Develop the world from one person

Chapter 380 Chapter 378: Days of Wandering

Chapter 380 Chapter 378: Days of Wandering
"Ahhhhhh, so boring!!!"

Guo Yi was in the dormitory of Zhutian, looking at the cosmic scene displayed on the monitor, shouting frantically.

Three months have passed since departure.

In the past three months, the situation has exceeded Guo Yi's expectations...

So peaceful and peaceful!

never seen...

A race fleeing the Burning Legion invasion?
never seen...

Legion of Holy Light?

still haven't seen...


It's TM's never seen...

The planets in the World of Warcraft universe are so rare that they surpass everyone's perception!
Therefore, during the three months when Guo Yi and the others sailed at a speed close to the speed of light, all they could see was darkness.

Besides darkness, it's still fucking dark.

Therefore, Guo Yi was almost driven crazy by boredom.


The foreigner's skills are not the skills of cultivating immortals, there is no way to practice them for ten or a half years.

Practicing every day these days, people are almost going to be stupid.

And he didn't dare to go back to Dongchen...

The universe of World of Warcraft is not peaceful!
In case, when Guo Yi went back, Zhutianhao was captured by some force, then when he came back, it would be the rhythm of delivering goods to his door.

Or, the All Heavens was sunk...

Guo Yi's Cosmic Drift?
Moreover, the Burning Legion has been looking for Eonar again.

The closer you get to Eonar, the more likely you are to encounter Legion troops.

Therefore, Guo Yi could only endure the urge to go back, holding time travel in his hands, just in case.


One counts as one on the Zhutian, and all of them will die.

"Aren't you asking Iluvita to analyze the power of this world?"

Er Zhuang looked at Guo Yi, who was looking out of the window in front of the monitor, and said helplessly: "If you are bored, you can help him, don't keep tossing me and Natal."

Rogue, Mage, Warrior, Priest, etc. World of Warcraft has twelve complete power systems!
Isn't this a good time for Iluvita to analyze and reproduce it while Iluvita is here?


Guo Yi sighed, and shook his head helplessly: "I just asked the question the day before yesterday, and I'm still analyzing it."


Guo Yi was silent for a moment, then put on his clothes and went to find Iluvita: "I'd better go to him, I'm almost suffocated in this dormitory."

"go Go."


In one of the warehouses of the Zhutian.

Iluvita's body floated in the midair of Ganaku as if weightless, and shone white light slightly.

Gandalf, on the other hand, stood by Iluvita helplessly.

Iluvita needs to use his body at any time and cannot wander around.

"Iluvita started analyzing again?"

Guo Yi walked up to Gandalf and sat down cross-legged, and said with a bored face, "If this continues, I'm going to be moldy."

"Wouldn't it be better to be safe now?"

Gandalf glanced at Guo Yi speechlessly, then continued to raise his head to bask in the light of Iluvita: "It's not a good thing to meet enemies in this kind of place..."

"Nah no no no no..."


Before Gandalf could finish his sentence, the battle siren sounded in the All Heavens: "Gandalf, you crow's mouth!"

Guo Yi shook the pot and hurried to the bridge: "Wake up Iluvita, I'll go there first."


"what's the situation?"

As soon as Guo Yi entered the bridge, he was still out of breath, so he asked anxiously, "Have we been discovered?"


Natal looked at the screen solemnly, shook her head slightly and said, "In the area ahead, there are two fleets fighting..."

On the screen, in the area in front of the Zhutian.

A fleet emitting golden light is fighting with a fleet emitting green light.

The golden light flickered, and the green light surged.

Green light splashes, golden light shakes.

You come and go, strangling each other.

At the same time, Guo Yi and the others could still see many figures fighting between the two fleets.

"The Burning Legion and the Legion of the Light!"

Guo Yi squinted his eyes and looked at the two fleets, and quickly asked Natal: "Be prepared to run at full speed.

Those two groups are not good people! "


As soon as Iluvita entered the bridge, she heard Guo Yi's words and asked curiously: "The dark green power gives me a sense of chaos and evil, and it's really not like the power that good people would use routinely.

But Jin Guang is the opposite. How can you say that those two groups are not good people? "

"The golden light you mentioned, to be precise, it should be called holy light.

Your holy light and the holy light here have the same attribute: light.

However, your usage is different.

You let your believers directly communicate with the light, so that you can use the power of the light to use the white holy light technique.

And the power of light here needs to be transferred through a kind of holy light creature: naaru, before it can be used.

Therefore, some naaru speak of the Holy Light as its gift..."

Following Guo Yi's explanation, everyone got to know Shengguang a little bit.

The holy light is the light from the heart of human beings. It is the embodiment of mortals' own belief in guardianship. It is also one of the six powers of World of Warcraft: the power of light.

Therefore, the stronger the will and the firmer the belief, the stronger the power of the Holy Light that can be used.

And to turn this power into holy light, Naaru's transfer is needed...

Creatures of the Holy Light cannot represent the Holy Light, and they also have their own personalities and wills.

Therefore, some naaru used the name of the Holy Light to fool the followers of the Holy Light.

To put it bluntly, it is the relationship between God, the Pope and believers.

Believers believe in God, and the pope uses the name of God to manipulate believers.

The result is that Holy Light is fooling you...

And the leader of the Holy Light Legion is such a naaru: Zela.

After thousands of years, it has gradually deceived the followers of the Holy Light in the Holy Light Legion into its personal fanatics.

If Zela knew about the existence and purpose of Guo Yi and the others, it would probably do everything possible to turn Guo Yi and the others into Lightcasters...

Zera infuses the essence of its light into the body of the target, turning it into another kind of light creature, which is the so-called lightforge.

Guo Yi half-closed his eyes and watched the Burning Legion gradually suppress the Holy Light Legion, and sighed: "There is no good or bad power, but there are good and bad people who use power.

Some words really hit the nail on the head. "

"Then how do we do it?"

Natal doesn't care who is good and who is evil, but only cares about the task: "They are fighting there and have already blocked our way.

Wait, or detour? "

Guo Yi and Natal waved their hands, and then asked Iluvita curiously: "Since we can meet the Burning Legion here, we should not be far from Eonar, right?"

"Well, it's not far away."

Iluvita nodded, and then calmly said to Guo Yi: "She already knew we were coming and was waiting for us.

However, she couldn't wait long.

The Burning Legion is still after her.

Wait too long, and she'll be caught up by the Burning Legion. "

"Three months ago, you said it was not far away."

Guo Yi frowned, and said helplessly: "Now, you can't say far...

Your not far, and our not far gap is as big as a billion points. "

Speaking of this, Guo Yi asked directly: "Just tell me, how long will it take to reach Eonar's location at our current speed?"

"Well, it will take another year."


The corners of the mouths of the people on the bridge twitched, and they looked at Iluvita helplessly: "This is not far from you...

Really Nima is not far away! "

"Forget it, don't bother."

Guo Yi sighed, and shook his head helplessly: "Since it still takes so long to get to Eonar, then let's not take a detour and watch the show in silence."


"As for the Holy Light Legion..."

Guo Yi looked at the Holy Light Legion that was gradually retreating, and said disdainfully: "We can just watch, don't worry about it."

(End of this chapter)

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