try it, don't you?"

Seeing Guo Yi in a daze, Lao Wei and the others did not respond to them, and said anxiously: "The contribution you have made to our several worlds is already so great that you can crack the earth and become a king, and you don't need to continue. Desperate."

Following Lao Wei's words, other people also said: "Myriad worlds are wonderful, but the universe is also wonderful.

You can't go to other worlds, you can still explore the unfathomable universe! "

"Your task is to restore Eonar to her body.

How many years will it take for the body of a Creator God to recover? Have you considered it?

Your task is simply impossible to complete! "



Guo Yi closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then opened his eyes: "I said, this mission is simple, but it is actually very simple.

The reward for completing the task is to continue to open the next world normally while Eonar recovers her body. "


Guo Yi's words made Lao Wei and the others confused: "Your task is to help Eonar recover her body, and the reward is to help Eonar recover her body and open the next world normally...

Is not this contradictory? "

"Do not."

Guo Yi shook his head slightly, and explained: "The real mission, I think it should be..."

The way to restore Eonar's body is very simple, as long as she is given a few planets to cultivate, she can restore her body by herself.

And in the world of World of Warcraft, there is no planet at all, and there is no chance to restore Eonar's body...

For thousands of years, Sargeras and the Burning Legion have been hunting Eonar.

Therefore, Guo Yi must bring Eonar's soul back to these worlds, so that Eonar can recover her body with peace of mind.

Therefore, Guo Yi's real mission is to take Eonar's soul out of World of Warcraft!

However, why does the system display helping Eonar regain her body...

God only knows.


Old Wei and the others nodded and asked, "Why do you say it's easy to take Eonar's soul out of World of Warcraft?"

"Two conditions..."

Guo Yi raised two fingers, and Lao Wei and the others said seriously: "First of all, I must know the location of Eonar.

Second, I must successfully leave Azeroth while being hunted down by Nozdormu or Mnozdor.

As long as these two conditions are met, the task is very simple! "

(End of this chapter)

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