Develop the world from one person

Chapter 386 Chapter 384: Behind the Door

Chapter 386 Chapter 384: Behind the Door


After a while, Gandalf woke up shaking his head in a daze.

"How about it?"

Guo Yi looked at Gandalf expectantly, hoping that he would bring good news: "What did Iluvita say?
What happened to the change of the crossing gate?
Is it good, or is it bad?

What exactly is going on?

Did Iluvita say how to deal with it?

and also……"


Gandalf was already in a daze, and then he was bombarded with a series of questions from Guo Yi, making him even more confused: "Wait a minute, let me take it easy.

I'm even more confused after your question. "


Guo Yi closed his mouth and looked anxiously at Gandalf.

"The being said, He didn't know either.

Stop, don't ask, don't talk and worry, I haven't finished repeating the words of that existence. "

As soon as Gandalf said something, he saw that Guo Yi was about to explode. He hurriedly stopped and explained: "That existence also said that no matter what the change is, it will not hurt you."

"……That's it!?"

Guo Yi was taken aback and blinked innocently.

This is all ready for a long story, and the result...

That's it! ?
Guo Yi looked at Gandalf suspiciously, and asked helplessly, "No more words?
Iluvita just dismissed me like this? "


Gandalf spread his hands, smoked a little, and said helplessly: "That one said before it existed, that nothing on your body will harm you, let alone hurt you, so what are you worried about?"

"I'm afraid that the thing on me is beyond Iluvita's cognition.

I don't know what to do, I'm confused, and I feel very guilty. "

Guo Yi curled his lips, and said with a little pain: "Why don't you talk to Iluvita and see if he can peel off my thing!?"

"Cough cough cough~"

Guo Yi's words made Gandalf choke on his cigarette, and he said helplessly, "That being who can strip your stuff, what do you think will happen to you now?"


Guo Yi froze for a moment, then shook his head with a wry smile.

This disease is rushed to the doctor...

Not to mention the other garbage functions of the system, but the ability to travel through myriad worlds...

Guo Yi does not believe that Iluvita is not moved!
To a certain extent, it is precisely because Guo Yi has a system in his body that he has been able to wave to the present, to the present level.

Without the system, the salted fish is still a salted fish!

"Forget it, stretching your head and retracting your head is also a stab, fight!"

Guo Yi turned his head to look at the crossing door, gritted his back molars, fixed his eyes, drew a talisman, opened the magic cover and shield wall, held the refrigerator in his hand, and walked slowly into the crossing door.

It's so dark that it glows, and you can't tell up, down, left, and right, but your sightlines are normal, as if it's like the universe, but there is no space for starlight.

Dongchen, Yiren, Ye Wen, Gundam and Lord of the Rings, five crossing doors, distributed in five different places in this space.

After Guo Yi stepped through the crossing gate, he appeared in the center of the five crossing gates.


Guo Yi looked around the space nervously, and found that there were no ghosts, no physical discomfort, and no problem breathing, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Look, I told you it's fine, why don't you believe it?"

Gandalf waited for Guo Yi to relax, and teased him, "I don't even know what you're nervous about."

"You're not nervous, then why did you open the magic hood?"

Guo Yi glanced at Gandalf, and said mockingly: "Besides, the staff is also equipped with the Holy Light spell, so don't use it if you have the ability!"

"Will you give me the light?"


Guo Yi and Gandalf teased each other for a while, and found that nothing happened, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"There is gravity, there is air, but except for the passage door, the other places are all dark, this space is really strange!"

Guo Yi jumped up and down cautiously, and found that this space still has the effect of gravity, not the same as the universe without gravity.

After he finished jumping in place, he took the first step carefully...

After Guo Yi's step, he and Gandalf walked more and more relaxed, and finally strode out to the dark front, wanting to see where the deepest part is: "Aside from the background, this seems to be a normal land .”

Don't go back in a hurry, let's talk about this space!


Gandalf looked at the dark space except for the crossing door, and sighed: "Unfortunately, such an environment is not suitable for human habitation."


Guo Yi nodded, and also sighed: "Here..."



Before Guo Yi finished speaking, he felt his nose sore, and then his whole face seemed to kiss the wall, and painful vertigo appeared.

And Gandalf was safe and sound because he was half a step behind Guo Yi.

When he saw that Guo Yi seemed to be hitting a wall, he carefully stretched out his hand and poked forward: "There is an invisible wall here."

"Air Wall!?"

Guo Yi slowed down, then took a few steps back: "Let me try."

After Guo Yi and Gandalf retreated a certain distance, he carefully threw a fireball over.


After the fireball hit the air wall, it exploded and then went out.

During the whole process, nothing happens in space.

Afterwards, Guo Yi and Gandalf continued to try other methods, and gradually increased their efforts to break through the air wall.

However, no matter it is the fireball with physical characteristics, or the invisible and intangible perception, even if Guo Yi and the others burst out with all their strength, they cannot break through the air wall.

As for the space, there is no abnormality or change at all.

However, after Guo Yi and Gandalf fiddled for a while, they also discovered something.

The height of this space is the height of the crossing door.

The five crossing gates in this space should be the five vertices.

Connecting the dots, the five crossing doors frame the entire space into a pentagonal space.

"Pentagonal space!?"

After some probing, Guo Yi and Gandalf finally gave up: "What's going on?"

Afterwards, Guo Yi and Gandalf looked at the space again.

At this time, their position happened to be between the two passage gates.

"What's out there?"

Guo Yi knocked on the air wall, stared intently at the darkness outside the air wall, and fell silent for a while.

Afterwards, Guo Yi looked at Gandalf with inexplicable eyes again.


Gandalf was stunned by Guo Yi's gaze, and then smiled wryly: "Do you think that existence can pass through the portal?
Also, just now Eonar stepped on the transmigration door, did she transmigrate? "


Guo Yi rubbed his nose, gave up on letting Gandalf go back, and let Iluvita possess him into this space to have a look.

"Forget it, don't think about it."

Guo Yi shook his head and gave up exploring this space...

The most important thing is that they can't figure out one, two, three, four, five.

"Let's go, go back to Dongchen, let Lao Wei and the others send professional people over to study."

Guo Yi shook his head, then took Gandalf to a random door and left.

 Thank you "Flying Flame————Reincarnation" for your reward!

(End of this chapter)

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