Develop the world from one person

Chapter 389 Chapter 387: The Sixth World

Chapter 389 Chapter 387: The Ninth World
"The Huaxia City of the Heavens!?"

Lao Wei and the others savored it carefully, and then they all smiled: "This name is not bad."


Seeing that Lao Wei and the others had no objections, Guo Yi made a decision on the spot: "Then it's decided like this!

From now on, that space will be called: Huaxia City of the Heavens! "


Old Wei nodded, and then looked at the other people who were one level lower than them: "Go and add the details, and report to us as soon as possible, let's end the meeting."

"it is good."

Those who are at a lower level, although they know the crossing gate and other worlds, have cooperated with people from other worlds and worked together for several years.

However, they did not know the details of Guo Yi.

Therefore, the next thing is not suitable for them to continue listening here.

Those people all left, not to mention those who were lower than them, they all left the meeting room immediately.

It's not that they don't trust them, it's the rules.

Some news is already well-known to some people.

However, for those at a lower level, that is an extremely secret secret.

Of course, you can guess, or you can inquire secretly, as long as you don't talk about it, and don't discuss it, then nothing will happen.

However, if you talk about those things wantonly...

No matter whether there is no trouble or trouble, whether it is a good influence or a bad influence, you must become a black and white image.

"Didn't Iluvita finally create a cultivation planet for Eonar yesterday?"

After those irrelevant personnel left, Lao Wei looked at Guo Yi, frowned slightly and asked, "What about your mission?

Can you open the next world? "

Guo Yi's task is to help Eonar recover her body.

When she first came back a month ago, Eonar just stayed with Iluvita and didn't start to recover her body.

Therefore, Guo Yi's mission was actually not completed.

And when Iluvita resurrects the people of Mordor and finds the planet that can restore Eonar's body, the time has come to yesterday.

Therefore, Guo Yi also completed the task yesterday, and knew where the next world is.

As for what Guo Yi has been doing for the past month...

Eating, drinking, and having fun, and the power to be familiar with the mage profession that Eonar has encouraged.

Before absorbing the source of Eonar, Guo Yi was 100% the power to control the mage profession.

But after pulling the seedlings to encourage growth, Guo Yi can only control [-]% of the power at most.

Therefore, Guo Yi took advantage of this vacant window to seize the time to familiarize himself with the power of the mage profession and prepare for the next world.

No way, the mage profession is not transmitted by the system like Tongtianlu.

Therefore, I can only rely on Guo Yi to practice hard.

"The next world..."

Guo Yi twitched his mouth, his expression seemed happy, but also a little uncomfortable, and explained with mixed sorrow and joy: "It's a world called Marvel MCU..."

Marvel MCU, the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

In the case of Marvel movies...

The upper limit of strength and water are just like that...

Everything is afraid of comparison.

Compared with movies and comics, the strength of the people in the movies, as well as the world view, etc., have been weakened too much.

It is precisely because of this that Guo Yi doesn't blow his hair like World of Warcraft.

As for the three spiders in the same frame, the Dark Doctor Strange, the Eternals, etc...

I'm sorry, but in Guo Yi's view, the Marvel Cinematic Universe will be gone by the time of Women's Federation Four.

The follow-up part no longer belongs to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

"Black Widow, the Avengers...

Ancient One, Karma Taj...

Odin, the Aesir Protoss...

Guardians of the Galaxy...

Thanos, the director of the Family Planning Office..."

After Guo Yi finished talking about the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe story with some important characters, Lao Wei and the others frowned slightly: "This is the earth and the universe, and there are quite a lot of people and forces involved. what.

Moreover, the distance is still far away, and the timeline is still long, which is a bit troublesome. "

Can it be troublesome?
In terms of individual strength, there are ancient ones, Odin, etc. that are out of specification, and there are unreasonable items such as infinite gems.

In terms of power, the Dark Quadrant, the Asa Protoss, the Raiders, etc., which one is easy to mess with?
And the country...

Xandar, Kerry Empire, etc., which one is not a cosmic level force?
In terms of distance, if you don’t move at all, it’s calculated in tens of thousands of light-years...

As far as Lao Wei and the others are at the current level of technology in their worlds, even if they are wiped out, they may not know what's going on.

Isn't that bothersome enough?
"What about your mission?"

Lao Wei and the others rubbed their brows and looked at Guo Yi tiredly: "Isn't it going to be against some kind of creation god level, or some kind of super overlord level force?"

"will not."

When it comes to the mission, Guo Yi didn't feel bad anymore, but said happily: "This mission is very simple, to help the Earth repel the Chitauri invasion army."

"Invasion Legion!?"

Old Wei and the others were taken aback, and said curiously: "Cosmic war!?"


Guo Yi spread his hands and said helplessly: "Man-made wormholes.

They directly invaded the earth through wormholes.

Therefore, this time the mission is mainly within the planet.

And those outside the specification, for various reasons, cannot move. "

Odin is old and will not leave Asgard easily.

Thanos dare not come to Earth because Odin and Ancient One are still there.

Therefore, unless Gu and Guo Yi made a move, otherwise, if other people came, Guo Yi would definitely be able to escape if they couldn't beat them.

Besides, Guo Yi has not only strengthened his own strength, but also the strength of the old Tianshi and the others.

Be it Sol or Hulk, Guo Yi has plenty of ways to deal with it.

"This time, not only is the task easy, but the benefits are definitely huge!"

Speaking of this, Guo Yi became excited: "There are many good things in that world!

Especially the tech stuff…”

Iron Man suits, Ark reactors, sound-absorbing steel, Wakanda vibrating gold, spaceships in Guardians of the Galaxy, etc., there are too many good things.

It can be said that as long as Guo Yilang is good, get some technology and some materials, it is enough to raise the technology level of Lao Wei and his world by several levels!
Especially when it comes to spaceflight...

Wormhole navigation is commonplace in Marvel!

As for personal power...

According to Marvel's law, the rich rely on technology, and the poor rely on mutation.

Therefore, Guo Yi and the others are at most increasing the strength and means of the technology side...

Nano armor per capita?

On the mysterious side...

Maybe just slice Captain America and crack his serum?
However, it seems that the serum is also a product of technology! ?

Or, learn magic at Karma Taj?

Seeing Guo Yi's excited expression, Lao Wei and the others couldn't help but twitched their eyes, and looked at Guo Yi with guarded eyes: "What do you want to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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