My players are all actors

Chapter 104 I am no longer a scribe!

Chapter 104 I am no longer a scribe! (both order plus update)

At 10 o'clock in the evening, Li Hongyun struggled for a long time between the two portals of the Assassin Trial and the Scribe Trial, and finally stepped into the Assassin Trial.

Let's give it a go!

Three days have passed, and now every 1 minute there may be other players clearing the level, and the number of internal test quotas is reduced one by one.

No matter how hard he smashed the copy of the scribes, Li Hongyun was really not sure.

Yesterday, he even tried to use the talent of "calmness" to allow himself to refute Wang Chong and Wei Zhaodi more calmly and rationally, but the result was still a failure.

It can only be said that Yang Yan is really incompatible with this character, and he is not expected to be a scribe.

Therefore, Li Hongyun finally decided to turn his goal to the Assassin Trial.

Although it is of a gambling nature, and he doesn't particularly like the identity of an assassin, but now he doesn't care so much, let's find a way to get the qualification for the internal test first.

Li Hongyun did not hesitate to choose the talent of "sword mastery", because he had to follow the strategy to activate the muscle memory in Nie Rang's body first.

Everything in the illusion began to flow, and the little eunuch shouted loudly: "Xuan, let Nie see you!"

Li Hongyun hurried to the main hall holding the black jade unicorn in his hand.

Emperor Yan Ling narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at him.

Suddenly, Emperor Yan Ling frowned, and his voice was like thunder: "Why are you sneaking around and walking in vain? Could it be that there are ghosts in your heart and other plans?!


Well, as expected.

Li Hongyun was already prepared, and quickly knelt down on the ground: "Your Majesty, calm down!
"The grass people are the rough people of the countryside, they are frightened by His Majesty's heavenly power, so they are trembling and panicked.

"Specially present the black jade unicorn for His Majesty, please forgive me!"

While talking, Li Hongyun opened the wooden box containing the black jade unicorn.

This set of rhetoric was prepared in advance after he read the strategy, but it can be regarded as barely getting away with it.Coupled with the brilliance of the black jade unicorn, it temporarily attracted the attention of Emperor Yan Ling.

It's just that it's not enough to dispel Emperor Yanling's guard against him.

"Go and get the black jade unicorn for me!" Emperor Yan Ling said to the little eunuch beside him.

Li Hongyun knew very well that at this moment, even if he said that "Mo Yu was slightly flawed", Emperor Yan Ling would not allow him to come forward.

But it doesn't matter, he didn't intend to go forward.

Seeing that the little eunuch had already left, Li Hongyun stretched out his hand suddenly, pulled out the dagger from the black jade unicorn, and then threw it at Emperor Yan Ling in the main hall!

Li Hongyun had shot arrows and thrown spears in the pawn dungeon before, and his aim was very good. Although he replaced it with a dagger here, with the blessing of his talent in swordsmanship, the accuracy of throwing has also been greatly improved.


Li Hongyun shouted, startling all the civil and military officials next to him.

Then he saw Emperor Yan Ling dodge in a hurry, and the dagger was nailed to the armrest of the throne.

The scene was a little awkward for a while.

The red-armored guards hurried up to the hall and hacked Li Hongyun to death.


The night passed quickly.

After another death, Li Hongyun returned to the original starting point.

Three talent cards appeared in front of him again, namely: calmness, swordsmanship proficiency, and fortune.

These are the three most useful talents he picked out after dying so many times tonight.

Finally, he reached out and tapped on the "calm and composed" flair.

If Chu Ge is here, he will definitely be very confused. He obviously has blue and gold talents, why did he choose a white talent in the end?
The reason is simple. Swordsmanship proficiency is a talent that Li Hongyun has been using before. Now that Nie Rang's muscle memory has been activated, this talent has become a non-essential option.

As for the lucky one, he tried it, and he didn't feel much after taking it.

The real European emperor never disdains this kind of extra luck skills!
Therefore, calmness, a skill that others seem to be weak, actually suits him very well.

The Trial Illusion began to function again.

"Xuan, let Nie see you!"

The little eunuch shouted, and Emperor Yan Ling, who was sitting on the throne, looked out of the hall, and saw Nie Rang entering the hall with his head slightly lowered and holding a wooden box.

"Caomin greets His Majesty!"

Li Hongyun knelt on the ground, holding up the wooden box with both hands.

Then, as arranged in the script, he opened the wooden box and let the black jade unicorn attract the eyes of Emperor Yan Ling, further reducing his vigilance.

