Develop the world from one person

Chapter 377 Chapter 375: Prepare to cross

Chapter 377 Chapter 375: Prepare to cross

"The pursuit of Nozdormu or Murozdor?"

Old Wei and the others were taken aback, and asked curiously, "Are they the enemies of your mission this time?

Where is Azeroth? "


Guo Yi shook his head and sighed: "Azeroth is the star soul that is still in a sleeping state, that is, the ninth Titan.

If I travel to the past, it is likely to appear on this planet.

And Nozdormu and Mnozdor are the same dragon.

The former is the current Bronze Dragon, and the latter is the future Bronze Dragon: Eternal Dragon..."

The Bronze Dragon is one of the five guardian dragons, and was given the ability to travel through time and space by Aman'Thul, the father of the gods.

Its leader, the Bronze Dragonlord Nozdormu, and his sons have thus been given the task of ensuring the integrity of Azeroth's timeline.

However, because of this ability to travel through time and space, Nozdormu fell into an endless loop...

To put it simply, Nozdormu now wants to go back [-] years ago, retrieve the soul of the dragon, and prevent Deathwing (the fallen five-color guardian dragon, the dragon king of the black dragon family) from destroying the world.

However, when Nozdormu stopped Deathwing, he realized what he shouldn't have stopped.

Nozdormu then descended into the Eternal Dragon, traveling back in time to prevent his former self from retrieving the Dragon Soul.

"The future self will kill the present self, and if the present self kills the future self, it will become the future self..."

Lao Wei and the others summed it up like a tongue twister, and then smiled wryly: "This is really enough.

To protect the integrity of the timeline...

This is naturally against you! "


Guo Yi nodded, and said helplessly: "My appearance may cause the timeline of Azeroth to be interrupted, so Nozdormu will definitely block me when I travel.

I must escape its pursuit and leave Azeroth before I can go to the depths of the universe to find Eonar's soul and bring her back. "

"No, I don't think Nozdormu will come after you."

As soon as Guo Yi finished speaking, the old Tianshi suddenly retorted: "You just fell into a misunderstanding of thinking.

If Nozdormu knows about you, it means you interrupted Azeroth's timeline.

However, this time you are mainly bringing Eonar back, not making trouble in Azeroth...

So, when Nozdormu knows about you, you should be the next thing you go back to World of Warcraft. "


The words of the old heavenly master made everyone's eyes light up and they reacted.

If Guo Yi left Azeroth immediately after crossing, it would be impossible for him to affect the timeline of Azeroth.

If it doesn't affect the timeline of Azeroth, then Nozdormu will naturally not know the existence of Guo Yi.

"Besides this question, I have another guess..."

After the old master waited for everyone to react, he looked at Guo Yi calmly, and said lightly: "The task can be changed.

So, is it possible that your mission is that someone paid a price and asked you to perform some mission? "


The words of the old heavenly master made Guo Yi stand up with his eyes wide open, and looked at the old heavenly master with a bewildered face: "You mean, Ionar paid some price and means, and then released me This mission!?"

"This is just an old guess, don't be nervous"

The old heavenly master nodded, and then comforted him: "Whether someone sends you a mission or not, the sovereignty is in your hands.

Because, it is up to you to decide whether to do the task or not! "


Guo Yi was silent for a moment, then nodded helplessly: "Yes."

"Then there are only two other questions now."

Lao Wei and the others took a meaningful look at Guo Yi, then skipped the subject of old Tianshi's speculation: "The location of Eonar.

Also, the distance between you and Eonar after crossing.

If you have to sail for ten or eight years to reach Eonar's location, that would be a troublesome matter.

If you don't know where Eonar is...

Give you eighteen lifetimes, and you won't be able to find Eonar from the universe. "

"For the distance, rely on automatic navigation."

Guo Yi nodded, and said helplessly: "The big deal is that I'll just come back after I pass by.

This is not a problem.

As for the location, I have an idea. "


Everyone was taken aback, and then thought of an old man who was still trying to get out of Sichuan.

Anyway, he is also a demigod, so he should be able to find Eonar, right?

If it doesn't work, they still have a peripheral member of the All Heavens Alliance in their hands.

One is also a member of Creation God: Iluvita!

No matter how watery it is, it is still a God of Creation God level, so it should have a way to find Eonar's hiding place, right?

If even Iluvita can't do anything about it, then Guo Yi can only pray for the power of the system to transmit it directly to the vicinity of Eonar.

"I'm going to Gandalf."

Guo Yi thought that this mission would have a chance to be completed, and that there would probably not be a fight, and it would not pose a threat to his safety, so he left in a hurry: "Other things, wait until I finish looking for Gandalf." .”


Lao Wei and the others looked at the impatient Guo Yi and shook their heads helplessly.

Afterwards, Lao Wei looked at Lao Gao and Lao Lai: "Let's find a way to prepare some super high-speed space battleships for Guo Yi.

Best of all, it can travel at the speed of light.

With the current speed of the Zhutian, I am worried that Guo Yi may not be able to meet Eonar after running for a lifetime. "

"it is good……"


The Lord of the Rings, Water Mirror.

When Gandalf came back and understood the situation, he spread his hands out, expressing that he was helpless...

This time God Gandalf, there is too much water!

In desperation, Guo Yi had no choice but to go to the world of Lord of the Rings with Gandalf.

At this time, Guo Yi was going to the place where Iluvita was through the water mirror.

As for Gandalf...

The body is also lying at Guo Yi's feet, and the soul is also in Iluvitana.


After a long time, Guo Yi and Gandalf returned to their souls.

After returning to his soul, Guo Yi laughed like a madman, while Gandalf was full of grievances...

World of Warcraft and Lord of the Rings, in terms of genre, are both western fantasy worlds.

Therefore, Iluvita can attach part of his will and power to Gandalf, use Gandalf to sneak into World of Warcraft, and help Guo Yi find Eonar.

That's why Gandalf was wronged like a child...

Who the hell wants to eat and live with the superior?

At the same time, because Iluvita is possessed by Gandalf, Gandalf cannot leave the Lord of the Rings while Guo Yi is preparing...

According to Iluvita, there will be some unspeakable consequences for him to go to other worlds where Guo Yi opened the door.

A lot of information, but not the point.

The important point is that Guo Yi's action is accompanied by Iluvita!
The sky is falling, and there is a tall one holding it up.

And Iluvita is the tallest one in Guo Yi's hands.

"Hey, Gandalf is lucky for you."

Guo Yi patted Gandalf on the shoulder with a smile, and left without waiting for him to cry: "During this time, you will wait for me in the trading city.

I'll get it ready as soon as possible, so I won't keep you waiting too long.

Moreover, there are also Sichuan dishes for you to taste.

Although the Sichuan cuisine there is not authentic, the atmosphere is not good, and the ingredients are rubbish.

But it also has a different flavor.

For the sake of the overall situation, just bear with it, and it will be fine soon. "

(End of this chapter)

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