Chapter 122
The gate of the village was breached, and the Sheng army rushed in.

The thieves on the Zhailou are still resisting, but it doesn't matter, because Sheng Jun has also started to ascend the Zhailou!
Many soldiers held flying claws in their hands, and threw them up the walled tower to hook the wooden fence, and then climbed up along the rope.

The thieves on the Zhailou had already been beaten up by artillery and muskets, and even if they tried to stop them, it would be of no avail.

And the Sheng army that rushed into Puning Harbor quickly set up their positions to fight the final decisive battle with the bandits in the harbor!
"Kill the thief!"

When General Deng gave an order, all the soldiers rushed to be the first. They had waited too long to conquer Puning Port!

Li Hongyun was even more excited. He kept throwing the javelins in his hand, and soon many bandits fell down.

The Sheng army originally had an advantage in numbers, but now the bandits lost their geographical advantage and were blocked in Puning Port, and they were retreating steadily.

However, just when Li Hongyun was fighting vigorously, a sense of crisis suddenly came to his mind.

The cold light flashed by!

Li Hongyun has also suffered in this game for a long time, and he is very vigilant. Although he has not seen the attack clearly, he has subconsciously dodged it.

With a "swish", something scratched the armor on his chest, leaving a deep mark on it!

If he hides a little slower, maybe this knife will cause fatal wounds to him.

Li Hongyun distanced himself to take a closer look, and found that in front of him was an acquaintance who had dealt with him before.

The Vagabond!

This wanderer is wearing a barbarian's armor, and the barbarian knife in his hand is much longer than an ordinary barbarian knife, and his sword skills are superb and his combat power is extremely strong!
At the beginning of this dungeon, Li Hongyun met him before, and was beaten so hard that he couldn't find his way.

Fortunately, General Deng was strong enough to kill him with one arrow.

If General Deng hadn't made the move, Li Hongyun would have been overtaken by him sooner or later.Once you enter the stage of hand-to-hand combat, there is no chance of winning.

But now, more Vagabonds appear!

The thieves entrenched in Puning Port were indeed the elite of the Dongyi thieves, and there were even a large number of regular troops, all of whom looked vicious and powerful in combat.

It stands to reason that the Yi knife is not suitable for directly chopping armor, not to mention that Li Hongyun is now a lieutenant general, and the armor he wears is better than the cloth face armor and cotton armor of ordinary soldiers.

But at this time the thieves have entered a state of desperate fight, who cares whether the Yi knife will be damaged?
Li Hongyun couldn't help but look solemn.

Hard to do!
Sure enough, this battle will not end so easily.

In many previous battles, although the thieves had a strong will to fight, after all, they mainly harassed and harassed them. Once they found that they couldn't fight, they might run away.

But now, they are all unable to retreat in Puning Port, and in the state of the battle of trapped beasts, the veterans among these bandits will explode with terrifying fighting power.

Li Hongyun had no confidence at all in a one-on-one duel that he could beat this vagabond.

At this moment, someone shouted from behind: "My lord, get into the battle!"

Li Hongyun was stunned for a moment, and then found that several soldiers had quickly stepped forward, gathered into a group, and surrounded him in the center.

Then, the pawns formed an array to attack the bandits!

There was a look of disdain on the face of the Hundred Wars Rogue.

Although General Deng's successive victories made many thieves frightened, but in terms of individual combat power, these thieves have always regarded themselves very highly.

Take this Baizhan Ranger as an example, his sword is very long, and his sword skills are excellent, if he encounters the original soldiers of the Sheng army, it should be no problem to fight more than a dozen in a row.

This gave him a strong sense of self-confidence.

Although the soldiers of the Sheng army formed a strange array and held strange weapons in their hands, it didn't matter to him.

Anyway, the knife is sharp, just cut off everything that can be cut!


Seeing Baizhan Rogue slashing towards him with a barbarian knife in both hands, Li Hongyun hurriedly reminded him.

With a muffled sound of "dong", the barbarian knife slashed on the rattan badge of the leading soldier.

The Hundred Wars Rogue thought that this knife could cut the rattan plate in half like before, but he miscalculated.

The new rattan badge not only has a certain degree of flexibility and can block musket bullets to a certain extent, but is also so hard that it cannot be broken by a barbarian knife!
Of course, Rogue also wanted to find an angle to avoid the rattan token, but the pawn holding the rattan shield was obviously familiar with Yi Dao's attack method, and successfully blocked it several times.

The Rogue was obviously a little annoyed, but just as he was about to attack again, he saw a strange-shaped weapon pierced in front of him.

