My players are all actors

Chapter 103 The Frustrated Li Hongyun

Chapter 103 The Frustrated Li Hongyun
6:[-] am.

Chu Ge woke up on time.

As usual, he was going to get out of bed to wash up and have breakfast, but he found that Li Hongyun was still lying on the bed, looking at his phone blankly.

"Huh? What's wrong with you?"

Chu Ge was a little puzzled, because since Li Hongyun successfully entered the game "Dark Sand", the two people's biological clocks have been adjusted to be completely consistent.

They all woke up on time at 6:[-] in the morning and felt refreshed.

So far, the copy of "The Eve of the Bandits" has been open for three days. During these three days, the two of them got up together, had breakfast together, and discussed the content of the game together.

But today, Li Hongyun was still lying on the bed, as if he had lost his soul.

Hearing Chu Ge's question, he said weakly: "Now there are more than 6000 qualified players...

"I feel like I might have sent it."

Chu Ge was a little surprised: "Have you not cleared the copy of the scribes today?"

Li Hongyun was ashamed and said nothing.

Chu Ge almost laughed out loud, but considering his good friend's mood, he forcibly held back: "It's okay, let's have breakfast first, and I'll help you figure out what went wrong."

This time, the two of them didn't go to the cafeteria, but walked outside the school and found a steamed stuffed bun shop.

Chu Ge can understand the great pressure on Li Hongyun.

The issuance of internal test qualifications this time is different from the past. There are [-] new internal test qualifications issued, plus those who have not passed the trial before and their qualifications were withdrawn, at most it will be [-].

But there are [-] qualifications for selection.

That is to say, among the 100,000 people, more than 20,000 people who pass the level first will be lucky enough to be qualified for the closed beta and experience the official content of "Dark Sand".

By the third day, more than 6000 people had qualified.

Although it seems that there are not many people, the situation is already quite urgent.

Because the subsequent customs clearance speed will definitely be significantly accelerated!
Now there are many players who have worked hard for three days. With a clear strategy, they may be just a step away from clearing the level.

It is foreseeable that there will be a large number of players clearing the level tonight and tomorrow, and the number of people who can clear the level every day will increase exponentially.

If you don’t serve snacks, maybe you won’t be able to pass the level!
And looking at Li Hongyun's state, it is obvious that he is still far away from the real clearance, and he is definitely not in the state of "finishing the door", otherwise he would not be so anxious.

"So, what have you been doing these three days?"

Chu Ge was puzzled.

In his opinion, the scribe test is not difficult, especially if there are standard answers.

Although acting skills and roles are required, three days, even if it is pure trial and error over and over again, should be enough to pass the level.

Li Hongyun was a little ashamed: "I... I found that I couldn't take the role of Yang Yan at all.

"When the same words came out of my mouth, I just felt so emboldened, and I don't know why..."

Apparently, he himself was a little puzzled, as students in the history department, why was there such a big gap?

Chu Ge could figure out the way by himself, but he couldn't even copy the answers.

It can only be said that people really cannot be generalized.

Chu Ge also found it a bit tricky, and it was indeed a difficult problem to solve.

The key to the copy of the scribes lies in the fit between the player and the role of Yang Yan. If you still have no confidence in your words, it will be really difficult to refute those three old foxes.

"Then... why don't you try another copy of the trial? Don't smash the scribe trial.

"The more you pay attention to things like sunk costs, the more you will lose.

"Have you experienced the other three copies?"

Li Hongyun nodded: "Well, I have experienced it.

"In the Assassin Trial, I was too cowardly, shaking into a ball when I came on stage, Emperor Yan Ling was very vigilant not to let me get close; in the Ranger Trial, I was too weak, I couldn't beat it at all.

"The pawn trial is relatively better. I can basically pass the first stage with archery and spear throwing. There should be hope for the second stage if I work hard overnight, but I have no confidence at all in the third stage...

"In the most optimistic scenario, you will have to come back for two more nights to pass the military pawn trial, but by then, the day lily will be cold...

"If I had known I shouldn't have passed the scribe trial on the first day, I should have considered martial arts!"

Li Hongyun felt that the whole person was not well.

Obviously, the huge gap with Chu Ge made him a little suspicious of life. After all, he played other games before, and he was the one who played better by relying on dog luck.

Chu Ge was silent for a moment: "Don't worry, think about whether there is something you have overlooked.

"Although the four trial copies of the game "Dark Sand" are very difficult and have eliminated many players, generally speaking, as long as you find the right path, you can pass the level quickly.

