My players are all actors

Chapter 120 The Final Decision!

Chapter 120 The Final Decision!

"Master Governor, the secret letter of Elder Yan Ge."

Just when Li Hongyun was still considering the next countermeasures, the cronies handed over a letter with wax paint again.

Yan Maoqing's letter?
Li Hongyun couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

Because of his previous behavior, although he did not directly turn against him and stab Yan Maoqing with a knife, he prevented Ning Zhifu from destroying the embankment, allowing Yan Maoqing to annex the fields and collect the salt tax. After missing the Dragon Boat Festival, this matter will never be possible again. Reporting it as a natural disaster is tantamount to betrayal in half.

Although Lin Xiangmin, played by Li Hongyun, covered up Yan Maoqing in front of the emperor, but this kind of concealment is actually of little significance.

So what will Yan Maoqing's letter say at this time?

Is it Xingshi asking for guilt?Swear?Call him an ungrateful?

Or do you pretend that nothing happened, and even talk kindly, hoping to win over Lin Xiangmin, a centrist who seems to be swinging left and right?
According to the development of the plot, the emperor came forward, and the military supplies of the southeast bandits should be in place at this time.

At this juncture, Yan Maoqing's secret letter is definitely not a dispensable cutscene, but must be deeply involved with the subsequent game content.

After sending away his cronies, Li Hongyun calmed down a little and took off the wax on the letter.

However, what surprised him was that there were only two short sentences in the letter.

"Thieves, you must suppress them, and you must not suppress them all.

"The day when the thieves and bandits are destroyed, the time when disaster is imminent."

There was no chatting about friendship, no swearing, just two simple sentences with clear meanings.

In just two sentences, Li Hongyun saw the appearance of Yan Maoqing, a scheming, cold and ruthless politician.

Only talk about pros and cons, regardless of feelings.

And these two sentences, like a sharp needle, instantly broke Governor Lin's predicament at this time.

Li Hongyun's eyes widened slightly involuntarily: "This...

"It turns out that when Governor Lin really wanted to make a decision, it wasn't when he asked Ning Zhifu for two statements, but now??"

Although there were only two short sentences, it caused many waves in Li Hongyun's heart.

Many plots before and after are all strung together.

At this moment, the confidant reported again: "Master Governor, Mr. Xu is asking to see you."

Li Hongyun couldn't help being taken aback.

Mr. Xu?
Isn't that the staff member I played before?

It's just that I didn't expect that the identities were switched at this time, and I became Governor Lin, while the staff returned to the state of the aborigines in the game.

"Let him in."

Li Hongyun knew that according to the setting, this staff member was quick-witted and very smart, and he could be said to be the person Lin Xiangmin trusted the most.It is also a good choice to ask him to help analyze the situation at this time.

After a while, Mr. Xu came to the inner hall and sat down after seeing the ceremony.

"Master Governor, I heard that the new army trained by General Deng already has a good combat capability, and the new ordnance researched and developed has also prepared the entire army.

"It seems that the decisive battle with the bandits and the capture of Puning Port will be in the near future."

Li Hongyun nodded: "Exactly."

Mr. Xu paused for a while, and then said: "I don't know from the capital, but has there been any news?"

Li Hongyun was silent for a moment: "Mr. Yan Ge just sent a secret letter."

Mr. Xu's expression was not surprised, as if he had expected it a long time ago: "If it's not what I expected... Lord Governor, what is said in this secret letter is probably something like 'the bird is dead and the bow is hidden, the rabbit is dead and the dog is cooked' or something like that. .

"To be more precise, that is four words.

"Respect yourself!"

Li Hongyun sighed softly: "Exactly. I don't know what opinion Mr. Xu has?"

Mr. Xu said seriously: "Master Dutang, what Yan Ge said is true. Up to now, you actually have only one choice.

"If you can survive in the southeast, neither will the old Yan Ge; and on the other hand, only if the old Yan Ge can't fall, can you survive.

"And the crux of all this lies in the gangsters.

"If it's only about fame and fortune, then Lord Governor can naturally go forward with a clear conscience, but if... it's about wealth and life?"

