Develop the world from one person

Chapter 387 Chapter 385: Traveling Through Space

Chapter 387 Chapter 385: Traveling Through Space


Guo Yi and Gandalf immediately froze their bodies as soon as they walked through the door, staring at the scene in front of them with the corners of their mouths twitching.

Outside the crossing gate, Wang Bu stood directly opposite Guo Yi and the others, looking at Guo Yi and Gandalf with a frosty face.

And around the king's department, those alien guards who were secretly collected, trained, and formed by the One-Man World officials are ready to go.

As long as the king's department gives an order, they will rush forward and splash Guo Yi's blood.

On the periphery of those guards, Guo Yi could still see the muzzles of heavy machine guns, sniper rifles and other firearms.

Moreover, outside the warehouse, you can even vaguely see the figure of the linear gun tank.

This welcome ceremony is a bit too grand! ?
"Wangbu, it's me."

Guo Yi swallowed, and said helplessly, "Can you stop being so nervous?

You're making me a little nervous too! "


Wang Bu looked at Guo Yi and Gandalf, and said quietly: "How do you prove that you are Guo Yi?"

"I prove that I am myself!?"

Guo Yi froze for a moment, then the corner of his mouth twitched again, feeling even more helpless.

Obviously, the change of the crossing gate has caused the royal department to become a frightened bird.

Moreover, after Guo Yi completes the task, he usually returns to Dongchen as soon as possible.

As a result, Guo Yi and Gandalf came here directly, but none of Dongchen's people saw it...

If Wang Bu doesn't doubt Guo Yi, then he will doubt Wang Bu!

"The phagocytosis on my body should prove it?"

Guo Yi shook the swallowing bag hanging on his body a little, and said helplessly to Wang Bu: "I don't know which door leads to which world.

No, I just found a random door and came to you. "


Wang Bu took a deep look at Guo Yi, and then gestured to a stranger.

Afterwards, the stranger took Guo Yi's pouch from a distance away.

"There is no need for martial law."

Seeing that the person coming out of the pouch was indeed a member of Liu Xilin's company, Wang Bu finally breathed a sigh of relief, confirmed that Guo Yi was Guo Yi, and quickly signaled to the guards, "Let's all go away."


Guo Yi also breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that there was no gun pointed at him.

Not afraid of guns, but afraid of fighting...

If this fights, it's really unfair.

"what happened?"

Seeing Wang Bu approaching, Guo Yi smiled wryly, "Why is there such a commotion?
Alien guards, hot weapons, and pulled out linear gun tanks...

Your welcoming lineup scares me a lot. "

"I still want to ask you what's going on."

Wang Bu looked at Guo Yi with a wry smile, and explained helplessly: "What's going on with this crossing gate now?

Why can't it be used suddenly..."

Because of the existence of the crossing gate, several worlds have been communicating with each other.

Therefore, in Dongchen's crossing gate square, many people can often be seen traveling back and forth between several worlds.

Those are all couriers to other people, using the pouch to communicate with each other...

Even, occasionally, you can see some big guys being transported by the bag-eating truck.

But when Guo Yi's strength improved, or when he just came back, Wang Bu's crossing gate became the same as what Guo Yi saw before.

This is actually fine, but what surprised Wang even more was that the lines and pipelines that had been set up in several worlds were cut off.

At the same time, they can no longer enter through the door!

This scares the royal family to death!
Therefore, the Wang Department transferred all the guards to prevent anything from coming out of the crossing gate while waiting for Guo Yi to come back.

The crossing gate is still there, and Wang Bu knows that it was not Guo Yi who closed the crossing gate.

As for why Wangbu still wants Guo Yi to verify that he is himself...

Just in case, just follow a process.

"...that's the way it is."

After Wang Bu finished explaining, he turned his head and looked at the dark portal: "Now that you can come over, the portal should be usable, right?"

The arrangement of Wangbu and what happened here gave Guo Yi a headache.

