My players are all actors

Chapter 114 Immortals fight, mortals suffer

Chapter 114 Immortals fight, mortals suffer

Li Hongyun was stopped by Chu Ge's series of questions.

He frowned, and after thinking hard for a long time, he said: "If it is true as you speculate, then there is no solution to this problem at all!

"Yan Maoqing's secret letter said that the embankment was destroyed and the thieves were flooded, but in fact, the flooding of the thieves was false, and the main purpose was to destroy the embankment. Governor Lin is a smart man, and he must have figured out Yan Shoufu's true intentions.

"That is to say, the secret communication between the two people was on the surface saying 'flooding thieves', but in fact every word was inseparable from 'flooding fields to make money'?
"Yan Maoqing has already made a clear calculation, using the fertile land in the hands of the common people to exchange the money in the hands of corrupt officials and wealthy businessmen, and only after getting the money can he continue his life as the chief assistant. Therefore, even if he overcomes all difficulties, he must do this. thing.

"That's why Lin Xiangmin is so hesitant.

"He knows that this matter must not be disobeyed, because his position as governor is also dependent on Yan Shoufu. If Yan Shoufu gets angry, he can be replaced by any excuse, such as 'weak resistance to thieves' and many more.

"But if it is done, it will be a big problem. The good fields are flooded and the people are displaced, which can easily lead to civil uprisings. Even if he arranges for others to dig the dams secretly without leaving evidence, it will still be difficult for him as the governor. let go of the blame.

"What's more, no one with a bit of humanity can do such a bad thing without conscience. When the flood comes, I don't know how many people will be drowned.

"If it's for your own status, you can only follow Yan Shoufu's wishes at the risk of provoking a civil uprising; if you are loyal to your duty, you can only wait for Yan Shoufu to be dismissed, and then someone will be replaced. However, maybe the dikes and dams will still be dug up, and the matter of bandits may not be counted on at all.

"It can be delayed for a while, but in the end it is hard to escape these two endings."

Now Li Hongyun finally understands why Lin Xiangmin seems so worried. This is indeed a difficult deadlock.

"Then... is there such a possibility?
"Get rid of Yan Maoqing?

"If you bring up the matter of the bankrupting and flooding the thieves, will it be possible to bring down Yan Maoqing?"

After thinking about it, Li Hongyun realized that there was Yan Maoqing above his head who could hardly do anything.

In history, Yan Maoqing did fall, and Gu Qingzhang became the new chief assistant.

If Yan Maoqing could be killed, the emperor ransacked his house, and uprooted the entire Yan Party, then there would be no need to worry about money in the short term.

Let Gu Qingzhang be the chief assistant, and most of the military supplies of the gangsters can be allocated.

Chu Ge shook his head: "Of course not!
"If Yan Maoqing doesn't fall, Governor Lin really has nothing to do; but if Yan Maoqing really falls, do you think Governor Lin will be spared because of his relationship with Yan Shoufu?

"Yes, he is now in charge of the overall situation of the gangsters, but how can there be an egg under the overturned nest? Once Yan Shoufu falls, he will also fall.

"Report the incident of destroying the embankment and flooding the thieves? It's easy to say, but how can there be any real evidence to prove that Yan Shoufu ordered him? If the incident of destroying the embankment really happened, wouldn't he, a governor, not be responsible for such a big matter?

"Do you think that after this matter is really brought up, the emperor will trust a elder who has been with him day and night and has relied on him for decades, or will he trust you as a governor of a place? What's more, you, the governor, was promoted by the elder himself. There is the grace of knowing you.

"What do you think the emperor will think of you? Is it righteous to kill relatives, or to deceive teachers and ancestors?

"Okay, even if Yan Shoufu falls, then the new chief assistant, Gu Qingzhang, can accommodate you? You were single-handedly promoted by Yan Shoufu, which means that you have already stood in line, and Gu Qingzhang will continue to use you?
"If Lin Xiangmin is kicked from the governor's seat to the end, how can he continue to be a bandit?"

Li Hongyun was a little dizzy: "That is to say... Yan Maoqing is going to fall, but only part of it, not all of it?"

Chu Ge nodded: "That's right.

"You can't uproot Yan Shoufu, otherwise Governor Lin will also be implicated. We must weaken Yan Shoufu's status, and at the same time let Governor Lin show his face in front of the emperor, and it is best to be appreciated by the emperor. Only in this way is it possible From the mouth of the emperor, the military resources needed by the bandits were extracted.

"Do you still remember what Governor Lin said to General Deng? If you make meritorious service, you will naturally have military funds when you are rewarded.

"To put it bluntly, there are only two ways to get money. One way is to ask Yan Shoufu. This way is obviously not feasible. Yan Shoufu himself is worried about money; the other is to find a way to ask the emperor directly. .

"But the emperor himself is also irresponsible. He won't think it's a lack of military resources if you don't do enough to defeat the bandits. Instead, he will think that you are not capable enough. So Governor Lin didn't deliberately want to block General Deng's military resources, but he It is true that there will not be enough military funds.

