My players are all actors

Chapter 109 3 Arrow Sets the Universe

Chapter 109 Three Arrows Determine the Universe

"Come again!"

Li Hongyun started the trial again.

The previous battles have proved that it is feasible to kill the enemy by throwing a long spear, and it is also the method with the highest success rate for him at present.

It's just that this move is too shocking, and it is easy to attract the attention of thieves.

Therefore, you have to shoot and change places, throw it away and run away.

"Follow me to kill the thief!"

The general shouted and rushed into the enemy line again.

This time Li Hongyun learned his lesson, and instead of rushing forward as before, he shrank back a little and let the other soldiers stand on top.

Then, seeing the opportunity, he threw out the spear again, killing a bandit.

Sure enough, the Baizhan bandit noticed Li Hongyun again, but this time, Li Hongyun shrank back directly and hid behind the other soldiers.

Bai Zhan Bandit Kou cut down two soldiers with a knife in his hand, but he couldn't rush to Li Hongyun for a while.

Li Hongyun almost wanted to laugh three times.

Stupid?There are many people here!
As long as you hide behind and throw slowly, you will be defeated sooner or later!

However, when Li Hongyun began to search for the second spear from the corpse on the ground, the situation reversed again.

The soldiers of the Dasheng Dynasty began to retreat!
The soldiers rushing to the front were cut down as soon as they fought with the bandits, and their morale, which was not very high, suffered a heavy blow.

Seeing these Dongyi people rushing towards him viciously, many soldiers were frightened and turned around and ran away!
This run, instantly collapsed.

Li Hongyun was looking for a long gun on the ground when he suddenly heard the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground. When he looked up, a long gun was thrown right in front of him.

"Hey, who has such eyesight?

"thank you!"

Li Hongyun was still thinking, these comrades are quite cooperative, knowing that I have superb throwing skills, and I am a thief if I throw a shot, so I took the initiative to give up the spear in my hand?

But on closer inspection, he was so angry that he wanted to curse.

What kind of "give him the spear" is this, it is obviously throwing away the armor!
I saw these fleeing soldiers running wildly, throwing their rattan shields, waist knives or spears on the ground while running, to reduce their load and to make themselves run faster.

It doesn't matter if you can't run away from the bandits, as long as you run past the other soldiers behind you!

Li Hongyun was originally in the rear of the battle formation, but in the blink of an eye, he became the front line of the battle against the bandits!
"Damn it, this is it!"

Li Hongyun wanted to kill these scumbags one by one, but there was no way, the bandits had already arrived.

He resisted symbolically, and finally fell under the knife.

Before he fell to the ground, he seemed to have seen the general riding his horse to a high slope, took down the Zhenyuan bow, and seemed to be about to draw the bow and nock an arrow.

But then, Li Hongyun's eyes went dark and he lost consciousness.


Fancy death after another.

But Li Hongyun was not discouraged, but became more courageous as he fought.

Because he knows that this is opening up wasteland, and he has successfully found a fighting method that suits him.

Although this way of fighting is a bit strange, it doesn't fit in with the painting style on the battlefield.

When he challenged the copy of the scribe's trial before, he had already read the strategy in advance. The advantage is that he knows the answer in advance, but the disadvantage is that his mentality will become very impetuous.

Once you encounter setbacks, it is easy to question yourself.

But now, he is experiencing this trial dungeon with a mentality of opening up wasteland, and he can experience this fun even more.

"Come again!"

The Trial Illusion began to function again.

The general is still the first to rush into the enemy's line, and these poorly trained soldiers are still about to collapse at the first touch.

But this time Li Hongyun was much calmer than before.


The spear flew out of his hand, hitting a bandit in the middle.

The Baizhan Ranger noticed Li Hongyun again, and leaned over here.

But Li Hongyun seemed to have expected it a long time ago, turned around and ran away!

Baizhan Rogue was stunned, and was almost attacked by another soldier beside him. Looking back, Li Hongyun had already opened a long distance from him.

Many soldiers thought that Li Hongyun was going to escape, but it was not.

After turning around and running for a while, he happened to come to the path of a deserter.

The deserter threw the spear in his hand on the ground while running, and Li Hongyun picked it up.

Of course, this route was also planned by him in many deaths.


He adjusted his pose again, and shot down a bandit with his spear.

The scene at this time was very strange. The soldiers of the Dasheng Dynasty had retreated after the battle with the bandits. Most of the soldiers in the front row were killed in battle, while the soldiers in the back were fleeing.

But Li Hongyun is different.

On the surface, he was running away with the broken soldiers, but he would stop every time he ran, and then he just happened to pick up the spear thrown by others, turned around and aimed at a bandit who rushed forward.

The eyes of the thieves locked on Li Hongyun in unison.

Obviously, Li Hongyun's performance was too eye-catching, and he couldn't help but notice it.

He actually killed seven or eight thieves just by throwing a spear!
Although there were a large number of bandits, Li Hongyun basically killed the elite who rushed to the front. For the bandits, this kind of loss was obviously unacceptable.

