Develop the world from one person

Chapter 385 Chapter 383: Settling and passing through the door

Chapter 385 Chapter 383: Settling and passing through the door
The Lord of the Rings world.

The trading city in Mordori is the same as in the past.

But at this moment, a giant with no end in sight suddenly appeared here.

Eonar followed Guo Yi and returned to the world of Lord of the Rings.

Then, before everyone had time to react, one of her feet landed gently on Mordor's position...

Really gently!

Under Guo Yi's helpless expression, the entire land of Mordor sank and the mountains were completely destroyed.

"Feel sorry."

Eonar glanced down at Mordor, which has become a basin, and said embarrassedly: "Iluvita, I'm sorry.

If there is anything I can do to help, please let me know! "


Iluvita floated out of Gandalf's body, and said calmly: "Guo Yi, I'm going back first.

Eonar, you and I return to the Eternal Hall.

After I clear up the situation in Mordor, I'll see if I can create a planet suitable for your cultivation.

If not, then you and I can only go..."

Speaking of this, Iluvita didn't continue talking, but flickered and disappeared.

"Lead the way~, I'll call you Guo Yi too."

Eonar didn't move her body, and said to Guo Yi helplessly: "I won't let you go down, you can go down by yourself.

After you leave, I will leave too. "


Guo Yi looked at the hurricane that appeared as Eonar's mouth opened and closed, and shook his head helplessly.

Fortunately, Eonar was facing the direction near Harald and Kande, otherwise...

Aragorn's Gondor is estimated to be swept away by the hurricane.

No wonder the titans dare not enter Azeroth, they can only protect Azeroth with spokespersons.

On the planet, some of their daily actions can easily trigger a natural disaster...

It's okay for the strong ones, but the weak ones simply don't know how they died.

Moreover, the damage to the environment is too great, it is simply a walking disaster!

"Okay, then I'm leaving."

Guo Yi greeted Eonar, and then jumped off Eonar's palm together with Gandalf: "If something happens, ask Iluvita to tell Gandalf."

When Gandalf and Guo Yi fell freely and were close to the ground, they teleported at the same time, replacing Newton's coffin with an alloy coffin, ignoring the acceleration of gravity, and fell to the ground as silently as a feather.


And when Guo Yi and Gandalf set foot on the ground, there was another landslide and ground crack, plus a hurricane of level [-]...

Eonar rode the wind and left Middle-earth.


And just after Eonar left, Guo Yi's eyes suddenly froze, and his brows were instantly furrowed.

Moreover, a strong uneasiness welled up in his heart, making Guo Yi's hairs stand on end!
It's not because of the surrounding land that was trampled into ruins by Eonar, nor is it because of those innocent people who were trampled into meatloaf, but the portal!

The size of the crossing gate varies according to Guo Yi's strength.

Previously, after Guo Yi completed the mission of A Chinese Ghost Story, the crossing gate was [-] meters high and tens of meters long.

At this time, the portal to the world of Lord of the Rings was over [-] meters high and [-] meters long...

The reason why it is suddenly so high is not because Guo Yi's strength has skyrocketed, but because the crossing gate is expanding in the same proportion!

Part of the passage door has always been hidden underground.

If Eonar hadn't accidentally dented the ground of Mordor, Guo Yi might not have discovered it.

However, that's not the point.

The point is, the crossing door, which originally had no concept of width, actually has the concept of width from the perspective of Guo Yi at this time and place!

The crossing gate has changed from surface to volume, from two-dimensional to three-dimensional! ?
This fucker is a bit scary!

If Guo Yi's strength continues to improve, will the crossing gate cover the entire planet, the entire world?
If that is the case, then where are the planets and the world?

Besides that, there are two other serious problems!

One is that the previous crossing door can directly see the scenery of the opposite world.

But at this time through the door, Guo Yi only saw a dark vortex, and couldn't see the opposite scenery at all!
Another serious problem is that there are several crossing gates on Dongchen's side!
With the improvement of Guo Yi's strength, those crossing gates will come into contact with each other sooner or later!
At that time, what will happen to the crossing gate?

Grass is a kind of plant, and Guo Yi is now covered with this kind of plant.

As for whether the crossing door will be exposed...

The crossing gate is well known in the old world.

And in Dongchena, above the Second Street Office, is a hollowed-out mountain.

As far as the current height of the crossing door is concerned, it will not be exposed.

As for Lao Gao...

East Asia suppresses the whole world, and any excuse can be used perfunctorily.

The focus is on the world of the Royal Department...

The location of the crossing gate over there is a logistics transfer center rebuilt from the jungle.

The current height of the crossing door is definitely higher than the height of the warehouse!

In the world of the royal family, there will be a lot of troubles in the future!

"what happened?"

Gandalf saw Guo Yi staring at the crossing door solemnly, motionless, and asked curiously, "Why are you in a daze?"


Guo Yi shook his head, and then said to Gandalf, "Stay here and explain the situation to those resurrected people. I'll go back to Dongchen first."

"Need not."

Gandalf shook his head and said with a smile: "That being will explain to the resurrected person when he is resurrected that I don't need to stay."

"……All right."

Guo Yi nodded, and then continued to look at the crossing door in silence.

The weird black vortex, the more Guo Yi looked at it, the more weird he felt, and he didn't dare to approach it for a while.


After waiting for a while, Guo Yi found that there was still no one coming from the crossing gate, so he could only approach the crossing gate slowly: "Gandalf, what do you think of the change of the crossing gate?"

"Not much."

Gandalf raised his head, looked at the new passage door curiously, and said calmly, "Although it looks a bit strange, I don't feel any danger."


Guo Yi glanced at Gandalf suspiciously, then continued to look at the crossing door: "Could it be that the danger is so high that you don't feel the danger?"


Guo Yi's words made Gandalf laugh, and then he said to Guo Yi gently: "If there is really a problem with the crossing gate, that existence should tell you in advance."


Guo Yi thought for a while, then squinted at Gandalf: "Why don't you ask?"


Gandalf was taken aback, and looked at Guo Yi dumbfounded: "Are you serious?"


Guo Yi nodded, and then asked Gandalf, "Go and ask, or I will feel uneasy!"


Seeing that Guo Yi was like this, Gandalf knew that it would be impossible not to go, so he silently knocked on the imprint left by Iluvita on his soul.


Afterwards, Gandalf's body went limp and he completely lost his breath.

His soul has been taken away by Iluvita.

"Hope is a good thing, at least it should not be a bad thing, otherwise it will be a big trouble."

Guo Yi ignored the fallen Gandalf, looked at the crossing door and muttered, "System, system, what the hell do you want?"

(End of this chapter)

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