Li Hongyun took a deep breath and fell silent.

As a player, as a player who knows the ending, of course he is very clear about the choice Lin Xiangmin made in the end, and he also knows that this choice is correct.

But at this time, when he really played Lin Xiangmin and put himself into this predicament, he found that this decision was so difficult.

Before, he took a risky move in order to break the predicament, find a breakthrough in the three-party wrestling court, and get the chance to enter Beijing to face the saint.

That is to prepare two confessions, and use one of them to deceive Sun Fanghua and Gu Qingzhang.

Gu Qingzhang thought that Lin Xiangmin would submit this confession that "the strict party ordered the destruction of dikes and flooded fields" to the emperor, so he thought that the time had come and launched a fierce attack on Yan Maoqing.

But unexpectedly, what Lin Xiangmin presented in the end was another confession!
Yan Dang let out a sigh of relief, the emperor was also very satisfied to see that the conflict did not intensify, but Gu Qingzhang must be very dissatisfied.

Because he is such a scheming person, he was tricked, and Lin Xiangmin's methods can be said to be very despicable.

In this way, Lin Xiangmin offended Mr. Gu Ge to death. There was a little possibility of cooperation at first, but now it is completely cut off.

At the same time, Lin Xiangmin ruined the good thing of the Yan Party by destroying embankments and flooding the fields, and has become a marginal figure who is always on guard against the Yan Party. Let alone what Yan Maoqing thinks, everyone in the Yan Party can't wait for it Put him to death.

As for the emperor...

Perhaps the emperor had some good feelings for Lin Xiangmin because of this, but the emperor never defended a courtier to death.Once the strict party is completely defeated, the top and bottom will be uprooted. It is impossible for the emperor to break the unspoken rules of political struggle for Lin Xiangmin and forcibly protect him.

After all, there are plenty of people available, and Lin Xiangmin is not irreplaceable.

The only thing is that they are gangsters.

If the thieves are still there, rashly replacing Lin Xiangmin may cause the overall situation of the southeast thieves to collapse, which the emperor especially does not want to see.

But once the thieves are completely wiped out, Lin Xiangmin, the governor, will be dispensable.

Therefore, both Yan Maoqing and Mr. Xu are keenly aware of the situation at this time: if the bandits are still there, the governor Lin Xiangmin will not move. will be uprooted;
If the thieves are gone, then Lin Xiangmin, the governor, will be dispensable. The emperor has long thought of replacing the strict party, so he can just lift Gu Qingzhang up.And once Gu Qingzhang becomes the chief assistant, he will inevitably liquidate the entire strict party, and Lin Xiangmin is of course not immune.

At that time, I am afraid that dismissal from office is already a luxury.

So in the end it still falls on the four words "raising the bandits for self-respect".

Yan Maoqing said that "the thieves must be suppressed, and they must not be completely suppressed", which means that Lin Xiangmin should continue to crusade against the thieves and behead them for victory. Neither can be substituted.

That's the only way to keep him safe.

On the surface, this is just an expedient measure, but in fact, procrastination is also a solution, because if you procrastinate, there may be a turning point, and if you don't procrastinate, you will be finished immediately.

It is not impossible to delay, even delay Gu Qingzhang to death, from a feudal official to a cabinet minister.

It's just the cost of paying the lives of countless people along the coast and countless money and food from the treasury.

The final choice was before Li Hongyun.

After a long silence, Li Hongyun said: "Mr. Xu.

"Scholars should look up to the sky, bow down to the ground, and do their hearts. For my own fame and fortune, I can't let the people in the southeast suffer from the separation of their wives and children, the destruction of their families and the death of their families.

"Whether later generations call me a corrupt official or a fool, it doesn't matter, I didn't care so much about my past and present.

"The glorious history will always give me a proper evaluation."

A look of regret appeared on Mr. Xu's face, but he didn't say anything more.

"Master Governor, please take care!"

After Mr. Xu finished speaking, he stood up and said goodbye.

Li Hongyun called his cronies again: "Order General Deng to march in immediately and capture Puning Port, so that all these bandits will never come back!"

 in the afternoon

(End of this chapter)

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