My players are all actors

Chapter 102 Dramatic Changes in Terrain!

Chapter 102 Dramatic Changes in Terrain!
This shock did not last for too long, and after a few minutes, the players stood firm again.

Beichen returned to the City Lord's Mansion.

The players were still a little unresponsive, and looked around in a daze.

"Is this the end?"

"Has the terrain changed? It doesn't feel like it."

"Damn it! It cost more than 80 construction value!"

Some players noticed the change in the construction value on the bulletin board, which was very painful.

too expensive!
The construction value of more than 80 is actually enough to build a larger stone city wall around the original native city.

But there is no way. Before the big guys learned about science, everyone also realized the importance of terrain, so this is also an unavoidable expense.

Compared with the construction value spent, players are still more concerned about how the terrain around the Fortress of the Orderer is transformed.

Many players ran out of the county to check.

But Li Weiyi didn't run out, he was much smarter, and was the first to enter the City Lord's Mansion.

Because there is a large sand table in the City Lord's Mansion, the new terrain can be seen at a glance!

Soon, Li Weiyi saw a new terrain map on the sand table.

The original small county town can still be seen clearly, and the entire urban area has not changed in any way compared to before.

But the surrounding terrain has become very different!

The whole city has come to the top of a mountain. Overall, the top of the mountain is relatively flat, although there are some ups and downs, but the ups and downs are not big.The urban area occupies about one-third of the top of the mountain, while the other area has a small lake in the valley, two streams flowing to the foot of the mountain, and a lot of wasteland.

The shape of the entire mountain top is closer to a rhombus. The east and west are the two sharp corners of the rhombus. The four sides of the rhombus are basically steep cliffs with a slope of more than 70 degrees, and the height even reaches 40 meters. Only the northwest slope It's a little smoother.

On the north and south sides, the lower part of the cliff is almost directly connected to the water.

There were no big rivers in the original historical slice, and the edge was the chaotic turbulence of time and space, but now, the original land has become a river, isolating the mountain from the turbulent time and space in the farthest distance.

Two big rivers flow from north to south respectively and meet in the west.

Between the confluence of the river and the only gentle slope in the northwest is a wide plain, which is also one of the few plain terrains preserved in the entire historical slice.

In the east, it is a more complicated hilly terrain, and there is also a small lake and several hills.

Li Weiyi looked at the entire sand table with excitement, and knew very clearly that this time he was betting correctly.

This is more than 80,000 construction value, so worth it!

Surrounded by water on three sides, condescending, this terrain is definitely easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it has the potential to become a golden city soup pool!
Although the generation of the entire terrain has a certain degree of randomness, the current state is already quite perfect.

Moreover, there are all resources such as water sources, cultivated land, minerals, stone and timber on the mountain, which is also very good news.

Although the players are blessed with the power of the Sequencer and do not need to eat and drink, these resources are directly related to the sideline business. They can not only build better cities, but also add various buffs to the players and the aborigines.

Moreover, this terrain is very similar to that of a historical city in Li Weiyi's memory.

Linyuan City, a city that can be called a miracle!

More importantly, the productivity of the players is much higher than the productivity in history. This city can be continuously expanded, and even a towering fortress can be built, creating a spectacle that has never appeared in history!

A city that makes demons feel hopeless after looking up!
Li Weiyi was very excited, because he knew that the next period of time would be his time to flex his muscles!


At the same time, many players came outside the city to view the changes in the entire historical slice.

Their feelings can only be described in four words: The sky is turned upside down!
The original flat terrain has become complicated, the original bare surface has been covered with trees and weeds, and the mines, brick kilns, quarries and other areas outside the city have also changed their locations.

But on the whole, the distribution of these key areas is relatively scientific, and most of the resources are still in the area on the top of the mountain, and there will be no obvious difficulties in transportation than before.

Surrounded by water in the north and south, with steep slopes on both sides, and rolling hills in the east, the terrain is complex, and only the slope in the west is relatively gentle.

The players felt very novel, and they went out of the city to explore one after another, wanting to familiarize themselves with the nearby terrain as soon as possible.

After a rough exploration, they found that there are many naturally formed dark passages on the two steep slopes in the south and north. It is difficult to find them from a distance under the cover of lush vegetation, but as long as you keep the location in mind, you can come and go freely.

In short, this place is four words: easy to defend but difficult to attack!

And this is still not the state before the city was built.

Although the previous small county town had rammed-earth city walls, as the terrain rose, those city walls could only be regarded as the inner city at best, and they were all on the top of the mountain. In fact, they could not provide much protection.

If it is possible to build a multi-layered city wall by taking advantage of the mountain, connect the various areas with the city wall, and build a three-dimensional defensive front...

The defensive effect can definitely go up several steps!

Soon, on the square outside the City Lord's Mansion, the players responsible for the construction gathered again.

They began to discuss specific city construction plans.

And most people agree with Li Weiyi: plan according to the construction ideas of Linyuan City!
Of course, it is definitely not possible to copy everything. It is necessary to learn from others, including all the excellent designs of the East and West passes, fortresses, castles, etc., and then build it according to the actual situation of the sequencer's fortress.

Soon, everyone reached a preliminary agreement, and then dispersed to survey the terrain.

Although there is a sand table map in the City Lord's Mansion, many details can only be finalized after on-site inspections.

As for the other players, what should they do?

Mining, moving bricks, fighting bandits, everything is as usual.


At this time, Meng Yuan was in the sequencer space, observing the situation of the sequencer city fortress with the merchants.

Beichen in the fortress is actually a clone created by Meng Yuan with the power of the orderer, or a phantom, which acts as an important NPC. It can also intelligently answer the questions raised by the players like the phantoms of the aborigines .

Of course, it is impossible for Meng Yuan himself to communicate with the players one-on-one, and he will not be able to keep up if he is so exhausted.

The merchant was eating non-stop, and said curiously: "I really didn't expect that these players are so reliable in urban construction.

"I originally thought that you gave players the right to vote freely and choose a plan, and they would choose some particularly funny plans."

Meng Yuan smiled slightly: "Players do sometimes choose relatively spoof solutions, but that only happens when they don't affect their vital interests.

"The construction of the Fortress of the Orderers spent their hard-earned money, and the defensive effect of the fortress directly determines the effect of their future resistance to monsters. The vast majority of players are clear-headed and will not mess around."

When soliciting proposals before, there were indeed some unreliable proposal parameters.

For example, turning 90% of the entire slice into a river or sea surface, or turning the entire slice into a huge deep valley, placing the sorter fortress at the bottom of the valley, and using a cableway to lead to the outside world.

These schemes, at first glance, seem to be mostly active ingredients, and the visual effect may be quite special, but the defensive effect will not be very good.

There are even some plans that wish to turn themselves into "turtles" that catch turtles in their urns.

In the end, these whole-work programs did not get a high number of votes.

If it is other games, players may choose some whole-hearted plans, after all, these plans do not affect their vital interests.

But the plan of the Fortress of the Sequencer is different. The easier it is to defend and the harder it is to attack, the easier it will be for players to defend against the monster's attack.

If a rubbish plan is chosen, the blood shed during the defense of the city will be the water in the brain when the city was built.

What's more, once the city falls, it means that the historical slice that has been regained so hard will fall again.This kind of loss is unacceptable to the players.

Therefore, the minds of the players are still very clear, and the vast majority of players still voted for the professional proposal.

 Let's start with a chapter, there's more today
(End of this chapter)

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