Develop the world from one person

Chapter 382 Chapter 380: Major Mistake

Chapter 382 Chapter 380: Major Mistake


Just when Eonar broke out with all her strength, Iluvita was slightly shocked, and anxiously said to Guo Yi and the others: "Eonar is coming to us.

Moreover, her whereabouts were also discovered by the Burning Legion.

The fleet of the Burning Legion is chasing her! "

"Fuck, if the chain is lost at a critical moment, can't she transfer it first and wait for a while?"

As soon as Iluvita finished speaking, Guo Yi was speechless for an instant: "Natal..."

"Er Zhuang took over the driving of the Zhutian and turned around immediately."

Before Guo Yi finished speaking, Natal quickly arranged everything: "All energy-oriented engines, the engines enter the overclocking preheating state, and flee immediately after receiving the target.

Unlock the mirage system, open the speed set and the defense set talisman.

Taking the current position as the starting point, preset space mines.

At the same time, set all missiles to preset.

The rest, Ganaku assembled, immediately entered the phagocytic sac. "

After finishing speaking, Natale nodded with Guo Yi and said, "I'll go to Er Zhuang, you take the others back into the pouch first."

"it is good!"

Guo Yi nodded, first took the rest of the bridge crew into his bag, and then went to the Ganaku with Iluvita to take them in.

If everyone is in the bag, Guo Yi can abandon the Zhutian and take people back directly.

The Zhutian is gone and can be re-produced.

If people are gone, then they will enter the Shadow Realm.

If that's the case, next time Guo Yi comes, he may have to face those perverts from the Shadow Realm directly.

in the universe.

Following Natal's order, the Zhutian gradually revealed its hull, and slowly turned around while slowing down.

At the same time, there are densely packed dots shining with starlight slipping out of the missile tube of the Zhutian, floating in the universe.

However, Zhutian had only turned its head halfway, and a super-huge figure emitting bronze light suddenly appeared in front of Zhutian.


Eonar looked at the Zhutian, which was not thicker than a finger of hers, and was completely confused.

This is different from what I imagined!

The bodies of the titans are too large, and if they touch Azeroth directly, they will cause her damage.

Therefore, the titans can't save Azeroth themselves, they can only create servants: those titan creations, give them their own unique powers, and fight on their behalf.

Do you know what this means?

This means that the titans don't have the ability to shrink in size!
As for possessive ability...

Sargeras will, but Eonar won't!

Moreover, Sargeras can possess because it is only a small part of his power and soul.

Moreover, the person he possessed was Aegwynn, the most powerful human mage in Azeroth...

Aegwynn was able to kill Sargeras' clone in a one-on-one fight, so one can imagine his strength.

But now, Eonar can neither shrink in size nor possess her body, and no one on the All-heaven can possess her entire soul...

How to bring it back?
This incident, because Er Zhuang said that Eonar stopped in front of the Zhutian and did not shrink in size, Guo Yi only realized it.

MD, a god with the power of creation, can't shrink in size, who would believe it?

Isn't this Nima's talent skill?

If the bosses in my family knew about it, they would probably all laugh their heads off!

Just when Eonar and Guo Yi were in a daze, the figure of the Burning Legion fleet also appeared and quickly approached.

"Er Zhuang, run!"

Knowing that the fleet of the Burning Legion had appeared, Natal's pupils tightened, and she ran first without hesitation: "Let Iluvita and Eonar tell you, run away first!"


In the blink of Eonar's eyes, the flames of the All Sky swelled to the size of her palm, and quickly moved away from her, and also away from the Burning Legion.

Seeing this, Eonar raised her leg lightly...

After one step, Eonar surpassed the Tiantian.


In the warehouse of the Tiantian, Guo Yi was frantically taking people into his bag, and said to Iluvita profusely, "What should we do now?"

In the All Heavens, the only thing that could possibly possess Eonar was Gandalf's body.

However, Gandalf's body already has Iluvita, and there is also Gandalf's body...

If Eonar's entire soul possessed him, it would probably explode Gandalf's body in an instant.


"Nah no no no no~"

Before Iluvita could reply, the Tiantian was under attack and issued a piercing siren.

"Guo Yi, hurry up, we have already been caught up by the Burning Legion!"

At Ganaku, Natal rushed to Guo Yi's side sweating profusely while holding Er Zhuang's body.

The speed of the space battleship of the Burning Legion far exceeded that of the Zhutian, and it also far exceeded everyone's expectations.

In just a short time, the Zhutian entered the range of the Burning Legion and was attacked.

With one blow, all the defensive talismans of the Zhutian were destroyed, and let them fall on the ship of the Zhutian.

Fortunately, the armor of the Zhutian was thick enough, the attack of the Burning Legion only made the Zhutian shake violently.

At the same time, the floating mines and preset missiles of the Zhutian also slightly withstood some of the Burning Legion's artillery fire.

"Er Zhuang, change the Zhutian to autopilot!"

Guo Yi gritted his teeth and said to the second daughter, "I'll take you in first."

"it is good."


After Guo Yi collected all the staff, he put one hand on Iluvita's shoulder: "Is there any way to bring Eonar back?
Also, with her size, I'm afraid that your world will be crushed as soon as she crosses over. "

Guo Yi came from the trading city of the World of the Ring, so if he went back, he would also return to the trading city of the World of the Ring.


"Nah no no no no~"

However, before Iluvita answered, the Zhutian began to shake again, and even Guo Yi could vaguely hear some explosions.

Zhutian, can't hold on for long!
"The world will not collapse."

Iluvita shook her head and said hesitantly, "But the people of Mordor will die!"


Guo Yi was taken aback by Iluvita's words.

Most of the people who eat, drink and have fun in the trading city are nobles from the Lord of the Rings world, and there are also a small number of people from the world who know the existence of the crossing gate and travel there.

Whether the nobles in the Lord of the Rings world will die, Guo Yi doesn't care at all, and it has nothing to do with him.

However, the people who work in the trading city and those who travel in the trading city are their own people!
There are officials, there are civilians, and there is a training base for the All Heavens Army!

This death will kill many people!
For a while, Guo Yi wanted to give up on taking Aonar back.

If I don't take Eonar back this time, at most she will be caught by the Burning Legion, and she won't die completely.

If she was caught, at worst, Guo Yi would find a way to rescue her from the Burning Legion.

Of course, people will definitely die at that time, but it is the All Heavens Army who will die...

Moreover, the number of deaths by then will not necessarily be less than the number of deaths caused by taking Eonar back.

However, at least no civilians died!

"Nah no no no no~"

"Is there really no way?"

After this explosion, there was a large area of ​​distortion on the wall of Ganaku, which caused Guo Yi to burst the veins in Iluvita's hand, and asked with a frosty face: "Is there no way to make people immortal? ?”

(End of this chapter)

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