Develop the world from one person

Chapter 388 Chapter 386: The Heavenly Huaxia City

Chapter 388 Chapter 386: The Heavenly Huaxia City
"The space is a regular pentagon, and the side length is the sum of the lengths of the three crossing doors.

Among them, one-third of the position is the length of the air wall...

Covers an area of...

gravity coefficient...

The rules of physics...

Chemistry rules...

biological rules...

air content...




A month later, an energetic white-haired old man was in a meeting room, explaining the scientific investigation results to Guo Yi and the others.

The data is very detailed, the verification is very complete, and the survey is very comprehensive.

To sum it up in one sentence: If you ignore the endless darkness, that space can allow any creature to survive.

Including but not limited to: animals and plants, microorganisms, viruses, etc.

However, there are no viruses and microorganisms in that space for the time being...

Those two things were verified by transporting them in from other worlds.

After verification, it was transported back to the original world to continue observation.

At the same time, after the detection of the entire space, disinfection work is also carried out to ensure that no virus is missed or spread.

After the old man finished his report, it was the turn of the Heavenly Master, Gandalf and Liu Xilin to report.

The old celestial master represents a different person, and he uses qi.

Gandalf represents the supernatural power of the world of the Lord of the Rings, using mana.

And Liu Xilin and the others are the ones who completed the World of Warcraft missions with Guo Yi, so they also learned the professional power of World of Warcraft...

Soldiers, thieves, mages, all three professions have been learned.

Therefore, Liu Xilin and the others represented the professional power of World of Warcraft to report.

Not surprisingly, all three extraordinary powers can be used in that space.

In addition, the old master has made further discoveries...

"Cultivating in that space is the same as practicing in the world of Lord of the Rings."

After Gandalf and Liu Xilin finished speaking, the old master added: "The upper limit of cultivation is the same as in the world of Lord of the Rings."

The world where the old celestial master breaks through his strength is in the world of Lord of the Rings.

At the same time, if you practice in the world of Lord of the Rings, it is faster than in other worlds.

"Old Heavenly Master, what do you mean, that space will synchronize the best world in the world where the crossing door is opened!?"

As soon as the old Tianshi finished speaking, Guo Yi's eyes lit up, and he said in surprise: "How did you confirm it?"

"I have practiced for some years, and I have practiced in several worlds.

When cultivating in different worlds, there are more or less differences when cultivating.

However, when the old man was cultivating in that space, he felt exactly the same as in the world of Lord of the Rings. "

The old heavenly master stroked his beard with a smile, and explained: "Of course, this is just an old guess.

For verification, a few more worlds need to be opened before the final confirmation. "


The old heavenly master's words made Guo Yi excited.

If it is really what the old heavenly master said, then even if a better world opens up in the future, there is no need for people who cultivate extraordinary power to practice in other worlds.

That space will always be a holy place for cultivation.

Although the old heavenly master said that he needs to open a few more worlds to verify, but...

Since the old heavenly master would mention this matter on such an occasion, he is at least [-]% sure.

[-]% certainty, if rounded up, it is [-]% sure.


After both the technology side and the extraordinary side reported the survey results, everyone let out a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, everyone couldn't help laughing.

That space is so inviting!
"Okay, let's discuss how to develop that space together."

Lao Wei slightly restrained his mouth that was getting bigger and bigger, and smiled with Guo Yi: "That space is yours, do you have any ideas?

Our several worlds meet your needs first, and then consider the needs of our several worlds. "


Guo Yi spread his hands, and smiled at Lao Wei: "It's very simple for me, all I need is a private training ground, an office building, and a residential area.

With these three areas, my needs are met. "

The private training ground is to gradually hide Guo Yi's strength.

Although Guo Yi will definitely do his best in front of others if he acts on a large scale.

However, this can more or less confuse some people who want to be unfavorable to Guo Yi.

As for the office building...

Kruse has been with Guo Yi for so many years, and until now he does not have a fixed office space, nor a fixed meeting room, etc.

Now that there are few people, it's okay to say, you can find a few offices in any world and use them first.

However, with more people in the future, there will definitely be an office space that belongs to Guo Yi's personal influence.

As for the residential area...

Same thing.

Every world can have Guo Yi's residence.

However, Guo Yi's daily residence must be in that space.

As for those who belonged exclusively to Guo Yi's influence, it was naturally more convenient to live together.

Anyway, no matter how powerful Guo Yi is, it will definitely not be as powerful as the combined forces of other worlds in the future.

In this case, in that space, Guo Yi's territory will definitely be surrounded by other worlds.

Therefore, whether Guo Yi and the others live together or scattered, it makes no difference.

It is precisely because there are other worlds that Guo Yi only needs those three areas.

There are armies of the heavens.

Living facilities, there are other world sites.


Lao Wei nodded, and then said with a smile to Guo Yi: "All right, you circle the land, decide on the architectural style, and tell us.

We'll build it for you. "

After confirming with Guo Yi, Lao Wei's smile completely subsided, and he looked at Lao Lai and the others seriously: "Move the garrison of the Heavenly Army directly to that space?"


"My research city has also moved there..."

"If there is a research city, how many corresponding production lines will you get?"

"Then why don't you just build an industrial chain..."

"The area needs to be considered..."

"We have to set up an office there in several worlds..."

"No, I think this kind of planning is still too scattered..."

"Not as good as us..."


With Lao Wei's discussion, the framework of the development plan for the space behind the crossing door gradually took shape.

In order to facilitate the deployment of personnel, and also for the integration of several worlds in the future, Lao Wei and the others decided to actually form a department responsible for handling crossing matters.

Before, although Lao Wei and the others had been supporting Guo Yi with all their strength.

However, they also have to shoulder some of the affairs of their own world.

But now, since there is a possibility of real integration, there must be a full-time department responsible for handling these related matters, and it cannot be said to be a part-time job.

At the same time, it is also laying the foundation for the final integration of several worlds and running in advance.

Therefore, the Subdistrict Office of the Second Community must really operate!

This time, Lao Wei and the others acted as the heads of various departments, and it was no longer all Dongchen's people who were in charge.

In addition, the All Heavens Army, All Heavens Research Institute, and All Heavens University have also been arranged in that space.

Let alone the Heavenly Army, they have already helped Dongchen suppress the world.

And the so-called All-heaven Research Institute is just a renaming of the research city from the old world.

As for the so-called All Heavens University, it is actually just formalizing the learning of researchers from several worlds.

In the future, university will no longer be the destination for students.

On top of the university, there is also a university of the heavens that combines the power of several worlds.

"...Let's leave it at that for now."

After a long time, Guo Yi woke up, Lao Wei and the others finally finished the negotiation, and then asked Guo Yi: "It's time for the space behind the crossing door to have a formal name."


Guo Yi pondered for a while, and laughed with everyone: "How about, let's call that space Zhutian Huaxia City!
The same city culture, the same city people! "

(End of this chapter)

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