My players are all actors

Chapter 115 Not So Mature Thoughts

Chapter 115 Immature Ideas (Monthly Pass Plus Changes)

At this time, Su Chengbai also woke up from his sleep.

He suddenly turned over from the bed and sat up, took off the virtual helmet at once and threw it on the bed, as if he still had lingering fear.

A nightmare, an absolute nightmare!

The time flow in the game "Dark Sands" was much faster than in reality, so this night he felt that he had been tortured for at least a dozen, more than 20 hours.

Constantly being killed by thieves, and then repeated again and again, is too scary!

He made up his mind to never touch this game again!The government gave him this experience qualification, which is simply out of good intentions!

It's just that after he washed his face and sobered up for a while, the fear quickly subsided again.

One second he was determined not to touch this game again, but the next second he felt that it wasn't that scary.

There is a saying that goes "the scar is healed and the pain is forgotten".

But in Su Chengbai's current state, the scar healed too quickly.

He didn't realize that there was anything unusual about it, but instead began to look up the information, trying to find out the falsehoods in the details of the game "Sand Sand".

Because he wants to prove that this game is not the real history, and he has to prove that he is right!
There are a lot of people @ him on Weibo, but he doesn't pay attention to them, but he is unconvinced and wants to find the answer in historical materials.


At this time, Meng Yuan and the merchant were also having breakfast.

"The players are in good condition. As for Su Chengbai..." the merchant said while eating, "You weakened Su Chengbai's memory of last night, and you want him to suffer in the dungeon for a few more days?"

Meng Yuan nodded: "It's not weakening, it's temporarily shielding part of this pain, one night is not enough to determine the influence of the demon on him, it will take a few more days.

"I just took this opportunity to let him play for a few more days. The harder he tries to prove that "The Dark Sand" is false, the more he will prove that it is the real history.

"When this dungeon ends, we can see the outcome.

"After all, our main purpose this time is not to mentally defeat a big V who distorts history, but to better solidify history and let more people understand history."

The merchant took a big mouthful of rice: "But I still think you wasted too much energy on him."

Meng Yuan shook his head slightly: "You will know later, he has other uses.

"Some players have already started to write strategies, and tonight I will start to concentrate on creating wasteland dungeons!"


10 pm.

Li Hongyun once again entered the game world of "Dark Sand".

Still the same as last time, directly choose the staff line, take the talent of observing the subtleties, and start the trial.

Governor Lin looked around at the staff as before, and said: "Puning Port has been under attack for a long time, and the capital has been held accountable several times.

"If you don't respond, my position as the governor may be in jeopardy, and even Elder Yan Ge will not be able to keep me.

"I heard that the terrain of Puning Port is not very high, and there is a river embankment nearby. What do you think if the embankment is destroyed and the thieves are flooded?"

The staff still had different reactions, some were surprised, some were stunned, and some bowed their heads in thought.

No one answered for now.

Li Hongyun also chose to remain silent before. After all, he didn't know how to respond at that time, for fear of showing cowardice.

But this time, he didn't intend to be silent.

Although he hasn't found a specific way to break the situation, after discussing with Chu Ge, he has already touched the general direction.

As long as the content of these analyzes is explained to Lin Xiangmin, it is enough for him to take a high look at himself as an aide, which is very beneficial for clearing the dungeon.

So, while the other staff members were still contemplating, Li Hongyun spoke first.

"Master Governor, I'm afraid this is not your idea, but the meaning of Mr. Yan Ge?"

As soon as this remark came out, the other staff members were a little shocked.

Their expressions seemed to say, buddy, are you cheating?

Governor Lin just mentioned the matter of "destroying the embankment and flooding the thieves", and didn't say anything else. The other staff members were still trying to figure out the intention. As a result, this Mr. Xu had already guessed that this was the meaning of Mr. Yan Ge ?
How the hell did you guess this!

The gap in IQ made the other staff feel a little uncomfortable.

Lin Xiangmin remained calm on the surface: "Why did Mr. Xu say that?"

Li Hongyun couldn't help but sigh with emotion, he really is a big shot, his emotions and anger are not visible, and I said that he can still be so calm about the central matter, he really is a man of the city.

But unfortunately, I took the talent of "observing the details"!

Others really couldn't see Lin Xiangmin's abnormal state at this time, but Li Hongyun could analyze his subtle expression and demeanor, and he was in a state of "Mr. Xu is indeed reliable" in his heart at this time.

Now that you guessed it right, it's easy to say.

Li Hongyun decided to strike while the iron was hot: "Obviously, the worries of the adults are not in the southeast, but in the temple. The matter of the bandits is not in General Deng, but in the cabinet, it is Yan, Gu, and the current sage.

"For such things as destroying dikes and flooding thieves, I am afraid that only Mr. Yan Ge has the most urgent motive.

"Master Governor should have a clearer mind than me when he asks this question."

The other staff members had different expressions, some were still at a loss, while others suddenly realized.

But no matter what, their IQs at this time were obviously crushed!
A look of relief finally appeared on Lin Xiangmin's face, and he waved his hand: "Okay, Mr. Xu stays, the rest of you go out first."

Li Hongyun couldn't help but secretly happy.