"Because the emperor of the dynasty dared to appoint Yan Maoqing as the chief assistant for decades, it shows that he is an emperor who is greedy when he collects money, and who is very painful when he allocates funds from the treasury. It is normal if he does not come with military funds. That means the emperor already thinks highly of you!

"So, the only way is for the emperor to pay more attention to Governor Lin, thinking that he is a capable minister, and that giving him military resources can indeed put down bandits. As long as this can be done, then the emperor will say that this military resource chief I can find a way to squeeze it out.

"It is also commonly known as 'Shangda Tianting'.

"It's just that these four words are easy to say, but difficult to do."

After this analysis, Li Hongyun was completely confused.

He and Chu Ge are both students of the history department, and there may be little difference in their grasp of historical materials, but when it comes to the analysis of specific issues, there is still a gap.

This is why Chu Ge can play the first pass of the scribe copy, but Li Hongyun cannot.

However, fortunately, after this analysis, the two finally smoothed out the current situation.

To put it simply: walking on thin ice, complicated and confusing!
On the top is the emperor, Yan Maoqing and Gu Qingzhang, the three gods fighting, while on the bottom is Lin Xiangmin who is trying his best to support the overall situation in the southeast, and General Deng who insists on smashing the bandits despite insufficient military resources.

Now Lin Xiangmin, the governor, is the only "immortal" who can catch up with Yan Maoqing, but Yan Maoqing doesn't want to be a bandit now, but only wants to make money.

So there was an impasse.

And if you want to break this deadlock, you have to carefully enter the circle of immortal fighting. This can be said to be dancing on a wire rope.

Li Hongyun was a little melancholy. These dungeons were indeed very difficult, and they couldn't be cleared with a slap on the head.

Chu Ge is very indifferent: "Don't be melancholy, the current progress is actually very fast.

"Although each new dungeon is different and the difficulty is gradually increasing, the players are also improving, and it is becoming more and more convenient to crack.

"At least for this copy, on the first day, we have already figured out its general direction. After trying a few more times, it is only a matter of time before we clear the level."

The two went to have breakfast together, and then went about their own affairs.

As usual, Chu Ge went to the forum to post his analysis and share information with other players.

Li Hongyun, on the other hand, repeatedly figured out the situation of the "fighting of gods" in the dungeon, thinking about how he should give Lin Xiangmin advice as an aide.

At the very least, Lin Xiangmin must be helped to analyze the situation clearly so that Governor Lin can take a high look at himself, so that the dungeon can continue to advance.

The staff line this time is relatively friendly to Li Hongyun.

Because strictly speaking, playing the role of a staff member does not require such superb acting skills, as long as the brain is clear, the grasp of the situation is accurate enough, and then all the things that need to be analyzed are enough.


At this time, the players on the forum also had a heated discussion on the dungeon "Fenghou is not my will".

"The thieves in the new dungeon have been upgraded again! In the first battle, I encountered a hundred-war thieves, and I was knocked out!"

"Yeah, it's much better than the bandits in the previous dungeon. I thought that after practicing for so long in the previous dungeon, I would be able to cut melons and vegetables in the new dungeon. Unexpectedly, I still have to suffer!"

"The equipment of these thieves is too sophisticated, I can't accept it! When they attacked Puning Port in the second stage, they even had muskets!"

"Aren't the thieves all refugees and down-and-out soldiers? Why are there so many muskets? It's not scientific at all!"

"It's normal. According to historical records, many of these thieves are veterans of the regular army. You can even regard the thieves entrenched in Puning Port as a powerful barbarian army."

"This group of people is the strongest group among the thieves, and they can basically represent the top level of combat power of the Dongyi thieves at that time. There is actually no comparison with the group of people who broke into the small county before."

"The only good news is that Sheng Jun has the god of war, General Deng. If there is no General Deng, and only rely on these useless soldiers, I really don't know how to fight this battle!"

"I went to try the staff line, and I got stuck...I couldn't answer any of the questions the governor asked me, and then he kicked me out, and the mission failed..."

"Let's go to the forum to read the analysis post of Big Boss Chu Ge. The analysis is relatively thorough. But even if I look through the historical materials, I still can't find a definite solution. I can only hope that these big shots will find out a standard. Answer."

"Has anyone gone to the advanced dungeon to get the talent upgrade skills?"

"I got it after tossing all night! It can indeed upgrade the original talent skills, but it is not so urgent at the moment. What I got is the advanced skills of the scribes, which further relaxes the restrictions on the use of awe-inspiring righteousness. Now even if you don't read it Poetry, as long as it expresses a similar meaning, it can also activate awe-inspiring righteousness. I don’t know about other professions.”


Chu Ge looked through the discussions on the forum, especially focusing on the upgraded difficulty version of the four novice trial copies.

It is indeed possible to upgrade the talent skills exclusive to the identity, but at present, it only slightly improves the combat ability on the original basis, and it is not particularly helpful for cracking the new dungeon, so there is no need to worry.

It's no problem to wait until after the first pass of the new copy.

Thinking of this, Chu Ge, like Li Hongyun, continued to read historical materials and some scholars' analysis of the political situation at that time, thinking about ways to break the situation for Lin Xiangmin.

 There should be more in the afternoon

(End of this chapter)

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