My players are all actors

Chapter 110 Sir, times have changed

Chapter 110 Sir, times have changed

Fog filled the field of vision, and soon, a new scene appeared in front of Li Hongyun.

Sure enough, as he expected, this battle was just an appetizer for the entire dungeon.

In fact, strictly speaking, the current battle is not difficult.

For players who rely on their own hard power to clear the pawn dungeon, as long as they try a few more times, they should be able to pass this stage.

This battle can be seen as a test of the player's combat effectiveness, and it can also be seen as a demonstration of General Deng Yuanjing.

As the thick fog in his vision dissipated, Li Hongyun found himself in a new battlefield.

Ahead is a fortified city, surrounded by mountains and rivers.Although the city wall does not have stone walls and is all made of wood, it still looks easy to defend and difficult to attack. There is only a pass in the middle that can be passed through, which is obviously guarded by thieves.

The only good news may be that the terrain of the Walled City here is not very high, and even the area facing the water behind the pass is somewhat low-lying, otherwise the difficulty of attacking may be further increased.

At this time, Li Hongyun was standing beside General Deng Yuanjing, observing the terrain in the camp together.

"Puning Port is the largest place occupied by Dongyi bandits, but they can't attack for a long time.

"Master Wang, I wonder if there is a good strategy?"

Deng Yuanjing looked at the man who looked like a civil servant standing on the other side of him.

This Lord Wang shook his head: "General Deng, I don't know anything about military affairs, so I don't want to speak nonsense.

"However, as you said before, General Deng, our army is lax in training and slack in equipment, and we need a lot of money for recruiting and training as well as raising military supplies.

"The failure to attack Puning Port for a long time now is probably not a problem of tactics. Mr. Deng, a clever woman can't cook without rice."

He paused for a moment, and then asked: "How do you reply to the letter from Lord Governor?"

Deng Yuanjing shook his head slightly: "Master Governor only said that the treasury is empty. He has applied for military supplies, but there has been no response for a long time. Let me prepare for the war seriously. If the reward arrives, the problem of military supplies will naturally be solved. .”

Lord Wang couldn't help shaking his head slightly.

Li Hongyun couldn't help feeling secretly, isn't this an endless loop?

To attack Puning Port, but the combat effectiveness of the soldiers is not enough, and it is necessary to spend money to recruit soldiers for training and replenish equipment; but the higher-ups do not grant money, and only after taking down Puning Port and making contributions can it be possible to obtain military supplies.

Really no solution.

As for Mr. Wang, as a student of the history department, Li Hongzhang had some vague guesses.

At that time, one of Deng Yuanjing's troops participated in politics, Wang Zongchang, who was also in charge of the army.It's just that there seem to be very few records about him in the history books, and he might not be a very powerful hero.

It's pretty good not to restrict Deng Yuanjing, and it's probably unrealistic to expect him to play a big role.

Deng Yuanjing sighed softly: "Order, prepare to attack!"


"Dong dong!"

The sound of war drums sounded, and the soldiers of the Dasheng Dynasty began to attack the Puning Port ahead.

Li Hongyun was also arranged among the soldiers in the front row, and General Deng Yuanjing took the lead and was at the forefront.

This time was different from a field battle, because no one was riding a horse, and all infantry were advancing because of the siege of the city.

All the soldiers in the front row, all holding long wooden cards, moved forward steadily.

These wooden long shields are as high as half a person, and soldiers can hide their whole bodies behind the shields as long as they squat down, mainly to resist arrows.

And on the high tower in front of the village, Dongyi thieves were stringing their bows one after another.

The Yi bow is made of bamboo and wood. When it is not in use, it needs to be unstringed for maintenance to prevent weight loss.At this time, the thieves and bandits are all on the strings, indicating that the war is about to break out.

Seeing the thieves raising their bows and arrows one after another, General Deng raised his hand as a signal.

The soldiers immediately put their long cards on the ground to form a bunker.

These long cards have folded feet on the back, and when opened, they can stand firmly on the ground.

Most of the arrows shot by the thieves hit the long cards, and the soldiers of the Dasheng Dynasty also began to fight back with bows and arrows.

It's just that the thieves are condescending, and the soldiers on General Deng's side shoot low and high, so the accuracy is naturally not the same.

The battle quickly reached a stalemate.

General Deng didn't dare to let the soldiers rush in, because although this pass is already the easiest direction to attack in Puning Port, if they attack rashly without first solving the archers on the Zhailou, it is very likely that they will be crowded into a crowd at the Zhaimen. The regiment suffered heavy losses.

