Develop the world from one person

Chapter 396: Chapter 394

Chapter 396: Chapter 394

"How do you..."

"Tap tap~"

Just when Tony was about to speak, Guo Yi suddenly heard the sound of unusually light high-heeled shoes.

So, he quickly interrupted Tony, and turned his head to look in the direction of the voice.

"Boss, need..."

After a while, Natasha, no, it should be called Natalia now, walked in, and just about to speak, saw Guo Yi and Gandalf with Tony, watching her quietly.

That look was obviously blaming her for not coming out at the right time.

And Natalia didn't seem to have imagined that someone she didn't know was drinking and chatting with Tony at this time and place, and there was a slight pause between her words, and she continued: "... Shall I find someone to clean up this place? ?”

"My house isn't used to being cleaned up by others."

Tony found out that it was Natalia who came, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief, but also felt a little bit disappointed.

He was relieved because if Pepper didn't show up, Guo Yi wouldn't hurt her.

What was disappointing was that Pepper didn't come to comfort him when he was in such a mess.

Does Pepper like him or not?

Tony, who was slightly irritable, waved to Natalia impatiently: "You don't need to deal with it here, Little Pepper will take care of it, you go down."

Natalia took a deep look at Guo Yi and Gandalf, and left obediently: "...Okay."

"and many more!"

Just when Natalia was about to leave, Guo Yi stopped her suddenly: "Don't leave yet."


Tony, Gandalf, and Natalia, the party involved, looked at Guo Yi in bewilderment.

"You won't fall in love with her, will you?"

Tony looked at Guo Yi with the eyes of the same kind, and said with a smile: "Your taste is the same as mine, not bad."


"Don't talk yet."

As soon as Natalia opened her mouth, Guo Yi waved his hands and looked at her with a troubled face: "Let me think about it."

Natasha Romanoff, code-named Black Widow, is a tenth-level agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. and one of the future members of the first generation of Avengers.

Under the order of Fury, under the pseudonym Natalia, mixed into the Stark Industries legal department, and then was spotted by Tony at a glance, and became one of his personal assistants, closely monitoring Tony's every move.

This shit, Guo Yi is now exposed not only to Tony and Gu Yi, but also to Natasha.

This is equivalent to exposing him to the eyes of the corned egg...

Don't think about it, the stewed egg will definitely come to your door later.

As for the victim of persecution paranoid in the marinated egg, he is destined to find out Guo Yi's bottom line.

This investigation, either the marinated egg offended Guo Yi, or it was called S.H.I.E.L.D., and the Hydra who wrote Snake Shield offended Guo Yi.

In this way, there will be a battle between the two sides.

If the two sides really start fighting...

Tony, who was about to be cooked, might fly away!

Compared with braised eggs, Tony must believe in braised eggs more than Guo Yi.

As for murder...

Leaving aside what Tony would think of Guo Yi, Guo Yi himself didn't really want to kill Natasha.

Bed technique, jiu-jitsu and body, those are compulsory subjects for Black Widow...

Keke, wrong introduction.

Black Widow is the code name of the top agent of the Red House, and Natasha is the original Black Widow.

In the circle of Marvel agents, Natasha's strength is the NO.1 of female agents.

Accepting her is far more beneficial to Guo Yi than killing her.

As for whether it will be backlashed...

Give her a ban package, will she still retaliate?
Moreover, Kruse, Lao Wei and Xing Zhe, which method is worse than Natasha?

"For your own good, I can only wrong you a bit."

Guo Yi and Natasha, who made up their minds, shook their heads helplessly, stood up, and walked towards Natasha slowly: "I will give you a friendly reminder, give up resistance, and catch them without a fight."


Natasha's face turned cold, she put on a fighting stance to guard against Guo Yi, and said to Tony: "Boss, I think you'd better persuade your friend."

"and many more."

Tony saw that Guo Yi had just met Natalia and was about to start a fight before he had said a word, so he quickly got up and stopped Guo Yi: "If you want to fight, you can do whatever you want.

But, I want to know why you guys fight? "

Speaking of this, Tony looked at Guo Yi unkindly but helplessly: "The way of courtship of primitive people is not popular now.

If you get it right, I can teach you how to court a lady. "


Guo Yi glanced at Natasha, and then smiled with Tony: "She is a tenth-level agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., and her real name is Natasha Romanov.

With this information, I think it should be easy for you to find out her real identity, right?

So, are you sure you want to help her? "


Guo Yi's words made Tony's hair explode instantly, and he looked at Natasha angrily: "What he said is true?"

"who are you?"

Natasha ignored Tony's inquiry, and looked at Guo Yi with a frosty face: "What is your purpose of approaching Tony Stark?"

"……You are fired."

As soon as Tony heard Natasha's words, he realized that what Guo Yi said was true, and immediately moved away: "You continue."


Natasha saw that Guo Yi didn't answer her question, but continued to walk towards her calmly, she snorted coldly, her expression froze, and she broke out with all her strength...

He turned his head and ran away.


Seeing Natasha walking like flying in high heels, Guo Yi couldn't help but smile.

Decisive enough!
Of course they do!

Guo Yi appeared in front of Natasha in a flash, causing her expression to change drastically.

Because Guo Yi appeared so suddenly, and the distance between them was too short, Natasha couldn't change direction at all, she could only grit her teeth, took a heavy step forward, and then stopped by twisting her body, Then he raised his leg and kicked Guo Yi's lower body with a backspin.


Guo Yi stretched out his hand and easily grasped Natasha's ankle.

And when Guo Yi stopped Natasha's attack, he suddenly saw a blurry black shadow in the corner of his eyes.

With the help of Guo Yi's strength to hold her ankle, Natasha took the opportunity to fly into the air and continue to turn around, letting the other long leg slash towards Guo Yi's neck fiercely.

With that speed and strength, if Natasha hit him, he would definitely faint on the spot.

If the neck is not strong enough, Natasha might break her spine with a kick.

Really cruel!

It's a pity that the basic attributes of Natasha and Guo Yi are too different.

It is too big to be offset by technology, experience and will.

In an instant, Guo Yi stretched out his hand again and easily grabbed the ankle of Natasha's other leg.



Natasha felt that the attack was intercepted again, and just about to continue the combo, she felt an irresistible force coming from her legs.

Afterwards, the scene in front of her changed, her abdomen hurt slightly, and she passed out completely.

Guo Yi pinched Natasha's two legs and lifted her upside down, and then put a knee on Natasha's abdomen, making her curl up like a cooked shrimp.

"This is a beauty, why do you have such a heavy hand?"

The corner of Tony's mouth twitched as he watched Guo Yi carry Natasha back like a sack, and then threw it in front of Gandalf without hesitation, and said with pity: "If you treat her like this, you won't be afraid that she will bite you when she wakes up." kill you?"

"People like her will not kneel before power, nor will they kneel before money, they will only kneel before the strong!"

Guo Yi and Tony raised their brows and said with a smile, "I just want to prove to her that I am a strong one."


Tony shrugged, glanced at Natasha indifferently, and then returned to the question he wanted to ask before: "How do you prove that what you said is true?"

(End of this chapter)

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