My players are all actors

Chapter 121 My lord, times have changed again!

Chapter 121 My lord, times have changed again!

The fog in his field of vision gradually dissipated, and Li Hongyun found himself back in the original scene.

But that didn't mean he had failed, quite the contrary, he knew he had made it to the next level.

Because in his field of vision, there appeared two lines of hints that he had never seen before.

[Unlocked special identity: Deng Yuanjing! 】

[Unlocked special identity: Wang Zongchang! 】

"Successfully activated the next stage?
"The identity of General Deng has been unlocked, and the identity of Wang Canjun has also been unlocked. These two should be important figures in the pawn line. It seems that after the military funds are in place, it is necessary to play them to finish.

"However... I feel that playing these two people will not necessarily reduce the difficulty of customs clearance.

"Let's try as a soldier first."

Although General Deng's identity has been activated, Li Hongyun doesn't think that playing General Deng will definitely reduce the difficulty.

The reason is simple, he may not be able to fight better than the original General Deng...

General Deng is an all-rounder. On the one hand, his individual combat effectiveness is very strong. Whether it is riding, spear or archery, it can be said to be at the top level of this era; on the other hand, his ability to lead troops and command It's also top notch.

And Li Hongyun... It can be said that both of these aspects are not good.

The only thing that can be said may be his archery skills under the blessing of luck, but it may not be better than General Deng who "three arrows determine the world".

That being the case, it would be better to let General Deng take command and act as an ordinary soldier to fight to maximize the overall combat power.

Moreover, choosing a special identity will consume identity points, and Li Hongyun's remaining identity points are running out, so he must be more cautious.

After choosing the identity of a soldier and the innate skill of throwing proficiency, Li Hongyun started the next stage of the trial again.



"Boom! Boom!"

The rumble of war drums sounded, and Li Hongyun found that he had returned to the battlefield of Puning Port again.

It's just that compared with before, Sheng Jun's weapons and equipment are completely new!
The old-fashioned weapons held by the soldiers, including waist knives, long guns, long tags, rattan tags, bows and arrows, etc., are generally similar to the previous ones, but it can be clearly seen that they have been updated, not only looking newer and stronger, but also in shape. Something has changed.

For example, the waist knife, although at first glance there is not much difference from before, but a careful observation reveals that the curvature of the blade is slightly different from before.

This should be a new waist knife improved by General Deng based on his experience in fighting the Yi knife.

The armor on these soldiers has also improved significantly compared to before. Not only have more protective parts, but they are all neatly dressed, and there is no longer any irregularity.

Not only that, but there are also many new weapons in the army.

For example, many soldiers were also equipped with javelins similar to those of Li Hongyun, wolf whisks made of moso bamboo, boring palladium similar to tridents or pitchforks, and so on.

Soldiers holding different weapons form an array. Although the weapons they hold look rather weird, their positions are clearly organized, with high fighting spirit and strict orders.

Standing in the formation of the new army, Li Hongyun could clearly feel the difference from before!

As the dungeon progressed, Sheng Jun's combat effectiveness was obviously constantly improving.

When I fought with General Deng in the first battle, I led all the soldiers from the guards. They were poorly trained and poorly equipped. They were veritable pig teammates and could not be counted on.

Three times as many as the enemy, but they were chased and fought by bandits. If General Deng hadn't turned the tide, the battle would probably have been defeated.

At the beginning of the siege of Puning Port, the combat power of the soldiers has been significantly improved, but it is still difficult to compete with these bandits in battle no matter in terms of fighting will or equipment.

But now, whether it is the will to fight, the level of training, the equipment or the number of people, the Sheng army has an overall advantage!

Even Li Hongyun felt that even if he paddled secretly, he should be able to win this battle.

At this moment, a soldier rushed to report: "Report! General Deng, a bandit army of more than [-] people has suddenly gone to Nanhe City!"

When the generals heard this, their expressions suddenly changed.

A general hurriedly said: "General Deng! There are only [-] old, weak and remnant soldiers in Nanhe City. Even if the people in the city are counted, they are far from the opponents of the bandits. Once Nanhe City falls, these bandits will probably take advantage of us to attack Puning Port. Attack from both sides!

