My players are all actors

Chapter 111 Where Does the Money Come From?

Chapter 111 Where Does the Money Come From?
Li Hongyun refused to accept it, and he wanted to come again.

What happened to the musket?Is the musket hanging?
With my superb javelin skills, can't I beat the musket?
Well, I can't beat it.

After the first attempt failed, Li Hongyun chose to start all over again and tried several times.

But the results are pretty much the same.

Puning Port is inherently dangerous, easy to defend and difficult to attack. These thieves have bows and arrows and muskets. Although the Sheng army has an advantage in numbers, they do not have the advantage in equipment, and it is difficult to use it at the pass. gram.

The previous few times Li Hongyun had fought against these thieves, but no matter how accurately he threw the javelin, he could only kill one person at a time, not to mention that no matter how fast he moved, he couldn't beat the musket.

So, after several attempts, Li Hongyun decided to change his mind.

Maybe this is a plot kill?
Survive first to see?

Li Hongyun decided to focus on dogs, although he still threw spears to attack the thieves upstairs, but once the thieves took out their muskets, they began to pay attention to self-protection and tried their best to survive.

As a result, you're stuck in a sort of loop.

Although it is true that working hard to survive can survive until General Deng retreats, it seems to be meaningless to do so.

Because Sheng Jun's goal is to conquer Puning Port, if he fails to fight once, he will fight the second and third times.

In the army, Li Hongyun could only follow General Deng to attack again and again, to be frustrated again and again, and to repeat.

At a deadlock.

However, Li Hongyun soon discovered that these battles were not simply repeated, because before each battle, the dialogue between General Deng Yuanjing and Wang Zongchang, who supervised the army and participated in politics, would also change slightly.

It can be clearly felt that Pu Ninggang has been unable to attack for a long time, and the pressure from the superiors is getting bigger and bigger. If it fails for a long time, General Deng is likely to be dismissed. At that time, it may be equivalent to the failure of the copy.

But Li Hongyun was just in a hurry and couldn't help.

There are only so many manpower and supplies. General Deng is a top-notch general. He commanded the battle perfectly, and there is no sign of tampering.

What's more, now Li Hongyun has not activated the qualification to play General Deng, and it is impossible to try to use Deng Yuanjing's identity to try to attack the city.

On this day, the city will still be attacked.

Just when the array was in formation, the sky suddenly started to rain heavily.

In fact, it has been raining often before, but as time goes by, the rain is getting bigger and bigger.

They had no choice but to cancel the attack plan and return to the camp.

Sneak attacking in the rain is easy to say, but in practice it is not feasible at all. The thieves are not stupid, as long as they counterattack a little in the stronghold, the Sheng army who attacked in the rainstorm will be beaten and fled.

Back in the camp, Li Hongyun was a little anxious.

He felt that the evening's fun was almost over.

Although I don't know how long I have been in the game, but it should only be enough for me to try three or five more times.

It's just that so far, he hasn't found a solution to this second stage at all.

Combat power alone is definitely not enough, but without combat power, there is no way to think of a breakthrough.

make money?

How to make money?

Just when Li Hongyun was in a daze, he suddenly saw a special fragment slowly appearing in his vision, with the image of General Deng Yuanjing on it.

"Huh? Memory fragments!
"After fighting side by side with General Deng for so long, I finally obtained his memory fragments!"

Li Hongyun couldn't help being refreshed, and became active again.

In the first dungeon, memory fragments were originally a golden rare talent, but in this dungeon, the talent of memory fragments has been activated as a fixed talent, which is obviously great news for players to solve puzzles.

Li Hongyun hurriedly touched the memory fragment lightly.

Then, scenes of intermittent memories emerged in his mind like a revolving lantern.


"My lord, Puning Port is dangerous, easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the bandits are stubborn and well-equipped, so I'm afraid it will be difficult to conquer in a hurry.

"The last general has already thought of several weapons that can restrain the bandits, and has found a suitable source of troops. As long as the food and military supplies are in place, the bandits will definitely be wiped out!"

In the memory fragments, what Li Hongyun saw was General Deng's first-person perspective. Naturally, these words were also spoken by General Deng to the governor.

The Governor, who was wearing an official uniform, looked to be in his fifties, with wrinkles on his face, and said to Deng Yuanjing: "Yuan Jing, of course the bandits must be suppressed, but the priority is the priority.

"The military supplies you want, I have already tried my best to help you get them, but the situation in the capital is complicated and confusing. You only need to consider military affairs, but what I want to consider is the situation in the entire southeast and even the capital...

"Wait a little longer, there will always be a turning point."

As soon as the screen changed, a person who looked like a lieutenant reported secretly.

"General Deng, I saw that Governor Tang secretly ordered someone to send a box of jewels to the capital again. I also heard that the troupe that was sent to Lord Shoufu's residence last time was worth hundreds of thousands of taels of silver. Master Tang is also involved...

