Develop the world from one person

Chapter 393 Chapter 391: Winning

Chapter 393 Chapter 391: Winning


It's embarrassing, Guo Yi is very embarrassed at this time.

He waited for a full three minutes, no matter whether it was Jarvis or Tony Stark, they ignored what he just said.

Tony was still framed on the floor, motionless.

If Guo Yi hadn't known that his buffer device was a super black technology among black technologies, he would have thought that he had accidentally shocked him to death.

And Jarvis...

Either Guo Yi had no authority, so Jarvis ignored him, or Tony secretly ordered it to ignore Guo Yi in the armor.

This made Guo Yi very upset!
Co-authoring an egomaniac like Tony, he still pretends to be dead, right?
"You want to play dead, don't you?"

Guo Yi's eyes narrowed slightly, and he smiled "nuclearly" at Tony: "If that's the case, then I won't be polite."

After finishing speaking, Guo Yi put his hand on the mask of Tony's armor: "I really want to know, can I crush your titanium alloy armor while crushing your head?"

Following Guo Yi's words, Tony's battle armor started to alarm crazily, and Jarvis quickly explained: "The shape of the mask has been distorted."


At the same time, Tony also gradually heard the sound of metal being squeezed, and the screen in front of him also showed poor contact.

What shocked him even more was that on the real-time monitoring graphics of the battle armor, the color of the mask gradually turned red.

"and many more."

Seeing this, Tony couldn't hold back any longer, and quickly opened his mask: "Speak up if you have something to say..."


"Boom ~ Boom ~ Boom ~"

Guo Yi felt Tony's mask bounce off, and immediately squeezed and twisted it with all his strength, directly tore off his mask, and threw it aside.


Tony glanced at the mask rolling on the ground with a pale face, then looked at Guo Yi with constricted pupils, and swallowed subconsciously.

This time he was convinced, Guo Yizhen made the titanium alloy with his bare hands!

Although Tony Palladium was deeply poisoned, and he was already bouncing back and forth on the verge of death.

However, the difference between being unable to return to heaven and dying due to palladium poisoning, and being crushed to death is a bit big!
Tony wasn't afraid of death, he was afraid of death being worthless and unclear.

"I think we should sit down and talk about it."

Tony looked at Guo Yi's playful expression, and said with the last strength: "I don't know if you are interested in having a drink with me?"


After a while, Guo Yi and Tony sat facing each other, each dangling there with a glass of red wine, not talking to each other, each meditating.

Tony is thinking about who can come and help him solve the predicament in front of him, and at the same time, he can't attract Guo Yi's attention...

If he was pinched to death by Guo Yi before the reinforcements arrived, his death would not be worth it!
In addition, Tony also began to reflect on Guo Yi's previous behavior...

It seemed that the non-human being in front of him wanted to talk to him about something.


With the strength Guo Yi showed just now, if he wants to run, can he stop it?

If Guo Yi wanted to kill him, then he would think that the body would be cold right now.

Since Guo Yi wants to stay and drink with him, there is only one possibility: Guo Yi wants to chat with him!

Even, Guo Yi still needs his help!
This is his self-confidence as the chairman of the Stark Group!
He, Tony Stark, has money!
And Guo Yi really wanted to talk to Tony about something...

Is there any way for Tony to become one of the deputy directors of Zhutian Research and Development Institute?
At worst, let Tony become a special consultant of Zhutian Research and Development Institute.

No way, Tony, a man cursed by knowledge, is really delicious!
Well, it's Tony Stark, the developer, not Iron Man Tony Stark.

As far as Iron Man's fighting power is concerned, to be honest, Guo Yi doesn't like it, and Lao Wei and the others don't like it even more.

War is always a collective matter, not an individual matter.

Therefore, it was Tony's brain that Guo Yi was greedy for.

As for killing Tony Stark if he can't get him...

This can only be said, unless it is necessary, Guo Yi is really reluctant to kill Tony Stark.

After all, his last snap of fingers and that sentence, in Guo Yi's opinion, he can indeed be called a hero!
Although Guo Yi is not a hero, and he is not interested in sympathizing with the hero Tony, it is good to have more heroes in this world.

As for Gandalf...

From the beginning to the end, he restrained his breath, watching Guo Yi tease Tony like a transparent person.

"You're not going to just drink with me until dawn, are you?"

Tony waited for a long time, but he didn't wait for Guo Yi to speak, so he took the initiative to speak: "What do you want to talk to me about?"

"Are you interested in healing your body and solving the problem of palladium poisoning?"

Guo Yi thought about it, and the biggest breakthrough was Tony's body at this time.

At this time, he died soon due to palladium poisoning.

This matter here is obviously the famous scene of Iron Man II...

Tony pissed in his battle armor, drunk everywhere, and then had a fight with his friend, and took the opportunity to indirectly give his friend a battle armor.


After hearing Guo Yi's words, Tony couldn't help shrinking his pupils, and looked at Guo Yi in surprise.

Tony doesn't doubt that Guo Yi can know his situation, after all, his strength has surpassed the scope of human beings.

For a person with such strength, God knows if there will be any special sources of information, or some special skills.

Moreover, some time ago, someone already knew about his physical condition.

One more Guo Yi is not more, one less Guo Yi is not much.

However, if Guo Yi can heal his body...

After Tony was surprised, he looked at Guo Yi with the eyes of a liar: "I have tried all the elements in the world, but there is still no way to solve the problem of palladium poisoning.

What can you do? "

Speaking of this, Tony said mockingly: "Don't tell me to give up using the Iron Armor, and don't talk about surgery.

I am Iron Man, Iron Man is me, I can't give up Iron Armor.

And for surgery...

Pepper, the best physician and surgeon in the world, has searched for me, but no one is sure to remove the shrapnel in my body.

So don't give me hope and don't comfort me! "

After speaking, Tony drank the wine in his hand with a lonely face.

If it wasn't really helpless, he would not give up on himself, let alone be so indulgent.

"If you can't solve it, it doesn't mean I can't solve it either!"

Guo Yi shook his wine glass, smiled at him with meaningful eyes and tone: "It doesn't mean that my world can't be solved!"


Tony stood up subconsciously, staring blankly at Guo Yi.


Tony swallowed, suppressed his excitement, and confirmed tremblingly: "Your world!?"

Being cursed by knowledge, he naturally knows the concept of multiverse.

Although he has no way to prove the existence of the multiverse, he is sure that the multiverse must exist.

Therefore, when Guo Yi emphasized his world, Tony guessed that Guo Yi was not from this world.

Coupled with the abnormality of Guo Yi when he appeared on the stage, Tony has [-]% believed Guo Yi's words.


Guo Yi nodded, and raised his glass with Tony with a smile: "My world!
In my world, dealing with your problems is as simple as dealing with a cold for me, my world. "


Tony was silent for a moment, then looked at Guo Yi solemnly: "What price do I have to pay?"

"Interested in immigrating?"

Guo Yi frowned, and smiled with Tony: "Immigrate to my world, become a rich man and a scientific researcher, how about it?"


Tony was taken aback, and looked at Guo Yi curiously: "You mean..."


Before Tony finished speaking, his eyes blurred again, and Guo Yi's figure disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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