"It's better for us to rush to help Nanhe City immediately, and we can make plans later on at Puning Port."

Another general shook his head: "Maybe this is the trick of the bandits to lure the enemy? At this time, the rescue is not only likely to be ambushed, but also the bandits in Puning Port can continuously obtain supplies from the sea.

"Once this opportunity is missed, if the bandits' support arrives, Puning Port will only become more difficult to capture!"

The previous general said: "But Nanhe City can't afford to lose, we can't take such a risk!"

General Deng Yuanjing did not make a decision at the first moment, but said after thinking for a while: "There is Wang Canjun in Nanhe City, so there should be no danger in a short time. This is the best chance for us to capture Puning Port , Once missed, I am afraid I don't know what year and month I will have to wait for next time.

"If this battle is successful, the bandits in the southeast will be completely suppressed!
"Lord Governor Hall has ordered that this battle must be completed in one battle!

Following General Deng's order, the Sheng army began to attack Puning Port again!
Li Hongyun was also in the army, advancing under the cover of the long players.

This scene is somewhat similar to the first attack on Bunning Port, but it is obvious that this attack is more organized and the soldiers have more information.


The javelin was dropped, and Li Hongyun had predicted its trajectory in advance.

Sure enough, the javelin accurately hit a bandit on the wall and nailed him to the wall!
Li Hongyun had experienced the siege of Puning Port many times before. After repeated simulations, he was very familiar with the place in front of Puning Port.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he even knows where there is a hole in the ground and where there is a rock.

The other soldiers were also under the cover of the long cards, and each used bows and arrows to fight back against the bandits on the tower.

The initial advance was smooth, but Li Hongyun did not dare to be careless at all, because he knew very well that there would be more difficult challenges soon.

Sure enough, when the Sheng army advanced near the gate of the village, the bandits who were suppressed by the arrows temporarily hid behind the bunker of the village building.

But then, they poked their heads out, still holding muskets in their hands!

The muzzle of the black hole pointed at the soldiers of the Sheng army below!

Li Hongyun hurriedly raised the rattan token in his hand to defend.

He had already suffered a lot from these thieves' muskets before, and died inexplicably several times, but now, after the equipment has been fully updated, the defense of these new rattan cards has been significantly improved, and they should also be good against musket bullets. defensive effect.

But soon, Li Hongyun realized that he was worrying too much.

Because at the same time as the bandits raised their muskets, several long-card soldiers in Sheng Jun's team lined up on both sides in an instant.

And in the vacated positions, there were several brand new cannons!

Tiger crouching cannon!
This kind of artillery is like a tiger squatting on the ground. There are several iron hoops on the barrel. This is a new type of artillery improved by General Deng from Baizi Lianzhu Cannon. It is lighter, easier to carry, and far more powerful than ordinary artillery. musket.


General Deng gave an order, and the black muzzle fired spherical shells, hitting the Zhailou!

There was a loud "bang", and sawdust flew!

The thieves just poked their heads out and wanted to raise their muskets to shoot, but they didn't expect that a few shells were like a dimensionality reduction blow, and they directly blasted the Zhailou to pieces.

Not only that, but many soldiers in the Sheng army also took out muskets and bird guns, and shot at the bandits on the top of the village.

Fire suppression, instant reversal!

"Kill the thief!"

Following General Deng's order, the Sheng army began to attack the gate of the village!

Li Hongyun, who was holding a rattan card in the army formation and preparing to defend, was stunned.

At this moment, he stood where he was, feeling a little stupid.

Is this the legendary fire suppression?

My lord, times have changed again!

Li Hongyun felt wronged and unfair when he was hit by the muskets of the thieves before.

But now, when the thief was beaten by Sheng Jun's tiger squatting cannon and couldn't find his way, his feeling was...

How cool!

Soon, the wooden gate of the village was breached by Sheng Jun, and Li Hongyun rushed in with General Deng!

 Continue to add more tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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