My players are all actors

Chapter 101 New Armor

Chapter 101 New Armor


"It's quite difficult, but it's been a long time since I've fought such a challenging boss. It's so hearty."

Zhao Haiping wiped the sweat from his forehead and cleaned the battlefield with other players.

The armor, weapons and equipment left by the monsters are inherently magical, and players can use them for a short time, but they cannot be carried for a long time like their own weapons and armor, so handing them in is the best choice.

What's more, it is all players who crusade against monsters, and these spoils must not be taken by a few people alone.

Everyone happily brought back their weapons and armor, ready to hand them over to the blacksmith for money.

The money exchanged for these trophies can be distributed together with the rewards obtained from killing the bandits according to the contribution value evaluated by the game itself.

For those players who died in battle, there will also be a small amount of compensation to encourage them.

Of course, these are also the rules determined by Meng Yuan after careful consideration.

In fact, Meng Yuan didn't support the players' mindlessness, giving away heads, and wasting precious Sequencer power, but he also had to encourage them to have the courage to charge forward.

For example, like Fan Cun, who sold his life in exchange for a more clean end to the battle, this kind of behavior must also be encouraged, and the contribution value should be increased accordingly.

Along the way, other players cast envious and regretful eyes.

"Is there a large wave of demons appearing?"

"Damn, so many loot? You guys are getting rich!"

"Damn it, just now I had nothing to do to move bricks. I just heard the news and rushed over. The battle is over?"

The players who couldn't drink the soup simply sighed.

Soon after the resurrection, Fan Cun and Zhao Haiping received the reward and came to the blacksmith shop in the city again.

Fan Cun took out a handful of silver coins from his pocket and said confidently, "Brother blacksmith, bring me a new set of armor and a spear!"

Immediately, his voice lowered a little: "Well, mid-range ones will do."

Although he was discouraged in a second, the other players did not laugh, but looked at him with envious eyes.

The reason is simple, the weapons and armor here are really too expensive!
Even the cheapest one is a bit unaffordable in the eyes of players.

The blacksmith shops in the city fortress basically sold standard armor from the Dasheng Dynasty, and the price ranged from 40 silver coins to one or two coins.

Among them, the cheapest armor is 40 silver coins, which is about four taels of silver in the history of the Dasheng Dynasty. If it is forcibly converted into the real price, it is basically equivalent to more than 4000 yuan.

This price is basically similar to the price that some armor lovers buy armor in reality.

Although the degree of modern industrialization is higher, and various raw materials and processing techniques are superior to those of ancient times, after all, modern armor is basically made as a collectible, with less demand, low output, and high labor costs.

In ancient times, the status of craftsmen was very low, so labor costs were much cheaper.

But in any case, no matter in any era, armor is an absolute luxury.Many powerful officials had their homes ransacked for the crime of treason, and one of the charges was often for possession of armor.

There are several different kinds of armor in the blacksmith shop, but basically they are mainly cotton armor.Water-soaked cotton was used as the main filling material, and cowhide and metal were used as composite defensive materials, which became the most common defensive equipment in the middle and late stages of the Dasheng Dynasty.

The main difference between these types of armor sold in blacksmith shops lies in the exquisiteness and style of workmanship.

Among them, the cheapest one sells for 40 silver coins, which is the most basic armor, which basically only has a helmet and a waistcoat, which is relatively doable.

The higher the price, the more protective parts, and the practicality and aesthetics will naturally be improved accordingly.

For example, advanced armor has structures such as phoenix-winged helmets, unique shoulder armor, and front and rear breastplates. The material and workmanship can also be felt to be significantly improved.

The armor that Fan Cun chose was mid-range, and it sold for 70 silver coins. Putting it on the battlefield, it could be regarded as an elite.

Of course, there are also more expensive armors. The full-body heavy armor looks quite gorgeous, but regardless of the weight or price, current players cannot afford it.

After receiving the armor from the blacksmith, Fan Cun couldn't wait to take off his original armor and put it on on the spot.

The default armor of the soldiers is the most common light armor in the Great Chu Dynasty. Basically, it can be regarded as a waistcoat with two shoulder pads. The inner lining is leather armor and the outer is decorated with iron armor pieces.

Putting on the new armor, Fan Cun felt that his whole body was completely new!

Taking a brand new spear, Fan Cun felt even better about himself.

As for shields, bows and arrows...there is really no money.

The armor and the long spear spent all the income Fan Cun earned from killing the bandits these days, and there was basically nothing left.

Fortunately, making money is not too difficult.Hunting a pheasant or a hare in the fief can sell dozens of copper coins, and the rewards for killing thieves are even more. As long as you save money consciously and don't waste it, you can basically replace it with new equipment.

It's just that Fan Cun proudly wore the armor and walked around twice, and suddenly felt a little lost.

