Develop the world from one person

Chapter 383 Chapter 381: The Heavens Are Destroyed

Chapter 383 Chapter 381: The Heavens Are Destroyed

Iluvita looked at Guo Yi calmly, and said lightly: "People in Mordor are likely to die!"

Speaking of this, Iluvita said with a smile: "However, you can be resurrected after death!"


Guo Yi was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Iluvita with twitching corners of his eyes...

MD, I was too nervous just now, Guo Yi forgot that the soul of the person who died in the Lord of the Rings will go to the hands of Vera: Namu.

And Iluvita can intervene in this rule...

Directly block the soul with a horizontal knife, pull the soul of the dead to the eternal palace where he is, and then resurrect it.

This is how Gandalf was resurrected...

So, the question of death is not actually a question.

Die without pain, then come back from the dead...

Who wants to participate in the experience?

After solving the problem of death, there is only another problem: how to bring Eonar back...


Some people say that what a person sees before dying will slow down dramatically.

At the same time, in my mind, I will relive the joys, sorrows, joys, ups and downs of life again.

At this moment, the picture before Guo Yi's eyes slowed down countless times.

The outer wall of Ganaku twisted and bulged, forming a huge gap.

Then, orange and green flames poured in from the gap.

The violent high temperature and strong shock wave were one step ahead of the flame, opening the way for the flame, sweeping across the entire Ganaku.

In the end, the flames, high temperature and shock waves completely submerged the figures of Guo Yi and Iluvita.

The Zhutian was blown up!


After the explosion, in the universe, at the wreckage of the Zhutian Ganaku, a light group that can accommodate five people appeared.

In the light group, Iluvita looked at Guo Yi calmly.

At this time, Guo Yi's face was slightly pale, and his whole body was trembling slightly.

Fear and anger were constantly intertwined in his heart.

Just now, if Iluvita hadn't put a magic cover, if Guo Yi hadn't known that Iluvita is the God of Creation, he could not help but travel back.

It's too sudden!

If Guo Yi hadn't experienced many battles in these years and his character had improved, it is estimated that he is not trembling slightly now, but more embarrassed.

Tai Nima is upset!

"Burning Legion, Sargeras!"

After a while, Guo Yi blushed and shouted angrily, "Wait for me!!!"


After venting, Guo Yi looked at Eonar...

Perhaps because the All-Sky disintegrated, the Burning Legion did not continue to attack the area where the All-Sky was located, but attacked Eonar with all its strength.

When the dark green cannon fire hit Eonar's body, her soul trembled violently.

At the same time, countless demons surged out from the fleet of the Burning Legion, frantically biting Eonar's soul.

And Eonar is worthy of being a Titan...

With every move, he easily wiped out the demons of the Burning Legion on a large scale.

Whether it was a battleship or a demon, they would die if touched by Eonar, causing severe injuries.

Unfortunately, the number of Burning Legion is too much!
Quantitative change leads to qualitative change...

In Eonar's view, the countless attacks that were weak and almost negligible made her roar and howl continuously.

"This character does not represent combat power..."

Guo Yi and Iluvita took a sneaky look at the water, shook their heads and said: "If it were my boss, if he could create the world, then the life and death of the Burning Legion would be in his mind.

She will definitely not fall into the situation of being bitten to death by ants like Eonar. "

Speaking of this, Guo Yi looked at Iluvita: "You won't be like this?"

"Probably not."

Iluvita smiled, and then, a light silver giant no smaller than Eonar suddenly appeared beside Eonar: "Eonar, you and Guo Yi try to cross, I will resist Burning Legion."


The sudden appearance of Iluvita caused the Burning Legion's firepower to freeze for a while.

However, a moment later, the Burning Legion began to ignite Iluvita.

The numerous attacks of the Burning Legion enveloped one-third of Iluvita's body.

Seeing this, Iluvita waved his hand, and a light curtain composed of white holy light blocked the attack of the Burning Legion.

Then, Iluvita's palm pushed in the direction of the Burning Legion fleet.

Like a bulldozer, the holy light curtain pressed towards the fleet of the Burning Legion.

Seeing the light curtain approaching gradually, countless demons let out miserable roars and attacked the light curtain frantically.

And those warships of the Burning Legion also frantically attacked the light curtain.

Afterwards, the holy light curtain only moved a certain distance firmly, burning countless demons, and then turned into light spots after a burst of trembling, disappearing into the universe.


The disintegration of the light curtain seemed to exceed Iluvita's expectations, which made him question.

Afterwards, Iluvita turned into a production line of holy light curtains...

Curtains of holy light continued to appear, and continued to press down on the fleet of the Burning Legion.

The continuous and endless curtain of light almost formed a sea of ​​holy light in the universe.

Under the attack of Iluvita, the Burning Legion was forced to give up while slowly retreating while intercepting the light curtain.

After the Burning Legion retreated a certain distance, the top combat power of the Burning Legion was also dispatched: Lord-level demons!
With their joint efforts, Iluvita's devastating sea of ​​light was intercepted, and a stalemate with the sea of ​​fel energy formed by the attack of the lord demon came to a standstill.

And Iluvita has only him...

Eonar was discussing with Guo Yi how to travel, and couldn't help.

The Burning Legion not only has lord-level demons, but also countless low-level demons and warships...

With the addition of other battle forces of the Burning Legion, the dark green ocean formed by evil energy gradually swallowed the sea of ​​holy light.

Iluvita's attack has begun to be countered!

Seeing this, Iluvita shook her head slightly and waved her other arm...

Countless fireballs appeared in the universe out of thin air, pinching those demons up and down.

The Burning Legion didn't seem to expect that Iluvita still had the power to use the power of another system, and launched an attack on them, and became flustered for a while.


The Burning Legion's desperate but hasty interception allowed most of Iluvatar's fireballs to break through the demon's defenses and land among the demon swarm.


The fireball formed by the explosion enveloped the demon group of the Burning Legion.

At the same time as the sea of ​​fireballs exploded, Guanghai, which had been gradually swallowed up, stabilized and began to push back with difficulty.

However, after the Burning Legion became familiar with Iluvita's three axes, the situation became stalemate again.

You come and go, you attack and defend, and as time goes by, Iluvita gradually gained the upper hand with its strong capital.

However, it didn't take long for Iluvita to gain the upper hand, and the support fleet of the Burning Legion also arrived one after another.

As the number of Burning Legion increased, Iluvita also began to struggle.

"Guo Yi, have you and Eonar thought of a way to travel through?"

Iluvita saw a new batch of Burning Legion fleet, frowned slightly, and urged: "Hurry up!"

(End of this chapter)

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