Develop the world from one person

Chapter 379 Chapter 377: Finding Eonar

Chapter 379 Chapter 377: Finding Eonar

World of Warcraft.

Night is covering the earth.

At this moment, Guo Yi and Iluvita appeared in a forest somewhere in World of Warcraft.

Tall trees, dense branches and leaves, under the moonlight, the shadows of the trees are mottled.

The breeze blew gently, rustling the leaves and grass.

It was very quiet, so quiet that it gave people an extremely uneasy and permeating eerie feeling.

It seems that this forest is an abyss waiting to be devoured by people.

Unlike the darkness in the forest, there is a brightly lit city in the distance of Guo Yi...

Or, more appropriately, towns.

The tall city walls are covered with torches and lanterns, making the surrounding lights brightly illuminated.

On the top of the city, soldiers wearing silver armor with resolute faces patrolled back and forth on the city wall.

At some distance, there is also a fixed sentinel with a spear and his head held high.

The slightest noise came faintly from inside the city wall, adding a touch of popularity to this quiet night.

"You don't want to go in, do you?"

Iluvita looked at Guo Yi who was staring at the town intently, and said calmly: "If you really want to go in, then I can only use unfriendly means to discourage you from going in."

"No, I'll just take a look, just a look."

Guo Yi hastily shook his head slightly, denying the idea of ​​going in for a night.

However, there was still a trace of regret in his eyes.

There are only a few houses in Flash Town in the game, no city walls, and no patrolling soldiers back and forth.

And in front of him, the real Flashing Town is a town with a permanent population of 7000 people.

It is not only the largest town in Stormwind City, but also the most important transportation hub and strategic point in Stormwind City.

As for why Guo Yi knew that the city was Gold Shining Town...

Look at the environment you are in now, and look at the wolf man who was silently crushed to death by Iluvita.

It's impossible to guess that if the town is Flash Town, then Guo Yi has really been playing WOW for so many years.

"So what do we do now?"

Iluvita looked around, pinched some lurking beasts to death by the way, and said curiously: "Do you want to put the space battleship directly here?"

"If you put it here, the movement is not small, and it is easy to attract the soldiers of Stormwind City."

Guo Yi shook his head, and then smiled with Iluvita: "Go, I know where there is a flat place with few people."

After finishing speaking, Guo Yi took Iluvita around Shimmer Town in the forest, settled on the current location, and then walked along a certain road to the West Wilderness.

Westfall is the territory of Stormwind City, and it is also a rich food production area of ​​Stormwind City...

Before the Kingdom of Stormwind fell and became a stronghold of the Defias Brotherhood.

It's a pity that there is too little information now, and Guo Yi is not sure what time it is, and he doesn't know what's going on in the West Wilderness.

However, if you want to release the Zhutian and enter the universe without alarming anyone, the closest place is the West Wilderness.


At noon the next day, after a night and a morning of running, Guo Yi and Iluvita finally saw a bridge across the river.

In the game, it takes only a little time to run from Flash Town to West Wilderness.

And running on a real map...

Guo Yi ran for more than ten hours, his tired eyes almost popped out.

This is because his strength is no worse than that of Lu Jin...

If it was replaced by the previous strength, it is estimated that no one can run here for a day and a night.

As for the others...

Still sleeping in the Zhutian.

And the Zhutian is still in the phagocytic capsule.

Fortunately, everyone is a different person, and sleeps for days and nights without eating, drinking or sleeping...

There should be no problem.

"It's so desolate."

After Iluvita entered the western wilderness, all he could see were weeds and ungrown trees. The whistling wind seemed to be lamenting for this wilderness: "Isn't this place very prosperous before?"


Guo Yi nodded, took a brief look at the scenery he had seen countless times, and came to a remote deserted farm with Iluvita.


As soon as he entered the farm, Guo Yi bumped into several men wearing red leather masks: "They are really members of the Defias Brotherhood..."

To kill, or not to kill, that is the question.

At first, the Defias Brotherhood was just a group of construction site workers who were owed wages.

However, after their first taste of plunder, they will gradually become a terrorist organization entrenched in the Westfall.

Burning, killing, looting, all kinds of evil!
"There are actually two nobles!"

Just when Guo Yi was hesitating, those members of the Defias Brotherhood helped Guo Yi make a decision.

They picked up thick wooden sticks that smelled of blood, and surrounded Guo Yi and Iluvita with grim smiles: "Take your belongings..."


Before the gangsters from the Defias Brotherhood finished speaking, Guo Yi directly sent them to the Shadow Realm with a few wind blades.

"Let's go."

After dismissing these gangsters casually, Guo Yi came to the abandoned field of the farm.


The movement from the Zhutian directly flattened the entire abandoned farmland.



"Finally, the first step of the plan was safely executed."

Inside the Zhutian, Guo Yi saw that it was getting smaller and smaller, and finally he couldn't see Azeroth at all, so he breathed a sigh of relief: "It seems that the old celestial master is right.

Nozdormu it will not come after me. "

After sighing, Guo Yi and Er Zhuang laughed and said, "Let's stop here for a while."

"(* ̄rǒ ̄) is ready."

After the Zhutian stopped, Guo Yi and Iluvita nodded: "Find the coordinates of Eonar."

"it is good."

Iluvita responded, and then Gandalf's body shook, and then he returned to Gandalf.

And just as Gandalf took over the body, a point of light shot out of the universe from Gandalf's body.

Afterwards, the dots of light flashed and gradually turned into a shadow of a human figure with no height at all.

The brightness is extremely bright, but it is not dazzling, and it can also give people a feeling as if bathed in a warm ocean.

"This is the body of Iluvita?"

When Iluvita was looking for the coordinates of Ionar, Natal and the other bridge personnel had enough to eat and drink, and came to the bridge together, taking over the control of the Tiantian: "The search for Io has already started Nar?"


Guo Yi nodded, and then said to Natal and the others: "Let everyone be on guard, I'm afraid Iluvita's body will attract demons or something.

Be prepared to flee at full speed. "

The reason why Guo Yi asked Iluvita to start looking for Eonar's traces when he could not see Azeroth, instead of starting to look for Eonar when he was on the road in Azeroth, was because he was afraid of causing troubles lurking in Azeroth. The attention of those in Russ.

The Defias Brotherhood has become a terrorist organization, which means that the Black Dragon Sister has already made trouble in Stormwind City.

At the same time, it means that the current time point of Azeroth is at most the 60s in the game...

"it is good!"


After a few days of calm, Iluvita's body began to shrink gradually, and finally returned to Gandalf's body again, occupying Gandalf's body.

"It has been found!"

After Iluvita took control of Gandalf's body, he pointed in a certain direction, and laughed with everyone: "Eonar is in this direction."

(End of this chapter)

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