Feeling the arrows "swish" flying over his head, Li Hongyun was a little excited.

Isn't it time for me to perform?
As early as this stage, he had noticed that after the last battle, his status had improved significantly.

He was just an ordinary soldier before, but now he can stand directly beside General Deng and receive proper treatment as a personal soldier.

Moreover, even his weapon has changed.

Before, he only held a standard long gun, but now, not only his armor and waist knife have been upgraded, but also a bundle of special short guns that are easy to throw.

This means that his excellent performance of throwing the spear in the previous stage caught the attention of General Deng, so a special weapon was built for him according to his fighting style.

"This game is really smart, it seems that the equipment update in the second stage will be based on the combat performance in the first stage.

"In that case, players like Fan Cun and Zhao Haiping should have more suitable weapon updates in the second stage.

"In short, don't waste these equipment, find a way to conquer here!"

Li Hongyun still has the talent of throwing proficiency, so he no longer hesitates. After the bandit's round of archery is over, while other soldiers of the Dasheng Dynasty are also drawing their bows to fight back, he also stands up and throws the arrow in his hand. One of the muskets of the family was thrown with a sudden force!

Compared with the previous stage, Li Hongyun can obviously feel that his physical fitness has also improved, and his strength has become stronger.

This may be because according to the development of the plot, he has experienced many battles with General Deng Yuanjing, and he has no worries about eating and drinking, so his physical fitness and fighting skills have improved.

A bandit was drawing his bow to shoot down, with no intention of avoiding it.

Because these thieves are condescending, the soldiers of the Dasheng Dynasty had to shoot from their backs, and their accuracy was not good.The thieves obviously felt that instead of avoiding it, it is better to seize the time and shoot a few more arrows.

However, just as he was about to shoot at a pawn who came out from behind the shield to draw his bow, he suddenly had an extremely dangerous premonition!

Before he had time to react to what was going on, he felt something heavier and more powerful than an arrow hit him instantly, sending him flying upside down, and even nailing him to the village building wooden wall!
The thief looked dazed, and he tried hard to move, but found that he couldn't move.

He lowered his head in disbelief, and found that it turned out to be a special short gun, which nailed him firmly!

The other thieves were also quite shocked, but before they could react, more short spears were thrown from the city one after another!



Under the cover of the long player, Li Hongyun was like a man-shaped fort, constantly throwing the short gun in his hand.

Although the thieves could also hide behind the bunkers of the Zhailou, but in this way, the suppression of the archers was greatly weakened, and the soldiers of the Dasheng Dynasty were able to march.

"go ahead!"

General Deng gave an order, and the long card players continued to move forward with their long cards, and kept approaching the gate of the village.

Li Hongyun couldn't help feeling a little proud.

What is turning things around?
He also didn't expect that the second stage of this copy turned out to be a siege.In this kind of scene, his proficiency in throwing this hand is simply not very useful.

Of course, other players can also lead the soldiers to attack through hand-to-hand combat or archery, but it is definitely not as easy as him.

"What is the official trial dungeon, the difficulty is nothing more than that.

"Could it be that I'm strong enough to be unrivaled in this official dungeon?"

Li Hongyun couldn't help being a little proud, thinking that he was simply a genius.

However, he soon discovered that he was too happy.

These thieves hid behind the bunkers of the Zhailou, and Li Hongyun thought they were afraid of his skill in throwing long spears, so they dared not show their faces.

As a result, the long player hadn't advanced far when he saw these thieves poking their heads out of the stronghold again.

Li Hongyun was just about to throw the spear again, but found that it was not the Yi bow facing him, but the black muzzle of the gun.

Thieves have muskets!
There was a "bang" gunshot, and the bullet hit Li Hongyun's chest!

Immediately afterwards, the muskets on the Zhailou fired all at once, and the bullets pierced through the long cards and hit the soldiers of the Sheng army, screaming again and again.

Although the cloth face armor and cotton armor worn by these soldiers have a certain ability to resist muskets, they are not body armor after all. Soon, sawdust flew across the long cards, and the soldiers suffered heavy losses.

Li Hongyun watched the blood on his chest gradually fade away, and collapsed to the ground.

The last scene in sight was General Deng's order to retreat.

"You can't afford it, can you..."

The emoji of "My lord, the times have changed" appeared in Li Hongyun's mind.

It's a pity that this time, he was the one pointed at by the musket.

 There should be two more chapters today

(End of this chapter)

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