"General, Lord Governor is obviously rich! He just doesn't want to buy military supplies for us..."

Deng Yuanjing scolded: "You can talk about this kind of thing? Shut up, don't bring it up again in the future!"

The deputy general withdrew, but he was obviously unwilling.

Immediately afterwards, there were several other memory fragments, including some scenes of Deng Yuanjing fighting first, or the memory of inspecting the source of soldiers, trying to develop new weapons, and so on.

"The thieves danced with barbarian knives and flashed forward, and our soldiers had already seized their breath... The victim was cut in two, and the weapon was sharp but his hands were used, so it was heavy..."

"The thief came out of the sentry box, and our soldiers assembled spears to stab him. The thief cut a knife, and dozens of spears were snapped off, and the soldiers all ran with bare hands..."

"A soldier is timid in the face of the enemy. His weapon is thin and his courage is shattered. Although he is very diligent on weekdays, he will be flustered and lost and forget his old ways. But the branches are luxuriant, covering more than one body, and he can rely on his eyes. It is enough to strengthen his courage. Common people dare to stand still."


After a while, these memories were completely absorbed by Li Hongyun.

And he also fell into deep thought.

"Lord Governor, it should refer to the current governor. The governor at this time is Lin Xiangmin. According to historical records, he can be regarded as a famous minister, and he is also a master of opera.

"As for the chief assistant at this time, it should be Yan Maoqing, who has controlled the government for more than [-] years. From the perspective of historical evaluation, he should be regarded as a corrupt official and treacherous minister, comparable to Wang Chong in the previous copy of the scribe.

"At this time, Lin Xiangmin, the governor of Jiangnan Province, is considered a strict party, and he is also a master of operas. I am afraid that the matter of sending opera troupes cannot be separated.

"Governor Lin gave Yan Shoufu money and an opera troupe, since it comes from memory fragments, it is highly credible.

"But this does not mean that Governor Lin must be a villain. After all, if he wants to be a villain, he must first secure his position as Governor, and if he wants to secure his position, he must hug Yan Shoufu's thigh... …

"As for the other memory fragments, many of them are related to weapons.

"This shows that Deng Yuanjing has actually thought of many ways to defeat the enemy at this time, but because of insufficient military supplies and no money, he can neither recruit and train elite soldiers, nor equip a large number of weapons to restrain the barbarian knives.

“At the end of the day, it’s still about money.

"Then I know what to do next.

"Now if you want to break through the place where bandits are entrenched in Puning Port, you have to work hard on Master Lin."

If you are a player with poor historical knowledge, you may have been confused by the contents of the memory fragments at this time, and you may not even be able to distinguish the few characters in it.

But Li Hongyun is also a student of the history department after all, so he quickly smoothed out these relationships.

So, he chose to start over.

It's just that this time he no longer plays the role of a soldier, but chooses the identity of an aide.


【Ren · Calmness (white): Your emotions are calm, and you can deal with danger more calmly. 】

[Ren. Generous speech (blue): Your speech becomes more contagious and persuasive. 】

【Xin · Observation into the details (blue): Your observation and memory of details have been improved. 】

Li Hongyun looked at the three innate skills in front of him. Sure enough, after playing the role of a staff member, the innate skills were also updated to three auxiliary talents.

In this way, there will be no situations where the natural skills do not match the role identity and cannot be used.

Li Hongyun frowned slightly, lost in thought.

It would be useful for someone like him with poor acting skills to be calm and composed, but he is not an assassin after all, but an aide.

The staff's acting skills are not good, and they won't lose their heads.

Generosity and observation seem to be very useful. The former can enhance the persuasiveness of your words, and it is easier to accept suggestions as a staff member; while the latter is a panacea skill. It may be useless, but it may also be of great benefit. usefulness.

After thinking about it for a while, Li Hongyun still decided to take the subtlety of observation.

Because his occupation is not a scribe after all, he can't match his awe-inspiring righteousness with his generous speeches.Observation, as a Sim level blue skill, wins in level and rarity.

If you can observe some crucial details, you can make big money.

After the talent is selected, everything starts to work in the trial illusion.

Li Hongyun found that the clothes he was wearing had changed. He no longer looked like a soldier in armor, but a literati's gown.

At this time, several staff members who looked similar to him gathered together.

And the one sitting in the middle is the governor, Lin Xiangmin.

This Lord Lin was exactly the same as the one Li Hongyun saw in General Deng's memory fragments, but in the light and shadow of the candlelight, the wrinkles seemed to be a little deeper.

Governor Lin looked around at the staff and said: "Puning Port has been unable to attack for a long time, and the capital has been held accountable several times.

"If you don't respond, my position as the governor may be in jeopardy, and even Elder Yan Ge will not be able to keep me.

"I heard that the terrain of Puning Port is not very high, and there is a river embankment nearby. What do you think if the embankment is destroyed and the thieves are flooded?"

 There is another chapter to be added in the afternoon

(End of this chapter)

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