Develop the world from one person

Chapter 397 Chapter 395: Visiting with Marinated Eggs

Chapter 397 Chapter 395: Visiting with Marinated Eggs

"You got one thing wrong."

Guo Yi shook his head, took a sip of wine alone: ​​"I don't need to prove to you whether my words are true or false.

Because, it's not that I beg you to let you save your life, but you are asking me to save your life.

and so……

Believe it if you believe it, pull it down if you don’t believe it, anyway, it’s not me who died. "

"No, no, we are a deal, not me begging you."

Tony ignored Guo Yi's ridicule, and smiled calmly: "Only by your attitude and words...

Sorry, I think you should get a book published.

For the sake of our acquaintance, I will buy a collector's edition of yours as a foothold.

Or, do you go find other critically ill people?

Maybe they will be willing to go to a strange place with you and be sold by you. "


Guo Yi glanced at Tony and found that he was really unmoved, so he sighed secretly.

At this time, Tony can still think rationally about gains and losses, and keep trying to take the initiative.

It can only be said that it is really not that simple to become the richest man in Dameizhuo and still firmly control the Stark Group all the time.

A drowning person is not even willing to let go of a straw.

But Tony was lucky, his first reaction was to study where the straw came from...

"How about it?"

Tony looked at the silent Guo Yi, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but raised slightly: "Have you thought about how to prove your words?
As long as you can prove your words, I will give you all the blueprints of the Iron Armor. "

"You don't have to test me."

Guo Yi rubbed his temples and looked at Tony with disdain: "Your steel armor, to be honest, even I don't like it, let alone the worlds behind me.

For us, your battle armor is a toy! "

After finishing speaking, Guo Yi added silently in his heart: Jarvis, except buffer and energy.


The disdain that was about to overflow in Guo Yi's words made Tony feel upset: "My Mark IV is a toy?
Then you take out your weapon and open my eyes! "

The Mark series steel armor is Tony's proud work. Guo Yi's denial of the steel armor is almost tantamount to denying him.

"Then tell me, is your Mark IV my opponent?"

Guo Yi spread his hands, and laughed with Tony: "Even I can't beat it, what is that a toy?
You don't think that the worlds behind me don't have technology, do you? "


When Guo Yi mentioned his strength, Tony had nothing to say, so he could only secretly make up his mind to study the anti-Guo Yi armor.

"Forget it, don't try and test, let's get straight to the point."

Guo Yi thought about it, and decided that it would be better to just show Tony the information: "This is my background, and the introduction of several worlds behind me.

See for yourself. "

Speaking of this, Guo Yi added: "When I disappeared before, I was dragged away by your boss for an interview."

After speaking, Guo Yi put the document in front of Tony.

Tony, on the other hand, looked curiously at Guo Yi's body: "Space technology?
That's right, your space technology should be very advanced, otherwise you wouldn't cross over to me.

Also, what is my boss?

Is there something I don't know? "

"Let's talk after you read it."

Guo Yi was too lazy to answer Tony's question, and clicked on the document in front of him: "You don't want to wait for Pepper to come over, do you?"

Tony's habit of never accepting anything that others give him.

Except for Pepper and his dad...

Even Natasha, who became Tony's assistant, was good, she couldn't let Tony take over the tasks she handed over.


Tony looked at the document in front of him, hesitated for a moment, and sighed, "Wait for me."


"you can."

After a while, Guo Yi watched helplessly as Tony returned here with the first AI robot in his life: "You are no longer obsessive-compulsive disorder, but a psychological problem."

"I am very healthy mentally. On the contrary, I think you have mental problems."

Tony and the machine pointed to the document on the table with one arm: "Xiaodai, pass that document to me."

"Squeak, squeak~"

The machine turned its three legs with one arm, then took Guo Yi's document from the table, and handed it to Tony: "Good boy, let's play."

After speaking, Tony began to quietly flip through Guo Yi's files.


"That thing can understand people's speech?"

Gandalf looked at the single arm of the departing robot, and asked curiously in a low voice, "Is it really an intelligent robot?"


Guo Yi nodded and sighed: "You have seen the intelligent robots over there, the gap is big enough.

Moreover, the robots on our side were jointly developed by countless people after decades.

And he, he made it out alone. "

The intelligent robot on Guo Yi's side is actually the intelligent robot in Elysium Space.

The intelligent robot in the Elysium Space is actually a pseudo-artificial intelligence robot.

The words and actions of those robots will only answer and act rigidly according to the settings and orders.

At best, it is the level of "Friday" in Tony's hands.

And the one-armed robot and Jarvis that Tony brought over just now are artificial intelligences that can think and act alone!
The gap between the two is one dimension away!
However, Tony's robotic arm is a bit like the IQ of a ten-year-old.

Jarvis, on the other hand, has the IQ of a properly grown-up middle-aged person...

Jarvis can conceal, analyze, and flatter. It is not too much to say that it is human.

Guo Yi was shocked by the conversation between the four Tonys in the Avengers after they traveled through time and space, and Jarvis.

That intelligence has reached an outrageous level!

While Guo Yi and Gandalf were chatting softly, Tony closed the file heavily, gasped heavily, and stared at Guo Yi and Gandalf with wide eyes.

However, that's all Tony's performance was. Guo Yi didn't immediately ask him about the treatment cabin and both hands as expected.


After a while, Tony exhaled heavily and calmed down: "I want to see the finished product of the treatment cabin!"

"I think it will take a little later before I can show you the finished product."

Guo Yi turned his head to look at the floor-to-ceiling windows of Tony's mansion, and shook his head slightly: "The corned egg is coming, we can only continue talking later."

Speaking of this, Guo Yi went to Natasha's side and squatted down, stretched out his hand to swim on her body.

"Are you taking advantage of someone's danger?"

Tony looked at Guo Yi and said with contempt: "I think you..."

"Didn't you see that she didn't object?"

Guo Yi waved his other hand, interrupting Tony's words: "She woke up a long time ago, she was just pretending to be dizzy."


As soon as Guo Yi finished speaking, Natasha opened her eyes, looked at Guo Yi calmly, and let him continue to wreak havoc on her: "Is it comfortable?"


It's here. "

Guo Yi paused, and found a small black dot from Natasha's hair, and asked her, "How did Fury know that you were captured by me?"

(End of this chapter)

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