My players are all actors

Chapter 119 Meet the Emperor!

Chapter 119 Meet the Emperor!
"Lord Supervisor, Ning Zhifu was greedy for money when supervising the repair of the river embankment, which caused the river embankment to burst during the Dragon Boat Festival, and was beheaded by him, along with two co-organizers and river supervisors. Is there such a thing?"

Sun Fanghua didn't have too many twists and turns, and soon got to the point.

Li Hongyun nodded: "It is true."

Sun Fanghua asked: "There is something unclear about the lowly position. Master Dutang, why do you want to be killed first and then played? Wouldn't it be better to send these people to the capital and hand them over to His Majesty directly?"

Li Hongyun looked at him with a calm demeanor: "These people caused great disasters and deserved their crimes. According to the laws of my Dasheng Dynasty, they should be punished on the spot. As the governor, I have this power."

A meaningful expression appeared on Sun Fanghua's face: "Master Governor, let's save these scenes for His Majesty.

"Although the humble official is blunt, it can be seen that Lord Governor is in a hurry to kill these people at this time, and he wants to make this case an iron case.

"It's just that I'm a little curious. How will Lord Governor handle this case? Not only is I concerned about this matter, but Elder Gu Ge, who is far away in the capital, is also very concerned."

Li Hongyun knew it in his heart.

It seems that changing the way of handling has indeed triggered some new game content!
Before Li Hongyun tried to send Ning Zhifu to the capital, and also tried to kill him after leaving a statement, but they failed to trigger the content of Sun Fanghua's visit, but directly judged it as a failure.

The reason is very simple, because after he made the previous choices, no matter whether Sun Fanghua came or not, no matter what he told Sun Fanghua, it would not affect the outcome of this matter.

Because the original options did not leave enough room for manipulation.

But this time, because there are two confessions, what Li Hongyun said to Sun Fanghua at this time will directly affect Gu Qingzhang who is far away in the capital.

Sun Fanghua's visit this time actually has only one purpose.

It is to test for Mr. Gu Ge, to see the true attitude of the governor, Lin Xiangmin, and to see if he is going to defect and leave the strict party.

The embankment has just been repaired, and there is basically no possibility of breaking the embankment. Although Mr. Gu Ge is not as well-informed as Mr. Yan Ge, he is definitely not deaf and blind. He probably guessed that the strict party behind this matter plan.

This is indeed an opportunity to overthrow the strict party, but the key is whether there is enough strong evidence.

If Governor Lin is covering up for the Yan Party, then Gu Qingzhang can only retreat; but if Governor Lin turns his back, then Gu Qingzhang can make up his mind to start a decisive battle with the Yan Party!

Sun Fanghua waited expectantly for Lin Xiangmin's reply.

Li Hongyun didn't say much, but took out a statement and handed it over.

Sun Fanghua froze for a moment, and after reaching out to take it, her expression changed instantly.

"Master Governor, this..."

Obviously, the content of this confession was completely beyond his expectations.

Sun Fanghua did come to spy on Mr. Gu Ge, but he didn't have much hope at first.Because everyone knows that Lin Xiangmin is a hard-core strict party member. Even if the accident on the embankment is very likely to involve Mr. Yan Ge, Lin Xiangmin will probably cover it up for Mr. Yan Ge.

The purpose of directly rectifying the law on the spot instead of sending the prefect of Ning to the capital was obviously to reduce the uncertainty of this matter.

Therefore, if Lin Xiangmin insisted that the breach of the dike had nothing to do with Mr. Yan Ge, then Sun Fanghua could only leave silently.

But now, Lin Xiangmin's confession is about identifying Mr. Yan Ge!

It was clearly written on it that Mr. Yan Ge secretly ordered Ning Zhifu to destroy the embankment, and it even involved the sale of land at a low price to collect money.

Of course, Yan Maoqing was cautious in doing things, so as not to leave any particularly big handles, but this confession alone was actually enough for Gu Gelao to get the trump card to bring down the Yan Party!
Sun Fanghua looked up at Lin Xiangmin, only to feel that this matter was completely unexpected.

Governor Lin, the hard-core strict party, has really turned against him?
Li Hongyun remained calm, and just sighed softly: "Southeast can't go on like this."

He didn't explain too much, because the more he explained, the easier it would be to reveal flaws.

It's better for Sun Fanghua to make up for this kind of thing by himself.

A dazed expression gradually appeared on Sun Fanghua's face.

In his opinion, Governor Lin's defection at this time is completely understandable.

On the one hand, the Yan Party is about to fall. The Emperor Yan Ge has ruled the government for so many years, and the emperor has long intended to remove him. However, Governor Lin is on the boat of the Yan Party. .

On the other hand, Governor Lin is doing it for the sake of the situation in the southeast, and hopes that this move can be exchanged for enough military resources.

Whether it is out of selfishness or publicity, once this confession is handed in, it means that Governor Lin has no way out and can only stand on Gu Qingzhang's side.

Thinking of this, Sun Fanghua bowed deeply: "The Lord Governor is loyal to the country, and I admire his humble position!

"Since this is the case, I will go and report this matter to Mr. Gu Ge, and I will never let my lord's painstaking efforts be in vain!"

Li Hongyun nodded slightly.

However, after Sun Fanghua left, Li Hongyun called his cronies and handed over another statement and memorial.

"Submit this confession to Your Majesty."


The fog is in the air.

