Develop the world from one person

Chapter 394 Chapter 392: Battle against Ancient 1

Chapter 394 Chapter 392: Battle against Ancient One
"Hey, old man, what about others?"

Tony looked around and found that Guo Yi's figure had really disappeared. He asked Gandalf curiously, "Has he gone back?"

"No, wait."

Gandalf shook his head slightly, replied casually, and then sensed his surroundings solemnly.

How could someone steal away Guo Yi silently in front of him...

Ancient One?
Hope nothing will happen!
"Guest from another world, you are not the way to be a guest!"

At this time, in the mirror space.

Before Guo Yi could react, Gu Yi appeared in front of him with a smile on his face, his hands trembled in fright.

Damn, Gu Yi has been paying attention to Tony all the time.

In other words, Ancient One has been paying attention to the main members of the Avengers: Iron Man and Captain America!

He was just making a start. Before Tony agreed, Gu Yi appeared. Didn't he keep paying attention to Tony?
"Hello, Master Ancient One."

Guo Yi took a deep breath, stood up, clasped his hands and gestured to Gu Yi.

In the entire Marvel MCU, the only person Guo Yi admires is Gu Yi.

Even Tony, Guo Yi only likes and envies, not admires.

I like Tony's armor and envy him having sex with eleven cover girls, plus a pair of twins.

As for why I admire Ancient One...

As far as Gu Yi's strength is concerned, she is free to do whatever she wants, and go wherever she wants, and Mondo doesn't have her freedom.

However, Ancient One silently guarded mankind for thousands of years.

In the end, even for the best future, he forcibly retired.

At the same time, she has lived for so long and is not rigid.

Karma Taj has WIFI!
Moreover, she dared to use the enemy's power to deal with the enemy, and she was not tempted to fall by the enemy's power.

His temperament is comparable to that of the old heavenly master!

Isn't Gu Yi worthy of admiration for his strength and conduct?
Except for the ancient one in the manga...

The ancient one in the comics is a traitor!

"Tony Stark is the key to the future. If you take him away, it will cause serious problems in my world."

After seeing Guo Yi's behavior, Gu Yi changed a table and a pot of tea with a smile, and motioned Guo Yi to sit down and drink tea: "Can you talk to me about your origin and purpose?"


Guo Yi sat down, took a sip of tea to suppress his shock, and asked, "Didn't you see my future?"

"In the long river of time, a future full of fog has emerged."

Gu Yi didn't mind Guo Yi's rhetorical question at all, and said gently: "That should be your future.

Because of the existence of fog, I cannot observe your future through the long river of time. "

Speaking of this, Gu Yi's face became serious: "And that new future has two endings.

One, the river of time becomes thicker and stronger than the river of time.

One is the future that doesn't even exist for a long time.

So, when I saw you were trying to take Tony Stark away, I couldn't help but want to talk to you first. "

"Is that so..."

Guo Yi nodded, and then took out a phagocytic sac: "My origin and purpose are contained in this phagocytic sac.

Master Ancient One, if you want to see it, I don't mind.

However, I want to use this to boldly experience your strength, Mage Ancient One! "


Gu Yi put down his teacup, and nodded with Guo Yi with a smile: "I'm also curious about your strength."


After the words fell, Guo Yi's pupils tightened.

In the last second, he was drinking tea face to face with Gu Yi, and in the next second, he was several meters away from Gu Yi.

During this period, Guo Yi didn't feel anything at all!

Guo Yi let out a sigh of relief.


As soon as he finished vomiting, Guo Yi teleported to Gu Yi, and sprayed Gu Yi's face with dragon's breath.

And Gu Yi seemed to know Guo Yi's attack a long time ago, just as the dragon's breath technique was formed and before it was sprayed, a magic shield appeared in front of Gu Yi.

Not too big and not too small, just enough to stop Guo Yi's dragon's breath technique.

Then, with a slight movement of Gu Yi's finger, Guo Yi started to turn upside down.

The mirror space began to twist quickly and irregularly, forcing Guo Yi to jump around.

Gu Yi, with his hands behind his back, looked at Guo Yi with a smile on his face.


Just as Guo Yi teleported there, the distortion of the mirror space sent him back to the original place.


The floor of the mirror space is like a treadmill. No matter how fast Guo Yi runs and how many buffs he adds to himself, he cannot leave the spot.


Guo Yi cursed helplessly, gave up close combat and switched to long range attack.

Frost Arrow, Fireball, Blizzard, Ice Cone, Magic Suppression, Pyroblast, Flame Storm, Clone, etc. Guo Yi turned into a fort at this time, attacking Gu Yi frantically.

In addition, Guo Yi also used the talisman of Tongtianlu.

In an instant, Gu Yi's figure was completely overwhelmed by Guo Yi's attack.


Gu Yi looked at the attack all over the sky, smiled lightly, and then waved his hand: Hogarth's ancient body!

In the blink of an eye, Guo Yi's attack turned into a group of colorful butterflies, flapping their wings and flying away...

flew away……


Guo Yi looked at Gu Yi helplessly and unconvinced, and stopped.

What about the melee mage?

When Gu Yi fought with Iker Casillas, they fought face to face!

How did it come to him that Gu Yi's magic is so smooth?


Even Gu Yi's body couldn't get close.


With a wave of his hand, no matter it was the power of the mage profession or the Tongtian talisman, they were all solved by Gu Yi calmly.

"You seem unconvinced."

Seeing Guo Yi looking at her angrily, Gu Yi smiled.

Then, she took a light step forward, just like Guo Yi's teleportation, she appeared in front of Guo Yi in an instant.


When Guo Yi spoke, he guessed that she might get close...

As a master, and it's a competition, Gu Yi definitely doesn't mind trying Guo Yi's hand-to-hand combat ability.

Therefore, the moment Gu Yi appeared, Guo Yi gave her a kick without hesitation.

At the same time, Guo Yi's palm turned into a knife, quickly slashing towards her eyes.


However, Guo Yi's wrist felt pinched before his hands and feet felt the impact.

Then, a huge force struck, Guo Yi's eyes blurred, and he quickly backed up.

Gu Yi directly threw Guo Yi away...


Guo Yi looked at Gu Yi who was getting further and further away, and sighed helplessly...

I can't fight anymore, I can't fight at all!

After sighing, Guo Yi flashed several times in a row and returned to Gu Yi.

At this time, Gu Yichen had already sat down, holding a teacup and lightly sipping tea.

"Mage Gu Yi, you can see for yourself."

Guo Yi sat down cross-legged, then took out the often-appearing explanatory documents from the pouch, and handed them to Gu Yi, drinking tea with a bored face: "This document is my origin and background, as well as my purpose .

I will not dictate. "

(End of this chapter)

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