Yes, after a round of screening, I successfully stood out!
What is going to be discussed next is an extremely confidential matter, and if it is not handled properly, the family will be ransacked and wiped out.When Governor Lin asked this question, it was obviously some kind of screening, screening out people who were smart enough to stay for discussion.

As for those staff who don't understand the joints, it's better not to get involved as soon as possible.

Although the other staff were somewhat dissatisfied, since Governor Lin had already said so, he had no choice but to leave.

Li Hongyun adjusted his mentality and prepared to meet the next challenge.

He also knew that this first step was actually not difficult.Because this Mr. Xu was originally Lin Xiangmin's most important staff member, and his words carried a lot of weight. In addition, he had learned the relevant information in advance, so it was not difficult to complete this first step.

The hard part is the next part.

After all the other staff members left, Lin Xiangmin changed his expression, and an anxious look began to appear on his face.

"I've been thinking about this matter for three days and three nights, but I still can't think of a way to break the situation. Since Mr. Xu can instantly guess that this is the meaning of Elder Yan Ge, he probably has a more thorough understanding of the situation in North Korea and China than I do.

"Also ask Mr. Xu to teach me!"

Li Hongyun tried his best to restrain the joy in his heart, and maintained the form of a master outside the world, analyzing and eloquently speaking.

"Master Governor, this matter is said to be destroying the embankment and flooding the thieves, but in fact it has nothing to do with the thieves. In the final analysis, it is still because of the word 'money'.

"Old Yan Ge is in urgent need of money from patrolling the salt to keep his position as chief assistant and to prove that he is useful to His Majesty, so this secret letter made Lord Governor break the dike. On the surface, it was mentioned casually, but in fact it was an order to die , adults have to do it if they don’t want to.

"If Lord Governor doesn't do it, Elder Yan Ge will replace it with someone else who can do it; but if Lord Governor does it, then I'm afraid it will be infamous forever."

Li Hongyun briefly analyzed the current situation for Lin Xiangmin based on what he had analyzed with Chu Ge before.

Including the way the emperor, Yan Maoqing, and Gu Qingzhang fought with the gods at this time, as well as the current state of the empty treasury, the motivation for destroying the embankment, etc., all have been fully explained.

Most of Lin Xiangmin also knew about these contents.

He is definitely not an incompetent person if he can become an official in the frontier.

Li Hongyun said these words mainly to further prove his ability to Lin Xiangmin, and at the same time lead to the next content.

Sure enough, after Li Hongyun finished speaking, Lin Xiangmin's expression became more solemn: "Then what good strategy does Mr. Xu have?"

Li Hongyun paused for a moment, and said: "Master Dutang, right now the gods in the cabinet are fighting, after all, it is nothing more than three people, His Majesty, Mr. Yan Ge and Mr. Gu Ge.

"The military funds of the gangsters can only come from these three people back and forth.

"Old Yan Ge is worrying about the salt tax. In his opinion, bandits have been raging for many years, so what if they continue raging for a year or two? Compared with the position of chief assistant, this is nothing.

"As for Mr. Gu Ge, he is in the same position as Mr. Yan Ge, and you are Mr. Yan Ge's confidant. Even if Mr. Gu Ge wants to wipe out the bandits, allocating military funds at this time is tantamount to letting Dutang My lord, you have made meritorious service, and all the credit will be credited to Elder Yan Ge.

"So, Gu Ge always wants to smash the bandits, but not at this time, and it's not for you, Mr. Dutang. Gu Ge is eager for chaos in the southeast, because the more chaos here, the greater the chance of bringing down Mr. Yan Ge.

"So, Mr. Gu Ge absolutely can't count on it.

"After all, His Majesty is the only one left. Therefore, there is only one way to talk about the matter of military resources, and that is to 'listen to heaven'."

Lin Xiangmin's expression sank again: "But this matter... is easy to say, but hard to do!"

Governor Lin didn't say much, but everyone knew the state of His Majesty the Emperor.

It is completely useless to complain more about the lack of military funds in the southeast. The emperor could not understand the urgency of this matter. He would only think that Lin Xiangmin, the governor, was complaining as a mother-in-law, and that the governor was incompetent.

Not only will it not come to military funds, but it will have the opposite effect.

Li Hongyun strikes while the iron is hot: "Master Governor, I have an immature idea.

"Right now, Mr. Yan Ge and Mr. Gu Ge are just fighting secretly, not openly. Mr. Gu Ge is scheming, and he will not tear himself apart with Mr. Yan Ge until he is sure of victory, and Mr. Yan Ge is also working hard to operate the salt tax. If you want to subdue others without fighting, block the possible offensive of Old Man Huihui."

"So, Lord Governor, you have to find a way to turn the secret fight between the two elders into an open battle, and even put Elder Yan at a slight disadvantage, so that Elder Gu can see the hope of defeating Elder Yan. But at the same time , Yan Ge Lao can't really fall down completely.

"At that time, the importance of you sitting in the southeast, Lord Governor, will continue to be highlighted, and His Majesty will realize your importance!
"If you can be summoned by His Majesty as a force to balance the two elders, then there is a possibility to solve this dilemma!"

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(End of this chapter)

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