The Baizhan Ranger made another vertical leap, leaped over those soldiers at an extremely fast speed, and rushed straight towards Li Hongyun!
Li Hongyun was stunned for a moment, and then almost cursed.

Of course he didn't want to scold the bandits, but these soldiers.

Are you really useless at all?
He already ran past you and ignored you, don't you know how to sneak attack?
Li Hongyun originally thought that he was safe in the middle and rear of these routs, but now he found that the bandits seemed to be in no one's land, and his teammates were a bunch of cheaters.

It's like playing a game. The opponent's assassin completely ignores their front row and cuts to the back row. Then the front row is still indifferent. After the team battle is over, the players in the back row will definitely have to type greetings.

Li Hongyun hurriedly looked for the spear from the ground again, but he couldn't find it, only a rattan plate.

He hastily raised the rattan tablet, and barely blocked the knife, but the next knife came again!
It was about to start all over again, but at this moment, there was a "whoosh" sound from a distance.

A feathered arrow actually accurately hit the back of this vagabond, piercing through the armor and passing through the chest!

Blood-stained arrow clusters protruded from his chest, and Li Hongyun could see them clearly.

This arrow deflected Bai Zhan Rogue's sword, but even though he was hit so hard, he didn't die immediately.

Of course, Li Hongyun wouldn't be in a daze, he hurriedly picked up a thrown waist knife from the ground, and directly stabbed Baizhan Rogue right through!

The crisis was temporarily resolved, Li Hongyun raised his head and looked in the direction where Yujian was flying.

I saw that the general had already rode a horse to Gaochao, the Zhenyuan bow in his hand was fully drawn, and he shot another arrow!
The bow is like a full moon, and the arrow is like a shooting star. The target this time is a bandit with a flexible figure and a spear.

This bandit was short in stature, but his spear skills were very good. He also rushed to the front and killed seven or eight of Da Sheng's soldiers.

With the sound of the bowstring, the bandit seemed to be alerted. He tried his best to dodge, but the arrow was still one step ahead of him.

With a "poof", it hit the center of the eyebrow!

The bandit with a spear was not wearing a helmet, so he was killed with one arrow!
Even Li Hongyun was taken aback.

This general is too fierce!

Much fiercer than me, a sequencer with talent skills!

Could it be that this is the main character of this dungeon?Deng Yuan respects General Deng?

The Southeast Dangkou was a major event in the middle and late stages of the Dasheng Dynasty, and Deng Yuanjing was the most meritorious general.In fact, long before this dungeon was opened, many players had speculated that the protagonist of this dungeon must be him.

It's just that when he first entered the dungeon, Li Hongyun wasn't sure whether the general was Deng Yuanjing or some other rogue general.After all, there are more than a dozen famous and surnamed generals recorded in the history books.

But now, seeing the general's fighting style, he can basically be sure.

According to historical records, Deng Yuanjing's riding skills, spear skills, sword skills and archery skills are all at the absolute top level, especially this kind of archery skills, I am afraid that there will be no second person in the middle and late stages of the Dasheng Dynasty.

The thieves who had been staring at Li Hongyun before turned their attention to General Deng who was at a high place.

Holding a big naginata, the sturdy bandit with a height of about 1.8 meters quickly rushed towards General Deng!
Although Dongyi thieves are generally short in stature, there are also individual exceptions.According to historical records, there is a person who is six feet two inches (1 meters) tall, and he is obviously a little giant among the thieves.

Li Hongyun hurriedly picked up another spear from the ground.

At this time, the bandit holding a naginata had already slashed at General Deng!

Seeing that Deng Yuanjing was not panicked, he shot an arrow and hit the bandit in the chest.

Unexpectedly, the thief was tall and strong, and he was still wearing armor, so the arrow failed to kill him.

At the very moment, a long spear came through the air and hit the bandit in the back!

Due to the long distance and the fact that Li Hongyun was at a low place, his physical strength was exhausted after a few throws, so the power of this shot was not very strong, and it barely pierced through the armor.

But the impact made the bandit's knife crooked, and his body was a little out of balance.

Deng Yuanjing saw the opportunity, and shot another arrow, which hit the thief's throat at a very close distance!
The three most powerful thieves all died!
Seeing General Deng draw his bow and arrow again, the thieves were all shocked and retreated one after another.

"Follow me to kill the enemy!"

Deng Yuanjing shouted loudly, wanting to lead his soldiers in pursuit.

Li Hongyun was also very excited, picked up two long spears from the ground, and prepared to follow.

However, Deng Yuanjing looked at the soldiers and shook his head silently.

Li Hongyun was a little surprised, why didn't he chase after him?

Turning around, I found that all the soldiers were pale, out of breath, timid, or exhausted, and they were all sitting crookedly on the ground, apparently without the ability to pursue.

Li Hongyun couldn't help feeling: "It's really a group of pig teammates!"

 I have something to go out this afternoon, only two chapters left

(End of this chapter)

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