Develop the world from one person

Chapter 391 Chapter 389: Marvel MCU

Chapter 391 Chapter 389: Marvel MCU

The next day, I came to the world, at the temporary general base of the All Heavens Army.

The people of the Heavenly Army are entering the six space battleships dedicated to the vanguard fleet of different worlds in an orderly manner...

The so-called vanguard fleet space battleship of another world actually means that each person in the battleship has an extra nutrition cabin that can be dormant for a long time.

That time in World of Warcraft, Guo Yi starved Liu Xilin and the others for a day and a night.

In order to prevent Guo Yi from accidentally starving his entourage to death because of his memory or other special reasons, the research city specially developed this space battleship with a long-term dormant nutrition cabin.

With the dormant nutrition cabin, these accompanying personnel no longer have to worry about starving to death.

In addition to the people of the All Heavens Army, there are also many weapons and supplies vehicles that are transporting various ammunition and supplies in and out, busy and orderly.

"I miss my Tiantian."

Guo Yi looked at the six space battleships that were about to travel with him in the distance, and said with regret: "Ionar is a piece of shit!

In order to save her, I put all my Zhutian account in, the more I think about it, the more I feel uncomfortable! "

"What's the matter with you in exchange for your present ability with a Zhutian ship?"

Hearing Guo Yi's brazen words, Lao Lai smiled and said, "You, don't be so greedy."


Guo Yi looked at Lao Lai pitifully, and cried to him: "Eonar only needs to change positions again, or communicate in advance, and I don't need to take my Zhutian account.

Damn it, let's lose blood! "


Lao Lai laughed a bit, was too lazy to continue talking about the topic of Guo Yi, and talked about business: "I have arranged for the follow-up support of the All Heavens Army.

In addition to a group of support fleets here, there are also a group of support fleets in Zhutian Huaxia City on standby.

It can ensure that when the crossing door appears, there will be a fleet to support you. "

Guo Yi went to Marvel MCU this time, it was in this base, not the previous Dongchen crossing square.

According to the logic of opening the door before, wherever Guo Yi travels to the other world, the entrance of the crossing door will be there, and the exit is his current location in the other world.

In order to facilitate the arrangement of the support fleet, and also to give Guo Yi immediate support, he can only cross here.

After all, the space battleships of the All-heavenly Army are not small in size, and there are even more of them. There are not enough places in the other worlds for a large number of the All-heavenly Army to station.

Moreover, it is necessary to hide the movement and the passage door.

Therefore, Guo Yi can only travel here this time.

This arrangement, if it was changed to before the Huaxia City of the Heavens appeared, it would be basically safe.

Unfortunately, because of the appearance of the Huaxia City of the Heavens, Guo Yi is not sure whether the door he opened this time is in Laolai or in the Huaxia City of the Heavens.

Therefore, Lao Lai can only arrange one more fleet to be on standby in the Huaxia City of the Heavens.

When it came to support, Lao Lai frowned slightly, and said to Guo Yi seriously: "When and where the crossing door will open, you have to think about it carefully.

You must remember not to block the door. "

This time, Guo Yi's enemy is the established space fleet.

This army is fighting, if Guo Yi opens the door directly in front of the other army, then the action to support Guo Yi will become a defensive breakout battle.

Just pass through the big fart of the gate and be surrounded by the enemy, and the enemy will be able to close the gate and beat the heavenly army.

Therefore, Guo Yi had better let the exit position have enough space for the All Heavens Army to expand their formation.

As for why only Guo Yi and Lao Lai are here to finally confirm these things...

Lao Wei and the others are discussing and approving the construction of Zhutian Huaxia City, and they have no time to send Guo Yi on the road.

The sooner the Huaxia City of the Heavens is built, the sooner everyone will benefit.

At the very least, there is a general base for the All Heavens Army.

And the old master, Kruse and the others...

He had been lying in the portable dormant nutrition cabin for a long time, and he was fast asleep in the pouch on Guo Yi's body at this moment.

Except for Gandalf...

Taking advantage of the fact that the Vanguard Fleet of the Heavenly Army still needs some time to prepare, Gandalf ran to the cafeteria of the base.

The majestic Mai Ya was lured into a foodie by delicious food, and there was no one else.

"Well, I'll keep an eye out."

After the old man finished talking, Guo Yi nodded slightly, and asked the old man: "How much combat power is the first batch of support fleets?

What about the follow-up support fleet?

How long will it take? "

"The first fleet to support you consists of a hundred warships, all of whom are on wartime alert, and can fight when they open the door."

Lao Lai recalled the data of the All Heavens Army's operation this time, and said to Guo Yi: "The interval between the second batch of support fleet and the first batch of support fleet ranges from five to ten minutes.

The specific time depends on where the crossing gate is.

However, the second batch of support fleet is the remaining All Heavens Army. "


Guo Yi pondered for a moment, nodded in agreement and said, "Just follow this plan."

Persist for ten minutes after the crossing door is opened, and still persist for ten minutes with the support of the fleet...

If Guo Yi and Lao Tianshi can't hold on for this little time, then they still have to open the door and just wash up and go back to sleep.

The door is opened to mess with others, not to die.

"I am back."

While Guo Yi and Lao Lai were having a chat, Gandalf walked in with a bulging mouth: "How soon are we going to leave?"


Guo Yi looked at Gandalf, who had an elbow in one hand and a drumstick in the other, and his mouth was dripping with oil, and he shook his head helplessly: "Gandalf, are you still acting like this...

I don’t know, I thought you were reincarnated as a starving ghost! "


Gandalf took a bite off a piece of meat, chewed and smiled, "In this world, only family and delicious food can live up to you.

These words are your original words.

My family has nothing left, and the only thing left is the hobby of food. "

"And me?"

Guo Yi blinked, and asked curiously: "I choose one with the food, who do you choose?"


Gandalf gave Guo Yi a springy smile, and said with great certainty: "If it's a full banquet, I can consider not wanting you.

If it is a full banquet with fine wine, I will definitely choose gourmet food. "

"Go away~"


"The report is ready."


Lao Lai and the correspondent nodded, and then looked at Guo Yi: "It's time to go."

"Gandalf, stop chewing, and leave."



When it comes to Marvel MCU, one has to mention a magnificent mansion.

Located on the coastline of Malibu, it has a superb view overlooking the Pacific Ocean and covers an area of ​​thousands of square meters.

The reason why I have to mention it is not because of the grandeur of the peerless mansion...

Of course, there are also some.

Most importantly, the owner of that magnificent mansion: Iron Man Tony Stark.

A man cursed by knowledge, a man hailed as a mortal equal to a god, a hero of reason.

However, no matter whether it was the magnificent mansion or Tony Stark, their situation was not very good at this time.

Inside the mansion, many places have become ruins.

Broken glass, broken furniture, and broken walls make the interior of the mansion look like it has gone through war.

At this time, Tony Stark was leaning against a wall with blank eyes, not knowing what to think.

At this moment, his eyes blurred, and an old man and a young man appeared in front of him out of thin air. He was so scared that he jumped up instantly and raised his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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