Wolf Whisk!

This kind of weapon is made of moso bamboo, which is much longer than a long spear. Small iron spear points are tied to the branches of moso bamboo. These small spear points are pointed at the bandits like a spear Hedgehogs have nowhere to mouth.

And at the front end of the wolf's shaft, there is also a huge spear point like a spear, which poses a huge threat to the bandits.

The Rogue dismissed it, in his opinion, no matter how gaudy a weapon is, it is nothing more than made of bamboo and wood, with a sharp knife that can be easily cut off.

Li Hongyun couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

Although he has seen records about this weapon in history books and knows that it is a sharp weapon to restrain bandits, he has never seen actual combat with his own eyes after all.

And he had seen the sharpness of Yi Dao before.

In the first battle before, he held a long spear to confront the wanderer, and stabbed with a single shot full of confidence.However, the Rogue just held the extended version of the knife in both hands with a calm demeanor, and cut into the side of the spear vertically, and then slashed and cut off the barrel of the spear with one knife.

Obviously, these thieves have a lot of experience in dealing with spears.

Li Hongyun had also seen some records in General Deng's memory fragments before, such as:

The thieves danced with barbarian knives and flashed forward, and our soldiers had already seized the breath... The victim was cut off in two, and the weapon was sharp and his hands were used, so it was heavy... The thieves went out of the sentry booth, and our soldiers stabbed them with spears , the thief slashed with a knife, dozens of spears were snapped off, and the soldiers all ran with bare hands...

That is to say, the reason why these thieves are difficult to deal with is because they hold knives in both hands, attack fast and powerful, and they are good at jumping, so they can quickly close the distance.

When the soldiers of the Dasheng Dynasty stabbed them with spears, these thieves could easily cut off their spears, so that the idea of ​​long weapons restraining short weapons could not be realized at all.

Although the Wolf Whip is made of moso bamboo and looks much longer than a long spear, it is still made of bamboo and wood after all, so it may not be able to block the knife as smoothly as iron.

Apparently the Drifter thought so too.

He still cut into the side of the wolf's whisk vertically with the barbarian knife as he did with the long spear before, and then he slashed at the same time, trying to cut off the long pole of the wolf's whisk.

However, what happened next was completely beyond his expectations.

This knife can't be cut at all!
Because there are all kinds of forked bamboo branches on the wolf's whisk. Although these bamboo branches are not thick, there are a lot of them.

Long spears don't have these branches, so after the Yi knife cuts vertically to one side, it can chop on the barrel of the gun without hindrance.

But these branches of the Wolf Whip hindered Yi Dao from the very beginning. Before the bandits had time to exert their strength, Yi Dao was already entangled.

He wanted to use his strength, but under the entanglement of many branches, only a small part of the blade's strength could be transmitted to the long pole. In addition, this old moso bamboo was very tough, so in the end he only cut off two or three twigs. A not deep and not shallow mark was left on the long pole, and the damage to this weapon was almost negligible!
Instead, it was the spear point of the Wolf Whip that stabbed at the Ranger!

The spear point of the Wolf Whip was bigger than the long spear. If the stab was real, the huge wound would be enough to make the bandits lose their fighting power in an instant.

After all, this is a vagabond in all battles, he hastily turned sideways to dodge the tip of the Wolf Whip's spear.

However, there are also tiny spear points on the densely packed twigs on the wolf's whisk, which are densely pierced on the thieves!
Not fatal, but very annoying!
In a rage, the vagabond wanted to take back the knife, but he failed very quickly because the twigs on the wolf's whisk entangled the blade again.

Originally, this extended version of Yi Dao was the invincible weapon of this wanderer, relying on its length advantage to be invincible, but now, this length has become a burden instead.

In front of the Wolf Whip, no matter how exquisite the sword technique is, it can't be displayed at all.

Just when the two sides were at a stalemate, two long spears stabbed from the side!
The Wolf Whip can easily cover the chopping knives, but the spear can be completely unhindered.

If it was an ordinary bandit, he would have been stabbed to death on the spot, but this vagabond was so brave that he forcibly turned around to avoid the stabbing of the two long spears.

Not only that, he slashed violently with the barbarian knife, trying to cut a bloody path!
But at this moment, there was a loud "bang" in his ear.

Then, the chest was gradually stained red with blood.

The wanderer looked up in disbelief, and found that the black muzzle of the gun was pointing at him in Li Hongyun's hand, with white smoke still emitting from it.

"I heard that your knife is fast?

"Sorry, my musket is faster!"

(End of this chapter)

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