"Wait, you just said that the military pawn trial is expected to pass the second stage?

"You can pass the soldier trial, but you can't pass the ranger trial?"

Li Hongyun: "Yes."

Chu Ge is still a little puzzled: "The combat difficulty of the first stage of the military pawn trial is indeed lower than that of the ranger, but if you want to pass the second stage, you have to make enough combat achievements in the first stage to become a lieutenant general. You are not strong in combat, how can you make military achievements? of?"

Li Hongyun explained: "Rely on archery!
"I have acquired the talent of bow and horse proficiency, and I can only shoot arrows and throw spears in the first stage, and I can also become a lieutenant general in the second stage.

"It is said that archery is difficult, but I don't think so. It's quite easy. I even hit it a few times based on my feeling.

"And even without a bow, I'm pretty good at throwing spears."

Chu Ge looked at Li Hongyun while eating the buns, and couldn't help but admire this roommate again.

People's physique really can't be generalized!

Although both of them are students of the history department, there is a world of difference in customs clearance dungeons.For Chu Ge, archery is a skill that can't be mastered at all, and it's easy to play as a scribe; while Li Hongyun is completely the opposite, he can't play a scribe, but he magically shoots every arrow?

"Could it be that... besides the reason of talent, there is also an element of luck?"

Chu Ge couldn't help but make such a guess.

Even with the talent of bow and horse proficiency, a top player like Zhao Haiping still needs a period of practice to be able to shoot without fail.But Li Hongyun actually thought that archery was very simple, and he could easily become a lieutenant just by archery alone.

Top talent is certainly one aspect, but more importantly, this guy's European Emperor attribute also seems to have an effect?
Chu Ge suddenly patted the table lightly: "Then you have this talent, why do you still have to practice martial arts?

"I'll recommend you a more suitable identity."

Li Hongyun was a little at a loss: "There is no other identity other than a soldier who can use this skill."

Chu Ge said: "Why not? Can't the assassin test work?

"You said it all, the accuracy of throwing spears is also very high, instead of going to the third stage of the pawn trial, why not go to the assassin trial?

"Emperor Yan Ling is suspicious of you and won't let you get close, so what? If you can really throw the dagger out and stab Emperor Yan Ling directly in His Royal Highness, and let him die of poison, wouldn't you pass the level directly?"

Li Hongyun was dumbfounded by Chu Ge's words: "Ah? Can this work?"

Chu Ge asked back: "Why not? Although the game "Dark Sand" seems to have a lot of constraints and a standard solution, it actually has a high degree of freedom.

"It's just that after the standard answers are available, there are more players who copy the answers, but fewer players who are willing to explore by themselves.

"Nie Rang threw a dagger to kill Yan Lingdi at the last moment. You used Nie Rang's body. If you have the talent of the orderer, you may not have the possibility of 'everything happens'."

Li Hongyun is still confused: "But the ideal identity in my mind is a scribe! I'm so cowardly, I play games as support, let me be an assassin? This..."

Chu Ge spread his hands: "Then there is no other way, anyway, you can decide for yourself.

"Either risk not getting the qualification for the internal test and continue to die in the copy of the scribes, or change your mind and try the copy of the assassin.

"Remember, if you don't get the internal test qualification this time, you may not be able to get the next selection qualification. Because of the selection qualification, priority will definitely be given to those players who have not been drawn before."

Li Hongyun came to a sudden: "What you said makes sense! That's fine, I'll go find a few videos of the Assassin's trial and watch it. Change my mind tonight and try the Assassin dungeon!
"Anyway, let's just get an identity and get the qualification for the internal test first."

Li Hongyun rekindled his enthusiasm, took out his mobile phone and began to look at the strategy experience of the Assassin Trial.

It can be seen that this time he is really serious. The elimination system of "Dark Sands" made him, who is a bit salty, forced to roll up.

Chu Ge was very pleased about this.

After eating and drinking enough, he took out his mobile phone and continued to discuss the city construction plan of the Fortress of the Sequencer with Li Weiyi and other players on the forum.

At present, these professional players are intensively planning the construction plan of the city. Although the terrain has been determined, the details of where to build the city wall, how high and thick, whether to set up towers, whether to build secret passages, etc. Constantly optimize.

However, after all, this city has the real Linyuan City in history as a template, and the preliminary plan should be implemented soon.

Players are eagerly looking forward to it.

 Depending on the situation in the afternoon, there may be another chapter to add

(End of this chapter)

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