Develop the world from one person

Chapter 384: Chapter 382

Chapter 384 Chapter 382: Return

"Eonar, can you possess me?"

Just when Iluvita took over the line of defense and worked hard with the Burning Legion, the light group protecting Guo Yi was raised in front of Iluvita: "You are the guide!?"


The corner of Guo Yi's mouth twitched, and he nodded helplessly.

As long as the co-author exists after reaching a certain level, everyone will know about his waste system, right?
Can you show me some face?
"I can't possess you, and I don't have the power to possess you."

Seeing Guo Yi nodding in confirmation, Eonar's pupils flashed a light, and she said happily, "Please take me away!"

Guo Yi looked at Eonar's pupils that were bigger than the light ball, and spread his hands helplessly: "The problem is, you can't possess, and you are so big, how can I take you away?"

Speaking of this, Guo Yi asked curiously: "I am traveling through the palm of your hand, can you travel with me?"


Eonar felt Guo Yi's breath silently, shook her head and sighed: "You are still too weak, you shouldn't come now."

"Blame me."

Guo Yi glared at Eonar unhappily, and said speechlessly: "I don't want to come now either!
But if I don't come, I won't be able to continue traveling. What do you think I can do? "

"You can come back after a while."

Eonar blinked her eyes, and said nonchalantly: "After you have cultivated for hundreds of years, your strength should be able to reach the point of forcibly taking me away.

Why don't you wait a while? "

"A period of time, hundreds of years!?"

Guo Yi's forehead was twitched by Eonar's words, he gritted his teeth and said: "What you said for a while makes sense, I am speechless.

How about I go? "

After finishing speaking, Guo Yi was too lazy to continue the discussion with Eonar, and asked with a frown: "Forget it, stop talking nonsense, do you have a way to travel with me?"


Eonar was silent for a moment, then pointed to Guo Yi's body: "I sense the natural power in your body.

Can you allow me to share some of my power with you and increase the natural power in your body? "

"A force of nature!?"

Guo Yi spread his hands curiously...

Then, a floating ice pick appeared on one palm of Guo Yi, and a fiery fireball appeared on the other: "Are you talking about these two kinds of power?"


Eonar nodded, then looked at Guo Yi's ice and fire power with a little doubt, and said curiously: "Strange, you are obviously a natural power, but why do I feel something different?"

"Maybe it's because my power is pirated."

Guo Yi shook his hand, stopped the output of magic power, and asked Eonar curiously: "Are you sure your power can improve my ice and fire power?"


Eonar nodded affirmatively, and said with a smile: "Although there are some differences, my power can still enhance the natural power in your body.

can you allow me to do this "

"it is good."

Guo Yi's eyes lit up instantly when he heard that Eonar could really improve his ice and fire power.

The last ones who were empowered by Eonar were the red dragon queen Alexstrasza and the green dragon queen Ysera.

Five-color guardian dragons, and two guardian dragons were created by Eonar's power.

Its strength belongs to the first-class level in Azeroth.

No way, Azeroth has a lot of wall hangings, and magic props are even more unpredictable, so the guardian dragon is really not the top level.

Otherwise, the Red Dragon Queen would not become a tool for giving birth.

And the last one who was empowered by Eonar was Titan Guardian Freya.

She was given the right to command the flora and fauna of Azeroth by Eonar.

This time, it was his turn to be empowered by Eonar...

No, it should be regarded as giving!
Eonar did not distribute the power to Guo Yi, but cut a part of the original power and gave it to him.

Eonar can take back the power of Alexstrasza, Ysera and Freya at any time, but cannot take back the power she gave Guo Yi.

This is the difference between giving and giving.

With Eonar's power injected into his body, Guo Yi's mage professional level began to soar...

Using the game to explain, Guo Yi's previous mage profession was in his early 30s, not even 40.

After Guo Yi absorbed Eonar's original power, his mage profession soared to level 80.

This is no longer a qualitative change, but a qualitative change within a qualitative change.

At the same time, when Guo Yi finished absorbing Eonar's original power, it was time for Iluvita to urge him.

Or, Iluvita has been paying attention to Guo Yi, knowing that he has just absorbed Eonar's original power, so he started to urge him.

"Hold on!"

Guo Yi glanced at Iluvita, who was gradually being crushed and beaten, and then looked at Eonar...

Eonar's pupils, which were bigger than the five-person light group before, are now only slightly larger than the five-person light group.

Obviously, in order to improve Guo Yi's strength, Eonar's strength has shrunk significantly: "My current strength, can I take you away?"

"It's still a little bit worse."

Eonar looked at Guo Yi and sighed helplessly: "Your strength still can't take me away."

After sighing, Eonar didn't wait for Guo Yi to ask, and said with a smile: "It's okay, I'll give some more of my power."

After the words fell, Eonar closed her eyes, not knowing who to bestow her power on.

At the same time, as Eonar continued to distribute her power, her body gradually became smaller.

However, after Eonar's size shrunk a bit, her size stopped shrinking, and her body began to become unreal.


"Iluvita, get ready."

Guo Yi saw that Eonar was getting ready, so he shouted to Iluvita: "We will go back immediately after Eonar's strength is reduced!"

"it is good."

Iluvita nodded, half-closed her eyes, and continued to resist the attack of the Burning Legion with difficulty.

Gandalf's body is still a little weaker, which leads to the upper limit of his clone's power.

Although it is stronger than Eonar, who has lost her body and greatly weakened her strength, the number and strength of the Burning Legion should not be underestimated!

In desperation, Iluvita began to rely on his avatar to intercept some attacks that broke through his defense line, which made his soul shrink, and he groaned in pain.

"All right!"

After a while, Eonar opened her eyes and said happily, "You can take me away now!"


As soon as Eonar finished speaking, Iluvita's silver light flashed, not only blocking all the attacks of the Burning Legion, but also counterattacking the Burning Legion.

Afterwards, Iluvita instantly retracted into Gandalf's body.

And the moment Iluvita came back, Guo Yi took a deep look at the Burning Legion, and said silently: "Return!"

 Thank you "Book Friends 20190628145104509" for your reward!

(End of this chapter)

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