Develop the world from one person

Chapter 395 Chapter 393: Winning over Tony again

Chapter 395 Chapter 393: Winning over Tony again

"I see."

After a long time, Gu Yi calmly put down the document in his hand, and said to Guo Yi indifferently: "The multiple worlds are really endless!"


Guo Yi nodded, and said with the same feeling: "Yes, endless!"

"I see, so be it."

Gu Yi took a sip of tea, and said with a smile to Guo Yi: "I'll take you back, Tony Stark is probably very anxious."


Guo Yi was stunned for a moment, and asked in surprise: "No, Gu..."


Before he finished speaking, Guo Yi found that he had returned to the position where he disappeared just now, making him confused and helpless.

Gu Yi made him come back, what do you mean?
That document was for nothing?

Not even a sentence after reading it...

Oh, gave a crap and sent him off like that?
Also, will Gu Yi win Tony over for him?
Also, she doesn't want to know more about Lao Wei's world?

Still, she didn't want to know why Guo Yi was able to travel through time?

Still, still, doesn't she want to know what Guo Yi's power is?

The co-author fought her so hard just now, did she really think that he wanted to fight her?
Didn't he just want to draw out Gu Yi's curiosity, plant a seed by the way, and when she retires, pull her to Lao Wei and the others to continue to shine?
Anyway, Gu Yi has guarded the human beings here for thousands of years, so he shouldn't care about going to Lao Wei and the others to guard them for thousands of years...

In the end, Gu Yi drove him away without saying anything clearly.

If Guo Yi hadn't fought against Gu Yi just now, he felt that the old master, Gandalf, and others were no match for Gu Yi. He really wanted to call Qi and beat Gu Yi hard!
Two sips of tea exchanged part of his bottom, but he didn't get any benefits, and he didn't even make any arrangements...



Just when Guo Yiyue thought about it, Tony appeared out of breath, "You're still alive?

Damn it, can you say something before you go?
I thought you didn't adapt to this world and were dissolved by the air. "

Tony is not concerned about Guo Yi, but about Guo Yi's world.

To care about Guo Yi's world is to care about his life, so he is in a hurry.

Otherwise, Tony would be lazy to talk to Guo Yi.

As for the other traveler: Gandalf...

Gandalf told him that it was up to Guo Yi to decide whether he could heal his body or go to other worlds.

And he is just one of Guo Yi's bodyguards...

The old man with snow-white beard and hair is actually Guo Yi's bodyguard! ?
Tony didn't believe it at first, but when Gandalf stepped on his mask into a titanium alloy pancake in front of him, he also believed in Gandalf's identity.

So scary.

Along with Tony, there is Gandalf.

Seeing that Guo Yi's clothes were not damaged, and his face didn't seem to show any fear, he finally loosened his frown and smiled again.

"Speak to you?"

Guo Yi shook his head with Tony helplessly, and said with a wry smile: "If I can tell you in time, I won't have to be so painful."

After finishing speaking, Guo Yi didn't wait for Tony to ask, and directly brought the topic back to the previous topic: "Would you like to immigrate to my place?"

Gu Yi didn't say that he couldn't win over Tony, nor did he say that he could win over Tony, so Guo Yi simply assumed that Gu Yi acquiesced that he could win over Tony.

Big deal, let Gu Yila go to the mirror space again.

It's impossible to be killed by Gu Yi, right?

He is a visitor from another world, not a dimensional demon god who invaded the earth.

Moreover, he came this time to help the earth here resist the Kirita invasion.

No matter how you look at it, no matter how you think about it, Gu Yi has no reason to kill him, right?

Besides, whether Tony is willing or not is still one thing!
"I don't want to."

Reasonable but unexpected, Tony directly rejected Guo Yi's proposal: "You can change the transaction method.

If you only have immigration as a transaction method, then forget it. "

It's normal for Tony to say no.

In order to protect the civilians, he dared to carry the nuclear bomb through the wormhole to attack the space battleship, which shows that he regards the lives of the civilians more important than his own.

Therefore, Tony will not give up the civilians here easily.

In addition, Tony did not dare to immigrate to Guo Yi's world.

Here, he has money and connections, and even the officials dare not touch him easily.

But when he went to Guo Yina, he was unfamiliar with the place, and no one would help him to cry out pain after his waist was cut. How could he give up the power here and go to Guo Yina to suffer, suffer, and be controlled?
But well...

In psychology, there is a thing called "saving face effect".

Before making your real request to others, first make a big request to others, and after others refuse, then make your own real and relatively small request, and the possibility of others agreeing to your request will increase.

"There is a second way of trading."

Guo Yi nodded, and solemnly said to Tony: "I would like to hire you to be a specially-appointed research expert in several of our worlds, and be responsible for overcoming the difficulties of all scientific research projects."

"Specially hired experts!?"

Tony opened his eyes slightly, raised his eyebrows and asked, "How many worlds!?"


Guo Yi pointed to Gandalf, and then pointed to himself: "Gandalf and I are people from two different worlds."

After finishing speaking, Guo Yi continued without waiting for Tony to ask, "We'll talk about other things later, let's talk about the reward we give you first.

Heal your body, it's a free gift.

Food and lodging included, this is for sure...

In addition to your personal remuneration, your family members will also enjoy some special benefits..."

Following Guo Yi's explanation, Tony nodded from time to time, but he couldn't arouse any interest.

Tony thinks the welfare system that Guo Yi mentioned is not bad...

For ordinary people.

Who is he?
The chairman of the dignified Stark Group, a genius scientist, and a billionaire, use this benefit to hire him?

What's the difference between this and hiring the world's richest man with a monthly salary of [-]?
Tony wouldn't be interested in being insane, let alone he's pretty normal right now.

And since Guo Yi knew his physical problems, he also knew his identity, so it was impossible to use the benefits to specially hire him.

Therefore, Tony has been waiting for Guo Yi to say the key points.

"...In addition to the above benefits, according to your position and contribution value, you can get points from the heavens.

And this point can make you immortal, and it can also give you the ability to fly into the sky and escape from the earth. "

Speaking of this, Guo Yi smiled and pointed to himself, and then pointed to Gandalf: "Gandalf and I are examples!
I used to be a little bastard who was exhausted carrying bags of rice.

And Gandalf has lived for almost five thousand years now.

All of this comes from cultivation! "

After Guo Yi finished talking about the real reward, Tony's face changed drastically, and he almost couldn't bear to send Guo Yi to the mental hospital: "Are you exhausted carrying bags of rice?
He lived for more than five thousand years?
When you left just now, where did you go for a drink?

Or are you kidding me? "

Can strength be cultivated?
Life can be extended?

It's reasonable to lie!

Who is this fooling?

However, Guo Yi and Gandalf looked at Tony calmly, without refuting or explaining, just looking at Tony with a smile on their faces.


Tony froze for a moment, then frowned, and stared at Guo Yi intently.

Want to fool him?

no way!

However, as time passed, Tony's face gradually became serious.

He saw a sentence in Guo Yi's eyes: What I said is true!
(End of this chapter)

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