Everything went smoothly. After all, Li Hongyun took the talent skill of "Calm and Calm", which to a certain extent eliminated his nervousness, covered up some redundant movements, and also eliminated the vigilance of Emperor Yan Ling.

Emperor Yan Ling said to the little eunuch: "Go and fetch Xiangrui for me."

However, at this moment, Li Hongyun said, "I would like to report to Your Majesty, Cao Min has one more thing to announce."

Emperor Yan Ling froze for a moment: "Oh? Tell me."

Li Hongyun said: "Your Majesty, the more the grassroots think about it, the more they feel that no matter how powerful a scholar is, there is always a limit.

"Even if you are full of knowledge, even if you are full of enthusiasm, it is easy to waste it in the end."

What he said was deeply emotional. After all, when he played Yang Yan, he really suffered a lot from Emperor Wei Zhao.

Emperor Yan Ling's eyes showed confusion, and a question mark almost appeared on his head.


Even a very smart emperor like him can't understand why Nie Rang, who presented the treasure in the palace, would say such a thing.

The little eunuch scolded, "What exactly do you want to say?"

Li Hongyun grasped the hilt of the sword on Moyu Qilin's body: "I want to say, I am no longer a scribe, Your Majesty!

"The dog emperor is dead!"

Before everyone could react, Li Hongyun had already drawn out his dagger and threw it forward!
A little cold light, pointing directly at the throne!

Emperor Yan Ling couldn't help but turn pale with shock, and subconsciously turned to the right to avoid it.

He is tall and has good skills. If he is in an open space, he can dodge the moment he sees the opponent raise his hand and roll over.

But at this time, he was sitting on the throne of the hall with his whole body relaxed, maintaining a majestic appearance, and his movements were already restricted.

What's more, Emperor Yan Ling's suspicion of Nie Rang was accumulated bit by bit. He didn't expect that Nie Rang would be so ignorant of martial arts.

It stands to reason that even if an assassin commits an assassination, he should only do it at close range, right?
As a suspicious emperor, Emperor Yanling's psychological safety distance must be much higher than that of ordinary people, but no matter how high it is, it will not cause "be careful that he assassinates me" to a person who has just entered the palace and is so far away from him. "This kind of hyper-vigilant thinking.

But the other party did just that!

With the blessing of Nie Rang's physical fitness, this sword, or dagger, flew extremely fast, almost instantly.

Emperor Yan Ling hurriedly dodged to the right to avoid it, but when the dagger came in front of him, he realized that the dagger was the predicted position behind his dodge!
Unbiased, right in the chest!


Emperor Yan Ling's eyes were wide open, pointing at Li Hongyun who was in the audience, he couldn't say a word, and finally fell headlong on the throne.

Obviously, he wanted to know why this Nie Rang was so bold that he dared to throw a dagger directly at His Highness?And why is he so confident that he can predict the direction of his avoidance?

Before he was hacked to death by the golden armored guards, Li Hongyun smiled slightly.

"There is no other reason, it is nothing more than my good luck and hard work.

"I seem to... finally feel the fun of this game!"

At the moment when Li Hongyun fell, several lines of words that had never been seen appeared in his career.

[Assassin Trial: Assassin King Kill]

【Clearance! 】

[Clearance evaluation: I have to admit that some assassins with strange shapes can indeed successfully assassinate through some unimaginable ways. 】

Li Hongyun was taken aback for a moment.

"Hey? This customs clearance evaluation, why does it seem to be different from the evaluations I saw in other people's customs clearance videos before?"



Seven days passed quickly.

For players, seven days is actually not too short. After all, seven days is enough for many games to clear the level twice.

But in the game "Dark Sand", seven days are only enough to experience the content of one stage of the game, and the time is even a bit tight.

On the fourth day, all the places for the internal test have been determined, and those who have not yet passed the trial copy can only regretfully wait for the next opportunity.

So far, the number of closed beta players of "Dark Sand" has finally reached 4!

In the Fortress of the Sequencer, after the efforts of the players to move bricks, the construction value reached more than 90 again, which is about to break one million.

After day and night planning by Li Weiyi and a group of players, the preliminary construction plan for the Fortress of the Sequencer has also been released.

They do design during the day and survey in the game at night, and they are more attentive than their own jobs.

As for the other players, they also saved a lot of money during this period and put on new armor and weapons one after another.

Finally, after the preparation of the seven-day "Dangkou Eve" version, in the anticipation of the players, the new version of "Dark Sand" "Southeast Dangkou" is about to officially open!
 Continue to ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a subscription!Opening a new copy tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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