Develop the world from one person

Chapter 390 388: The Eve of Crossing

Chapter 390 388: The Eve of Crossing

"Old Wei, you don't have to look at me like that..."

The eyes of Lao Wei and the others and Lao Wei's words made Guo Yi rub his nose, and said with a flattering smile: "I'm trying to gain some benefits for everyone, don't look at me like that.

Think about it, wormhole voyage, a moment is [-] light-years.

At that time, the universe will be our source of raw materials!

You can have whatever you want, how cool!

Moreover, there are still four universes!
Otherwise, think about Zhenjin again.

That thing is stronger than VPS armor!
At that time, each of us will have a vibrating gold battle suit, how strong will the old heavenly masters be?
Even if you don't consider the old heavenly master, then consider me?
I have the vibration gold battle suit, but the safety has been greatly improved.

Let me tell you, the Marvel MCU is a risk-free treasure for us..."


Lao Wei and the others looked at Guo Yi's saliva, and they wanted to make trouble, so they were convinced.

Wormhole voyage...

To put it bluntly, even if the complete blueprints of products related to wormhole navigation are placed in front of Zhutian R&D Institute, they will not be able to make them.

Without a supporting industrial system, are you good at rubbing parts?

That is the country of Wakanda, if it is less, it will have almost no effect on Lao Wei and his world.

If there are too many, it is equivalent to wanting Wakanda to destroy the country. At that time, if Wakanda has not died with Guo Yi, who has died with Guo Yi?
Therefore, Lao Wei and the others quietly watched Guo Yi's extravagant speech that day, without any disturbance in their hearts.

"...Look, there are so many good things in front of us, we only need to stretch out our hands slightly, and they are all ours."

After a lot of talking, Guo Yi finally got thirsty, gave up continuing to brainwash Lao Wei and the others, and concluded: "So, why don't we team up with Marvel's own family and directly push Da Meili away?

Then, we use Damei as a base to open a portal to plan the cosmic technology in the Marvel world? "

Before the reunion, who can stand up to the heavenly army?

Iron Man Tony Stark?

Without the steel suit, Tony Stark only has the scientific research ability beyond mortals...

A peanut costing fifty cents is enough to make his brain bloom into a red and white flower.


That organization is not the problem, the problem is the one-eyed brine egg, the current Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Nick Fury.

He has the Captain Marvel card in his hand!
With Captain Marvel's strength, it might not be too difficult to destroy the Heavenly Army alone.

So, as long as Nick Fury can't play that card, he is not a big problem.

In addition, it is also necessary to determine whether the stewed egg is the stewed egg itself, or whether the Sluk people have become.

After solving these two problems, he is not a problem either.


They have Hulk, Guo Yi has a second elder, who is afraid of whom?


The big fool of the landlord's family, let's forget it.

Just find some scammer or something, and he can be limped.

ancient one?

He is a big boss, with a high profile and high vision.

That's why she wouldn't bother with the regime change between mortals.

As for Odin...

With Gu Yi around, and his time limit has come, Guo Yi can't be controlled much.

Moreover, there was a prophecy of Ragnarok weighing on his mind.

Thinking of Ragnarok, Guo Yi's eyes suddenly lit up, and he excitedly said to Lao Wei and the others: "I still think of something...

You said, should we accept the Asa Protoss, or have a marriage with Queen Hilana?

Here, there is a lot of room for manipulation! "

As long as the arrangement is good, after the dusk of the gods, Guo Yi and the others can definitely win over the refugees from Agastard.

As for Hela...

Unless she's completely lost her mind, otherwise, she just wants to take revenge on Odin, and then ascend to the throne and rule the Nine Realms.

What does Hela's domination of the Nine Realms have to do with Guo Yi and the others?
As for whether Hela would want to conquer the worlds of Lao Wei and the others...

It definitely will.

But because of it, Hela will definitely do her best to help Guo Yi and the others in the early stage to gain trust.

And in the middle and late stages, it depends on the means of both sides.

Besides, at that time, Guo Yi will close the crossing gate at worst, what a big deal.

"Ha, that's a good idea of ​​yours."

Guo Yi's words and thoughts made Lao Wei and the others laugh: "You forgot, can't you determine the time and place of your time travel?"


Guo Yi was taken aback for a moment, and then thought of this question.

If you want to make trouble, you can only have a chance before Avengers One and within the earth.

After Avengers One, Tony Stark had Post-War Traumatic Stress Syndrome, and began frantically suffocating the steel army and constantly upgrading his battle suits...

At that time, if Guo Yi wants to build a beautiful country, he will easily be overturned by the concerted efforts of the Avengers and Nick Fury.

The power of the combination of two terminally ill patients with persecution hallucinations cannot be underestimated!

Moreover, those two victims of hallucinations still want money and money, and they want people to buy goods. The risks and benefits are not directly proportional, and they are easy to lose.


Guo Yi curled his lips and said helplessly, "I'll play by ear when the time comes."


Lao Wei and the others saw that Guo Yi still did not give up, and shook his head helplessly: "It's been so many worlds, you can figure it out yourself."

After finishing speaking, Lao Wei put away his smiling face, and said seriously: "Speaking of business, what is the strength of the Chitauri's invasion legion, and what is its combat power?"

"do not know."

Guo Yi spread his hands and said speechlessly: "I only know that their flagship ship was actually destroyed by an ordinary nuclear bomb..."

As long as nuclear weapons are mentioned, the first words that people think of are nuclear winter, radiation, destruction, etc., which makes people feel uneasy.

In fact, this reason mainly comes from the huge number of casualties in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the explanations of experts, which makes people feel that as long as nuclear weapons are used, it seems that there is no escape at all.

In fact, there are many ways to kill nuclear weapons, and it is not impossible to escape the attack of nuclear weapons.

According to the different design types and yields of nuclear weapons, the energy distribution ratios of various lethal factors will be somewhat different.

For example, most nuclear bombs in service are shock wave-enhanced, and the radiation of neutron bombs and small-yield tactical nuclear weapons will be relatively enhanced. Ultra-large-yield nuclear weapons with more than [-] million tons have a higher proportion of optical radiation energy.

But no matter what kind of nuclear bomb, most of its energy is still reflected in the shock wave and light radiation.

So the question is, can the shock wave and light radiation of a nuclear bomb mounted on a fighter jet destroy a space battleship that can enter a wormhole at any time?
Moreover, TM is the flagship ship, or TM is the vacuum environment...

That's a bit outrageous, isn't it?

Either the nuclear bomb is outrageous, or the Chitauri's flagship ship is outrageous, or both are outrageous, just outrageous.


Guo Yi's words made Lao Wei and the others stunned for a moment, and then smiled wryly: "I don't know the opponent's combat power...

How about this, as many people and warships as you can take on this mission, just take as many as you want.

In case you just traveled through the past, that's when the mission started.

As for what you said..."

Speaking of this, Lao Wei and the others half-closed their eyes, and said kindly: "If there is a chance, we will agree with your action plan."


Guo Yi raised his eyebrows, and smiled tacitly with Lao Wei and the others.

Only others are allowed to free us, why are we not allowed to free others?
They said that we lived in dire straits, and we also said that they were persecuted to the point of having Stockholm Syndrome!
Who can't fight?

There is a kind, try it yourself!
If Xiang can't fight, beat him as Xiang!

"So be it."

Everyone was silent for a while, then Guo Yi got up and left: "I'm going to prepare."

(End of this chapter)

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