Develop the world from one person

Chapter 392 Chapter 390: Iron Man II

Chapter 392 Chapter 390: Iron Man II

"Hey, my party is over, are you here to clean up?"


Before Guo Yi had time to see the scene clearly, he heard someone talking behind him, and turned his head to look in bewilderment.

This opening has been discovered again! ?

When he was in the Ultimate Bliss Space, he wanted to live a peaceful life and have a good time.

As a result, the opening game appeared in the eyes of the Bliss Space Management Committee.

And now, he appeared directly in front of Iron Man...

What else does this make him do?

When he wants to appear at an important person or an important place, the system will give him a thousand miles.

When he didn't want to, he was directly sent to some difficult eyes...

play, right?
"Are you dumb!?"

Tony Stark saw Guo Yi and Gandalf just looking at him quietly without answering, so he couldn't help but said again: "Hey, old man, kid, are your mouths decorations?
Or, are you too excited to speak when you see me?

If it doesn't work, then move your neck and give me an answer, okay? "


Guo Yi looked at Tony Stark's two palm guns, and shook his head helplessly: "Is this how you always ask others?"

"Hehe, you can actually talk."

After hearing Guo Yi's words, Tony Stark secretly became alert, but said in an extremely arrogant tone: "Since you can speak, then answer my question carefully.

who are you?

Where did it come from?
What do you want to do? "

"I said we were passing by, would you believe me?"

Guo Yi spread his hands and said with a smile, "Why don't you pretend that you haven't seen us before, and let's go now?"


Tony Stark moved his hand away, fired a palm shot at the innocent ground, and then said to Guo Yi sullenly: "Man, the thing in my hand looks like a light bulb.

But trust me, you don't want the light bulb to hit you.

So, can you please answer honestly? "


Guo Yi shrugged, ignored the gun crater, and smiled at Tony with a relaxed face: "Look, I told you that we were passing by, but you don't believe me.

Now blame me for not answering, what do you want from me?

What else can I do? "


Tony Stark was silent for a moment, and then called out lightly: "Jarvis, let them see how they appear."


As soon as Tony Stark finished speaking, Jarvis turned on a 3D projection screen in front of Guo Yi and the others.

On the screen, from all angles, the surveillance footage of Guo Yi and the others when they came out was constantly being played repeatedly.

On the side of the screen, there are several green data bars.

"When you come from outside, whether you come in stealth or fly in, it will cause the air to flow.

However, Jarvis has not detected any abnormal air fluctuations before and after your appearance. "

As the picture repeated again and again, Tony Stark said in a cold voice: "If it is teleportation, what about the energy dissipation after the teleportation is over?

Even if it is teleportation, coming out of another world, it will have an impact on the environment!

However, none of these abnormal data!

Do you want to give me a reasonable explanation? "


Guo Yi shook his head helplessly as he looked at the double-speed screen that was already a few digits behind the decimal point.

This position of appearance directly turned his plan into a fantasy, which was extremely painful.

"Are you going to be here, chatting with us the way you are now?"

Guo Yi glanced at the surrounding ruins, and smiled with Tony: "This was a party before, right?

I missed it, but can't you buy me a drink? "

"Sorry, I don't remember ever inviting you to my party."

Tony did not relax because of Guo Yi's words, but became more alert: "Also, I think the way I am chatting with you now is pretty good.

I ask you to answer, thank you for your cooperation. "


Guo Yi smiled and shook his head, then he just wanted to lift his feet and walk forward...


Tony fired a palm cannon at Guo Yi's feet, and said in a cold voice, "If I were you, I would raise my hands honestly and answer the questions seriously."

"It's a pity you're not me."

Just as Tony finished speaking, his eyes blurred suddenly, and when he recovered, Guo Yi's face had already appeared in front of his eyes.


Before Tony could hear Jarvis's words clearly, he took a step back subconsciously: "Are you a ghost?"

"I don't like being pointed at with weapons. For the sake of you being Iron Man, I won't pursue it."

Guo Yi looked at Tony who took a step back, and said with a "nuclear" smile: "I don't like people threatening me even more, because you are a local tyrant.

After we get to know each other, if you compensate me for the mental damage, I'll let it go.


Speaking of this, Guo Yi's smile disappeared, and he said coldly: "It doesn't mean you can make progress!"


Just as Tony was about to speak, his eyes blurred again, and then he felt a huge force appearing from his buttocks, which lifted him up into the air, and finally made him stare directly at the floor of the second floor.

Just as Tony came back to himself and was about to get angry, he felt a huge tug on his ankle.

Then, the scene in front of him quickly reversed...


After Guo Yi smashed Tony into the ground, he squatted down with a smile: "Now, should you buy me a drink?

We drank and chatted, let me experience the chatting style of local tyrants.

When I feel better, I might be interested in answering your question. "


Tony didn't answer Guo Yi's words, but looked at the screen in front of him in horror.

On the screen, the real-time monitoring of the armor shows that the armor where Juli appeared just now has completely failed...

Knead titanium alloy by hand! ?
"Stupid, or dizzy?"

Guo Yi saw Tony stuck on the ground, motionless, and couldn't help knocking on his mask: "HELLO, is there anyone?"

"Sir, he just teleported in front of you."

Inside the battle armor, Jarvis and Tony reported what happened just now: "After he finished talking to you, he teleported behind you and kicked your butt hard.

Then he took you by the ankles with his hands and smashed you into the floor. "

"Thank you for the detailed report."

Following Jarvis' report, the corner of Tony's mouth twitched: "But, I just want to know the loss of the armor, not how I was beaten."

After complaining, Tony said to Jarvis: "Find their information, hurry up."

"Yes, sir."


"Jarvis, I know you're here."

Guo Yi waited for a while, and found that Tony still hadn't moved, so he raised his head and said with a smile: "Please wake him up for me.

If you can't wake him up, I can only wake him up in my own way. "

(End of this chapter)

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