"I remember that the Great Wei and even the earlier Great Chu had full-body iron armor, right? Why did they wear cotton armor in the Dasheng Dynasty? It's a bit boring."

Zhao Haiping explained: "You don't understand this. I was also curious before, so I asked Chu Ge.

"He said that although iron armor is good, it is too heavy, and it will seriously affect the speed of marching. Iron armor is very useful when fighting heavy cavalry, but the main enemies of the Dasheng Dynasty came from the northern barbarians and Dongyi's thieves are mainly harassing, so mobility must be guaranteed.

"Of course, there is also a reason that this kind of armor is relatively cheap. If it is really pure iron armor, you may have to work for several days before you can afford it.

"What's more, the defensive performance of this armor is definitely much stronger than the most basic armor of soldiers. After all, the iron smelting technology and craftsmanship of the Dasheng Dynasty must have improved a lot compared to the Dachu."

Fan Cun suddenly said: "It turns out that this is the case. Does it mean that we will be able to wear full-body heavy armor when we upgrade in the future and reach earlier dynasties?"

Zhao Haiping: "I don't know, I'm not the designer of this game. But according to common sense, it should be like this."

"Understood, that means to continue to swipe money!" Fan Cun happily went out of the city again, ready to continue to guard the thieves who entered by mistake.


At the same time, Chu Ge, Li Weiyi and other players who were paying attention to the city construction stood in the square outside the City Lord's Mansion and waited.

Two days of voting are finally drawing to a close.

In fact, there is no suspense in this vote itself.

Although many other players also put forward their own plans, Li Weiyi's plan undoubtedly won the most votes.

This plan is the result of repeated discussions between him and the professional construction players in the game as well as experienced business simulation game enthusiasts, and confirmed with friends in the industry in reality, and has won the support of most players.

In short, after an open, fair, and strict vote, Li Weiyi's plan was finally selected as the topography plan for this historical slice.

This transformation plan is currently only a series of parameters, and does not have a specific terrain map, because the generated terrain itself is full of randomness.

But players are full of expectations.

Finally, Beichen walked out of the City Lord's Mansion.

Now that the voting is over and most players have approved this plan, then of course the city lord Beichen must use the construction value and the power of the sorter to transform the entire historical slice.

Chu Ge couldn't help but look at the construction value number written on the bulletin board.

So far, the construction value of the Fortress of the Sequencer is more than 100 million.

There was a construction value of 80 at the beginning of the opening of the Fortress of the Sequencer, and in the past two days, the players were busy in the fiefdom and the Fortress of the Sequencer, and saved more than 20.

It has to be said that the hard work of the players is really unimaginable.

In fact, the construction value that each player can accumulate for the city every day is not much, that is, ranging from a few hours to more than ten points, not to mention that not every player likes to move bricks and fight monsters, and some prefer to test the illusion If you continue to play stand-alone, you will not generate construction value at all.

It is already very fast to be able to save an additional construction value of more than 20 in two days.

I saw Beichen's body stepping into the air again. At the same time, those players who were mining, hunting monsters, and transporting materials such as stones outside the city were all teleported back into the city.

The whole city immediately became lively!
"Huh? What's going on? Am I dead?"

"I dug a big piece of ore in the mine just now, and I haven't swung my pickaxe yet, why did I come back?"

"Why are so many people gathered here?"

Not long after Fan Cun left the city, he was sent back, with a dazed expression on his face.

It wasn't until they looked at Beichen floating in the air that the players who had been sent back vaguely guessed: something big is about to happen!
I saw Beichen raised his hands slightly, as if he was mobilizing the power of a powerful sequencer. Immediately afterwards, the construction value number on the public notice board began to decrease rapidly!

100 million, 99 million, 98 million...

Tens of thousands can drop instantly almost every second.

Those players who worked hard to move bricks took a breath when they saw this scene.

Although the psychological construction has been done in advance, it is inevitable to feel a little heartache when I see it at this time.

The construction value accumulated by moving bricks bit by bit is spent like running water, too fast!
However, most players also realized what was going on.

The plan that has been debated repeatedly for two days has finally come to fruition, and the terrain of the Fortress of the Orderers will be changed!
After the terrain changes, you can re-plan the construction of the city and build it into an impregnable fortress step by step!

As the aura of grandeur filled the entire historical slice, the players felt the ground under their feet begin to rumble and tremble.

The ground of the small county town has not changed, but the surrounding terrain is changing!

Players can even feel that they are constantly rising!

 The goal of 5000 average subscriptions has been reached, and when 5100 is reached, it will start to be updated. For monthly tickets, it is about 100 a day, and it is added once every three days. It has been added for two consecutive days. Take a break and adjust today, and continue tomorrow. Continue to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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