When the white mist dissipated again, Li Hongyun found that he was no longer in the former governor's yamen, but came to the palace.

At this time, he was kneeling on the ground, and the emperor's voice came from above.

"I ask you, what is going on in the Dragon Boat Festival in May when the embankment burst and flooded, creating some fertile fields?

"Elder Gu Ge said that it was Elder Yan Ge who instructed him secretly, so what do you say?"

Li Hongyun couldn't help but feel happy.

finally come!

Being able to see the emperor means the choice made before, right.

At this time, his answer will directly determine the success or failure of so many preparations before.

Li Hongyun knelt on the ground, took a deep breath, and replied: "Your Majesty shoulders the responsibility of the country and the country, and governing a big country is like cooking a small fish, so you must not be arrogant!
"At this time, it is an eventful autumn, with frequent famines and natural disasters in various provinces and provinces, and the situation in the southeast is approaching a decisive battle. If a large prison is raised at this time, and there are many people involved, I am afraid that the world will be in chaos immediately!

"Elder Yan Ge has been in power for decades, Your Majesty should know him better than my ministers. I have received the kindness of Elder Yan Ge's knowledge and experience, and I cannot be ungrateful, but at the same time, I am Your Majesty's ministers and must be loyal to His Majesty.

"Your Majesty asked about the breach of the Dragon Boat Festival River embankment. I have already written it down in the memorandum. If Your Majesty does not believe me, I am willing to resign and go to prison to wait for His Majesty to deal with it. But I beg Your Majesty to choose an appropriate time to investigate this matter thoroughly!"

Li Hongyun knelt on the ground and waited for the emperor's reply after finishing his speech, which had been prepared in advance.

He has already done everything he can do, if he still fails... then he can only overthrow all the judgments he has made so far and start all over again.

Fortunately, after a long wait, Li Hongyun heard the emperor's voice softened a lot.

"You can say that, but it is enough to show that you are a loyal minister of the country. If this is the case, I will not ask you about the bursting of the embankment during the Dragon Boat Festival.

"I heard that the battle against the southeast bandits was very difficult, but it was quite fruitful. There is only one place left, Puning Port, which cannot be won, and the military supplies are running out, right?"

Li Hongyun hurriedly said: "The minister is not a talent for enforcing the frontier, but he is just trying to support him in the southeast, and he has failed His Majesty's high hopes."

The emperor paused, and then said: "Okay, I know your difficulties. Go back, the southeast cannot live without you for a day, Lin Xiangmin. As for the military funds you want, I will tell the cabinet and let them pay you no matter what. The general needs to be squeezed out."

Li Hongyun hurriedly kowtowed: "Thank you, Your Majesty, Long En!"


A white mist filled the air, and in the next second, Li Hongyun returned to the governor's office.

Did not return to the initial scene, which shows that Li Hongyun has achieved a staged success!

"It actually worked!

"It's exactly as I guessed!"

Li Hongyun couldn't help but be ecstatic, and his anxiety in front of the emperor was swept away.

Now he fully understands why the mission failed no matter whether he sent the prefect of Ning to the capital or handed over the real confession.

To put it bluntly, it is because of that reason: the strict party cannot fall now!
Because the emperor is not yet ready for this.

In the final analysis, Yan Maoqing was able to control the government for so many years because of the emperor's trust in him and his recognition of his ability to make money.

Maybe the emperor has already thought about changing people, but he is not ready yet.

If this matter is exposed at this time, then Gu Qingzhang will definitely take this opportunity to launch a fierce attack.Then, in the eyes of the emperor, Lin Xiangmin's move was a reckless, stupid and ungrateful move.

When the emperor was not ready to turn against Yan, the conflict intensified; he himself was promoted and appreciated by Yan Maoqing, but he turned against him and took refuge in Mr. Gu Ge.

Most importantly, this move will make the emperor feel that the struggle among the courtiers is completely out of his control!

Although it was a huge mistake for Yan Maoqing to destroy the embankment, in the final analysis he was still trying to find ways to earn money for the emperor. He couldn't say it clearly, but secretly, the emperor would think that Yan Maoqing was still loyal.

But what about Gu Qingzhang?The joint feudal officials launched a fierce attack on Yan Maoqing, which completely destroyed the original balance of the cabinet. This kind of power has already posed a threat to the emperor.

Therefore, the emperor could not easily let Gu Qingzhang fulfill his wish.

Offending Yan Maoqing and the emperor at the same time, Lin Xiangmin, the governor, naturally couldn't do it anymore.

However, if Lin Xiangmin does nothing, the conflict between Yan Maoqing and Gu Qingzhang is unlikely to intensify, and Gu Qingzhang does not launch an attack, then everything will be as usual, and Lin Xiangmin will not be able to get the chance to go to Beijing to face the saint.

Therefore, the last solution Li Hongyun thought of was to use Gu Qingzhang to stir up conflicts, and then on the surface it seemed to be on Yan Maoqing's side, but in fact he was on the emperor's side.

What he said did not directly identify Mr. Yan Ge as the mastermind of this incident, but in fact, it implied everything.

In this way, not only did the emperor and Yan Maoqing have a rift, but also established his own personality, left a good impression on the emperor, and won a chance to communicate with the emperor face to face.

Only in this way can the problem of military resources be solved smoothly!

Of course, having said that, although this approach is the best solution at present, it also planted a fatal disaster.

No wonder Chu Ge said that by doing this, Lin Xiangmin actually chose the most costly path.

(End of this chapter)

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