Don't think about it, the other worlds must be fried by now...


"Try it, I can't guarantee it."

Guo Yi sighed, and said helplessly, "If we can, we'll go find other people, and I'll explain when we get everyone together."


Wang Bu nodded, and then put his hand on the crossing door.

Afterwards, Wang Bu's eyes lit up, and he nodded with Guo Yi: "It can be used."




When Wang Bu came to the space behind the crossing gate, his pupils couldn't help but enlarge, and then he looked at the surrounding environment in amazement: "The crossing gate has become like this!?"


Guo Yi nodded, and then led Wang Bu into another crossing door: "When everyone is here, you are exploring here, first accompany me and call people first.

A little later, I'm afraid they will make more noise. "


Dongchen World.

When Guo Yi and Wang Bu arrived, it was no surprise that Lao Wei and the others were already running around in a hurry, and even the nuclear peace guards were pulled out.

Different from the world of Wangbu, Guo Yi used to open the crossing gates at Dongchen, so there were several crossing gates before Dongchen.

But this time, due to the sudden change of the crossing gate, Dong Chen only left Guo Yi's original crossing gate to the world of one person, and the other crossing gates disappeared.

So, after a while of flying around, Lao Wei and the others finally breathed a sigh of relief temporarily, and followed Guo Yi and Wang Bu to other worlds.

It's not a bad thing, everything is easy to say.

After a long time, the bigwigs from several worlds, as well as the old celestial masters, all gathered in this space.

Everyone stopped and walked, looking around in surprise.

At the same time, he was listening to Guo Yi and Gandalf's narration.

After everyone finished looking at the space, Guo Yi also finished telling the cause and effect.

"So, in the future, our several worlds may be in the same space!?"

Although Guo Yi didn't express his conjecture, after listening to Guo Yi's narration, which one of Lao Wei and the others couldn't guess this possibility?
Therefore, Lao Wei and the others couldn't help frowning slightly at this time.

If we are not in the same space, then the conflicts between us will not be too many, nor will they be too deep.

In this case, many things can be easily resolved.

However, if everyone is in the same space...

It doesn't seem to be a big deal!

Their several worlds have already formed an alliance, and everyone is of the same origin.

From the top level of several worlds, their several worlds are actually part of the fusion.

Besides, if that day really comes, everyone's territory will also be brought over by the crossing gate.

As long as the people at the top keep the fight between them within a certain range and not spread downward, no matter how much the people at the bottom rub against each other, it won't catch fire.

In addition, if several worlds are really in the same space, then everyone will benefit a lot.

Everyone is in the same space, so there is no need to keep secrets through the door.

At that time, several worlds can fully cooperate from top to bottom, and they will be fully operational.

Considering the size of the territory, demographic dividend, mobilization ability, etc., all are benefits!

and.As long as Guo Yi is around, the number of crossing gates will continue to increase, and the territory will continue to expand...

At that time, if there are major conflicts in several worlds, it will be a big deal to transfer internal conflicts to external conflicts.


Lao Wei and the others thought about the advantages and disadvantages of this space at the same time, couldn't help but look at each other, and laughed very happily.

They imagined that one day in the future, their several worlds would start from this space and begin to sweep the heavens and worlds...

People who are on their own, who are obedient, can cooperate.

And those who do the opposite...

The Heavenly Legion will teach them how to respect the strong!
Those who obey me prosper, those who oppose me perish!

"It seems that our future plans have to be reconsidered."

After Lao Wei and the others finished laughing, they looked at Guo Yi and the others seriously: "Guo Yi, pause for a moment for your mission in the next world.

A few of us, first call some experts over to look at the situation in this space.


Speaking of which, Lao Wei looked at the darkness outside the space: "The Chinese Alliance of Heavens...

This is likely not only a new starting point for our several worlds, but also a new starting point for Chinese civilization!

All Heavens Huaxia Alliance?

The Chinese civilization of the heavens! "

(End of this chapter)

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