Develop the world from one person

Chapter 381 379: 2 years later

Chapter 381 379: Two years later

Somewhere in the universe, in the quiet and dark universe at that time, golden light and green light are constantly intertwined, and dazzling light clusters burst out from time to time, which is very lively.

That's right, the Space Fleet of the Burning Legion and the Space Fleet of the Legion of the Holy Light are at war again.

That's right, Guo Yi and the others are watching a play again at this time.

However, Guo Yi and the others were completely numb to the battle between the two at this time.

Two years, two years have passed.

To be precise, it was two years and three months!

Since Guo Yi and the others saw the battle between the two for the first time, they can often see their battle...

Either the Legion of the Holy Light fled in embarrassment, or the Legion of the Holy Light chased the space battleship of the Burning Legion to the Twisting Void from this universe, killing the demon thoroughly.

The battle scenes are grand and tragic, more exciting than action movies.

It's a pity that Guo Yi and the others have become completely numb after watching too much.

Moreover, Guo Yi and the others also roughly figured out the technological level of the Burning Legion and the Holy Light Legion...

The scientific and technological products of the Burning Legion and the Holy Light Legion are all products of great miracles!
There is no complicated mechanical structure, no complicated software system, and no parts accurate to N digits after the decimal point.

Energy is based on the power of the driver as energy.

The light-forged war mecha of the Holy Light Legion is driven by the driver's holy light power.

And its energy supply system is all kinds of extraordinary powers that amplify extraordinary power...

To sum up briefly, the power of the driver of those technological products is the energy source of those technological products.

Proper human body battery...

And the raw materials of their scientific and technological products are raw materials with various magical powers.

Guo Yi and the others cleaned the battlefield of the two once, and obtained some wreckage of the Burning Legion and the Holy Light Legion.

After some simple tests, Guo Yi and the others found that the properties of the raw materials of these wreckages were even more exaggerated than the VPS armor!

VPS armor, that is, variable phase shift armor.

After the armor is powered, it can fully defend against live ammunition weapons, and can change the strength and color of the PS armor in a targeted manner by controlling the output of energy.

During combat, the pilot can temporarily and quickly adjust the defensive energy of the fuselage, or only make adjustments to certain key parts of the fuselage...

For example, only the energy output of the cockpit and limb joints is strengthened, and the rest of the parts are defended according to normal energy, so as to reduce the overall power consumption, save energy, strengthen the defense of the cockpit and the output of limb joints, etc.

However, VPS armor still cannot protect against beam weapons.

As for the wreckage materials of the Burning Legion and the Holy Light Legion, in terms of defense against live ammunition, it can reach the theoretical upper limit of VPS armor, and it can also defend against light beams.

In terms of extensibility, softness, toughness, etc., it is also ahead of VPS armor...

Greedy Guo Yi and the others salivated, but they didn't dare to dig.

At the same time, this is why Guo Yi and the others were able to sail safely for two years.

With the combination of mirage and stealth runes, the Burning Legion and the Holy Light Legion, which rely on radar as their sensing power, cannot detect the invisible All-heaven at all.

As for why Guo Yi hasn't been bored and crazy in the past two years...

After Iluvita's continuous analysis, Guo Yi can now pat his chest and say, please call him Faye.

The Mage, Thief, and Warrior classes in World of Warcraft have been analyzed by Iluvita and taught to Guo Yi and the others.

As for knights, druids, hunters, priests, etc., either there are middlemen to make the difference, or Iluvita has not fully analyzed them.

Therefore, in the past two years, Guo Yi, in addition to practicing qi and storing qi, has also cultivated the professional power of World of Warcraft.

Under the strengthening of the innate Taoist body, Guo Yi can be said to have fully mastered the power of the two elements of ice and fire in two years.

Going out to give someone a double sky of ice and fire will definitely make that person feel refreshed!
As for Alpha...

Other worlds may not have arcane skills, so Guo Yi spent the time practicing arcane skills on thieves' stealth, shadow step, and tactical shield wall.

This is not playing a game, why can't you cross-professional?

Does it make sense to talk about specialization with a wall hanging who has an innate Taoist body plus system?
Power system conflict?

This is the occupation analyzed by Iluvita, not the orthodox occupation learned in World of Warcraft.

To play a perverted private server, one person can play twelve professions, but the problem is the shortcut key setting and whether there is corresponding equipment.

Therefore, Guo Yi learned the thief's stealth, shadow step and warrior's shield wall.

As for why you need to learn the two skills of thieves...

The stealth is dark enough, and the shadow step is handsome enough, this is the reason.

As for why you only learn the shield wall...

Cross-professional learning is still a bit difficult.

Therefore, Guo Yi has only learned the shield wall for the time being.

Since Guo Yi can cultivate professional power, other people can also cultivate.

Therefore, other people also chose to learn some skills, which enhanced a lot of strength.

Here, the old heavenly master and the others are also included...

Ever since Guo Yi knew that the Burning Legion and the Holy Light Legion were blind, he went back to Dongchen from time to time to pull some people over to practice the World of Warcraft profession.

At the same time, it is also to replenish supplies and relax.

Compared with other people's skills, World of Warcraft's professional strength is easier to get started, and it is more suitable for promotion.

Therefore, in the past two years, the All Heavens Army has also added three professional troops.

As for why Guo Yi and the others haven't found Eonar after two years...

The year Iluvita said refers to the three-month speed of the All-heaven, which was calm and smooth.

The further back, the greater the chance of encountering the Burning Legion and the Holy Light Legion.

Therefore, the sailing speed of the Zhutian was much slower.

In addition, Eonar also needs to change hiding places from time to time to avoid the pursuit of the Burning Legion.

This time, it slowed down like this.

"It's finally over."

Guo Yi watched the Legion of the Holy Light chasing the Burning Legion into the Twisting Nether, and glanced at his mouth helplessly: "The Legion of the Holy Light just hits the weak with heavy punches, and cowards quickly when it encounters the tough ones. It's really good enough."

"The gap between the quantity and the top combat power, it is the best for them to do that."

Natal justified a little bit for the Legion of Light, and said with a smile: "If we don't encounter those two fleets fighting in the next week, then we can go home!"



Two weeks later, Eonar, who had been hiding in Tibet, broke through and looked in a certain direction with surprise on her face.

Here comes the help!
Then, Eonar gritted her teeth, burst out with all her strength, and sprinted in that direction with all her strength.

And not long after Eonar broke out and fled, a huge Burning Legion fleet appeared at her previous hiding place.

Following that, those fleets of the Burning Legion also chased towards Eonar at full speed.

(End of this chapter)

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